Categories: Sherdil Shergill

Sherdil Shergill 9th November 2022 Written Episode Update: Manmeet refuses the proposal of Rajkumar

Sherdil Shergill 9th November 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

In the morning Manmeet opens the curtains, Raj getting irritated thinks he is in his own room so he instructs Bijesh to let him sleep, Manmeet explains it is her boss, he is stunned so asks if she brought him here and where are her clothes, Manmeet assures she did not take advantage of him during his sleep when he questions why did she bring him here, she replies had she not brought him then he would have been on the stage at Kuku’s club. Rajkumar questions what is going on in her mind since she first slapped him and then herself came to the club.

Puneet is preparing breakfast, she takes it to the room when she hears Manmeet explaining she was feeling bad for what happened so she came to apologize to him, Rajkumar asks what is the real reason questioning if she just came to apologize

as she could have said it on a call, Manmeet asks him to have the breakfast and go back to his house, she turns to leave when he replies he still remembers everything he said, she is tensed when Rajkumar stands up asking why is she not saying anything, he exclaims she thinks he was under the influence but he holding her hand exclaims he is mad after her and is in love with her, Puneet is excited after hearing Rajkumar propose so rushes to wake Ajeet who is sleeping on the couch, he asks why would Raj propose to her when Puneet replies he is proposing to Manmeet, Ajeet gets worried thinking how did he come here so early.

Rajkumar asks why is she quiet because he just said I LOVE YOU, Manmeet replies she asked him to go back home but Rajkumar insists on knowing her answer, she questions what about his engagement with Anisha, Rajkumar replies she was his biggest mistake since he thought Manmeet would accept his decision and not let him get married but she did not do anything of the sort, Manmeet mentions all this is a little to much for her, Rajkumar making her sit down explains the last three months were the most beautiful in his life and he requests her to just say yes assuring that he would make sure she lives happily with him, he wants to spend the entire day with her in the house and even the office. He in excitement explains his father has even thought about the names of their children. Rajkumar exclaims they should do it in Shahrukh Khan style, he is kneeling on his knees proposes to Manmeet.

Manmeet helps him stand explaining she needs some time to think about it, Rajkumar replies she can have four hours but needs to tell him till the evening as he will not leave her until she doesnot give him answer. Raj comes back to hug Manmeet, she also doesnot push him away but he once again returns which causes her to be tensed however, he informs he forgot his mobile and shoes.

Rajkumar opens the door to see Ajeet and Puneet standing on the door, he takes the blessing of Ajeet but hugs Puneet before leaving.

Puneet walks straight into the room questioning Manmeet why she not said yes, she sits down in front of her however Manmeet refuses asking her to sit beside her, Manmeet explains she need some time so Ajeet asks her to come outside.

Nirali questions Murari why he not told her why they call Mr Yadav to the police station, Murari replies ever since the situation with Madam Shergill he doesnot take him anywhere, Murari points to Mr Yadav walking, Choti rushes to hug him informing how she was really tensed, Mr Yadav replies that he went to drink tea but got a brilliant idea, he explains they just need the pamper of the child for DNA.

Manmeet is thinking about Rajkumar in her office so after a while she calls Rajkumar explaining he wanted to know her answer so she wants to meet him in the Kuku club tonight.

Rajkumar gets ready and walks out of the room in excitement, he comes back to dance with his mother who is stunned thinking what has gotten into him.

Rajkumar while driving is thinking about the night when Manmeet asked him if he loves her however, he did not say anything to her.

Rajkumar greets everyone when he explains they all would be thinking why they are in the darkness because he just wants to show them the person whom he loves, he explains Manmeet Shergill won his heart so he calls her on stage. Rajkumar is left perplexed not being able to move, Manmeet standing in front of him explains even she has gotten mad for him, she replies I LOVE YOU Rajkumar asking if this is what he wanted to hear, they both are smiling while Rajkumar rejoices.

Rajkumar however turns and is shocked to see Mr Yadav standing in front of him along with his entire family while Manmeet is serious, she lifts her hand apologizing for everything. She replies she just wanted to know if he desired this answer because this is not it, she replies she ,”I donot love you” and neither, “do I want to marry you”. Manmeet turns to Mr Yadav explaining she had to say it here since he knows how she had hidden everything from them which caused a lot of problem, she therefor thought she would it all right in front of them.

Manmeet turns to Rajkumar explaining his son has lost his mind, Choti warns her to watch how she is talking about her brother, Manmeet replies she is saying it for the betterment of Rajkumar because he is a compulsive liar and he comes here twice a week to perform stand up comedy. Mr Yadav is furious at Rajkumar while he is really shocked.

Precap: Raj shatters everything in his room because of Manmeet. Manmeet tells her mother that she is in love with Rajkumar. She asks why did she reveal the truth. Manmeet says I have really big reason to say him no.

Update Credit to: Sona

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