Fan Fiction

My Secret Lover (Swasan SS) Chapter 7 [REWRITTEN]

A/N- My Secret Lover consists of three phases, first phase is completed and now we’re going to enter the second one, thank you for reading and please let me know your views through comments and votes.

My Secret Lover

Chapter 7

Swara was sitting in her room alone, after Akshat went she could only wonder if she didn’t go that stupid party yesterday everything would have been alright but she did ho there yesterday and now her little world consisting of her dear love is falling apart or maybe it already did. Who knows what Sanskar would be thinking, what’s his take on yesterday’s not-so-pleasant drama
She didn’t know what she should do now, only one thought was running in her mind that what would Sanskar be feeling right now. Is he hating her? Ofcourse hate is a strong word to predict his emotions though she believes it would be no better than this.
According to her she lost him and his friendship forever. Most importantly his trust!

After sometime, she tried calling Sanskar but to her dismay his phone was switched off.This increased her worry and tears made their way down her cheeks.

She wanted to message him at least but her hands betrayed her this time.What on earth would she write to him? A sorry? An apology? But for what would she apologize?


Sanskar was sitting in his room, he was writing all the happenings in his diary


I tried to sleep the whole night but I was not able to do anything other than tossing from one side to another, My brain stopped working after Swara’s confession. I never thought of her in that way.I believed that she is just my friend, I trusted her a lot but…
She maybe lied to me if I believe what she said yesterday, she has hidden a very big thing from me till date

How could she possibly do this?
She said she loves me? I didn’t know her earlier then how could she love me, I don’t remember if I ever met her before that library meeting we had.
Would this be considered a sort of betrayal?
No Sanskar.She didn’t betray you, what’s her fault in all this, just that she loved you, or that she wanted to keep it a secret…Or…

Sanskar’s thoughts were disturbed when his mother called him, he closed the pen and went exhaling a deep breath

Sanskar: Yes mom coming


Sanskar’s mom: Beta it’s really necessary for you to go, you know I won’t ever ask you to go if I was well but my back pain again arose, and I can’t travel (interrupted by Sanskar)

Sanskar: Mom you never tell me about your health, don’t worry I’ll attend the function but you have to promise me that you would not stress yourself and you will take care of yourself.

Mom:(patted his cheeks) Yes my bachcha don’t worry. Now go otherwise there your father would be worrying for us

Sanskar: When is the flight mom?

Mom: After 2 and half hours but you have to report at airport within next one hour

Sanskar: What? Mom(glares her)

She gave him a sheepish smile

“Sorry Sanskar I didn’t want to bother you earlier I thought somehow I’d go”she said

Sanskar: It’s okay Mom, please don’t say sorry. I’ll pack my bag

Here Sanskar’s phone was on flight mode while Swara was continuously calling him.


After three days

Swara was standing in the parking lot waiting for Akshat to come

She was lost somewhere while
Akshat came and kept his hand on her shoulder
Akshat: Swara, thinking about him?

Swara nodded in a no and gave him a smile snatching the keys from his hand

Swara(pretended to be okay):Heyyy you will not drive my car. I will drive…now come and sit fast I’m getting late.

(Saying so she sat in the car)
(Akshat also came and sat in )
Akshat:Now you will hide everything from me Swara (asked in wet tone)

Swara:Akii, pls don’t talk about that, I’m fine don’t worry. Just waiting to talk to him once

Akii:Swara don’t worry everything will be fine.Please don’t fake smiles and now give me your genuine smile I am missing it so much. Your love for Sanskar is true and he will also understand it soon.

Now Akshat knew everything about Swara’s love for sanskar
Akshat being Akshat easily found something wrong with Swara when she became this gloomy. He didn’t know exactly should he confront her but once he did she poured her heart out infront of him. Crying in front of him relieved her and her best friend succeeded in comforting her to a great extent.
He wanted to sort everything between Swasan but Swara took a promise from him that he would not do anything


Swara was entering the college gate with Akshat when she saw Sanskar moving towards his class

Her lost smile came back to her lips..She was seeing him after long four days, she was about to go and talk to him but she realized she’s already running late for the first lecture


Swara was moving here and there in whole college to find Sanskar, she had decided to tell him something in these days. She desperately wanted to tell him what she had stored in her heart from two years .

At last she thought to check the corridor near library

She saw Sanskar passing through that corridor,walking towards him she took his name from, her throat almost dried when time came to talk to him.

Swara: San…Sans-kar

Sanskar stopped and turned recognizing the voice and there she was standing.She looked so gloomy now, the face that once was so charming now looked so dull.

He took few steps towards her. He didn’t know what to say! Once they could talk so much but now the situation was so awkward between them

Sanskar wanted to say something but couldn’t

Swara: Sanskar I need to say something

Sanskar looked at her, his eyes wanted answer of several questions that were haunting him

anskar simply nodded his head
Swara stood quiet for a couple of seconds then taking a deep breath she started

Swara: I know I had hurt you a lot but I never had any such intention,
I admit I have hidden a very big fact from you but if I would have told you Sanskar, that I love you from last two years, you would’ve broken are friendship too. I never became your friend because of this Sanskar, never…(paused) I tried my best to maintain some distance from you,
And see I myself spoiled everything, I know after this revelation you aren’t going to trust me ever, and I’m not worth of it as well. I know now we can never be friends like before, please don’t think I’m going to force you to accept my love,how can I? (wiping her tears) Nor I’m going to become a female devdas (tries to laugh)
My happiness lies in your happiness Sanskar and I know you have goal priorities.I’m always there for you if you ever need me, my best wishes are always with you, may you achieve all your dreams and always be happy Sanskar, don’t become a bookworm (tries her level best to give a wide smile).

Turns to leave but again stops and says “Take care Sanskar” and she almost ran from there, ofcourse it became hard for her to prevent the tears she was holding back from flowing.

Swara ran from there and bumped into someone
She raised her head to look towards the person and realizing who it is
She immediately hugged him

He wrapped his arms around her,his lips turned in a thin line as if he was debating with himself on what to say
He felt his shirt getting wet

Person: Swara please don’t cry everything will be fine soon.

Swara: Nothing would ever be fine again Akii. Nothing.

She continued crying silently, she felt as if she separated her most precious belonging from herself.

Akshat gently took her to the exit and they both left for home

To be continued….


P.S- So sorry for the delay in updating this story, I won’t give any excuses because they’re always the same when it comes to me-STUDIES.


Don't waste ur lyf trying to impress others ... Do wat uh love nd love wat uh do ....??? My wattpad ID- Shreeya_MM

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