
Save Swaabhimaan or bring Swaabhimaan Season 2

Swaabhimaan is an entirely different concept from start with the couples striking a cord with the audience over the few episodes . It is a unique show which brings concept of skin disease and how people are treated based on their nature . It portrayed the tale of two sister who love each other meghna and naina and how to fight to keep their swaabhimaan meaning pride

The leading heroes karan and kunal samridh and Sahil were liked and their chemistry was enjoyed and loved by all

The show has much higher trps than any other colours show show such as simar which got a 6 month extension

Then why the sudden reason for closure. The show is ending on an abrupt note with missing so many interesting revelations. I urge the loyal fans of the show to fight for its saving or for another season of this amazing show so sign this petition and let’s try to win this fight


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