Sargam Ke Sade Sati’s lead Kunal Saluja Back to the show after Quitting

Tv shows are going through very turbulent times. Many actors are testing COVID positive and there are shoots which are being put on hold. But with actor Kunal Saluja the case was different. It was quite a shock but one that was fair when Sargam Ke Sade Sati’s lead Kunal Saluja quit the show.

Owing to him getting married in April and the prior commitment of it, Saluja parted ways with the show. But now he is back.  The actor has managed to work his dates with the production house and has been brought back on the show. Saluja said, “Fortunately, we could work things out. I have reduced my leave days and the makers have agreed to accommodate my absence from the shoot during my wedding.”

He added, “I learnt that they were looking for a replacement, but then they contacted me to work around my dates. I am glad that everything has fallen into place. It’s my first show as the male lead and I wouldn’t have ideally wanted to quit it midway. I have resumed the shoot from today.”

Are you happy that he is now back in the show?

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