Categories: Humour

~Sarcasm Antics~

Just Some of my fav Funny, sarcastic Jokes/ Conversations /memes or whatever you wanna call them.☺
Note: The post is ony for Sarcasm lovers?
ME DURING THE DAY: OMG ! I’m so tired…I can’t wait to go home and sleep. Am gonna sleep for 100 hours.

ME DURING THE NIGHT: Let’s download some 100 songs and listen to all of them while reading a novel and maybe watch an entire season of F.R.I.E.N.D.S and eat lotta food.
If you are cooler than me, would that make me hotter than you?
My heart and my brain are at war.
Who should I listen to?
Screw them!
I’m just gonna listen to my stomach and go get some food.
“Would you like a table?”
“No. Not at all. I came to the restaurant to eat on the ground. Table for 5 please.”
I’ve been single for a while and I’ve to say…
It’s going very well.
Like… it’s working out.
I think I’m the one.
“Did you draw that?”
They ask while am continuing the same piece of artwork I’d been doing.
My eyes immediately widen with horror as I throw the sketchbook to the ground and scream “NO I DIDNT! WHERE THE HELL DID THAT COME FROM??”
Whatever you do, give it your 100%
….unless you’re donating blood.
That’s it for now.
I’ll post more if you all like this. 🙂
Thank you for reading.


| 18 | Indian | Artist | Writer | Poet | Cinephile | Bibliophile | Art Enthusiast | Carpe Diem | #Wattpad : @Clara17998

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