Categories: Sapno Ki Chhalaang

Sapno Ki Chhalaang 28th June 2023 Written Episode Update: Suman threatens Radhika

Sapno Ki Chhalaang 28th June 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Radhika hearing Vaishali and Sree complaining about her family. Radhika says sorry Sree, you have to adjust in your house because of them, Vaishali is also right, give me some time, I will think of something. She goes. Sree and Preeti come home. Suman and Gomti look on. Gomti comments on Sree’s short clothes. Sree asks her to chill. Preeti asks shall I make tea or lemon water for you. Suman says no, congrats for the new job. Preeti asks shall I sit with you for some time. Suman says yes. Preeti says I know you are worried about the police station incident, it was my mistake, I know you are worried for Radhika. Suman says Radhika doesn’t understand this, I want her to stay safe, anything wrong could have happened that day, she thinks she is brave, but its not such, her

dad and everyone took care of her. Preeti says we can’t stop the right by fear of wrong, I got free of Baldev’s fear, because they all gave me courage. Suman says I m happy for you, its not wrong if I worry for her, I m her mum, I need to take the right decision for her. Radhika comes home. She meets Suman. Suman argues with her. She says if you have decided to not marry, then this is my decision to not accept your money and you. Radhika says you are saying this to scare me, you can’t break relations with me. Suman says Radhe acts strong, he cries when you cry, he melts, I will also cry a lot, but I won’t melt, do what you want, but we won’t keep terms with you. Radhika cries. Suman goes.

Its morning, Abhishek sees Radhika crying. He asks all okay, what happened. Radhika says I was missing my mummy, she has come after a long time, all okay. He asks her to share the matter and cry if she wants. She cries. Radhe says Radhika would be shattered. Suman says yes, she was on the terrace all night, what will we do if she asks us to break relations. Sree comes and greets Suman. Suman goes. Radhika says I had seen a house in my dream, I came here to make my dream house, when I was young, relatives used to come on festivals and give me shagun, I used to get less shagun than my brothers, because I m a girl, mummy didn’t tell me ever, then I thought I will work hard and make everything, Suman will get proud of me, she isn’t letting me achieve my dreams, if the family wants the end ties with me, what will I do. Abhishek says its your dreams, don’t give up. She says I heard that one has to pay a price for dreams, I never believed it, because dreams are good. He says right, pay the price if needed, because dreams are more valuable than that price. Vaishali says milk got over, did you use it. Sree signs her. Gomti says I used it to make kheer for Radhika. Sree says we will go to café and have breakfast, its too crowded here. Radhika comes. Preeti asks are you fine. Radhika nods. Gomti says I made kheer for Radhika, the girls are murmuring like I have stolen the milk, she is affected by these girls. Radhika asks what type of girls, its their house, this is Sree’s room, she couldn’t make her breakfast, they are adjusting for my sake. Suman and Radhika argue. Radhika says you said you will break relations with me if I don’t listen to you, right. Suman says yes. Radhika says fine, you won, I lost.

Priyal talks to the trainees. She says just two trainees’ job will get confirmed. Radhika comes home. Manisha looks on.

Update Credit to: Amena


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