Categories: Sadda Haq

Sadda Haq 5th August 2015 Written Episode Update

Sadda Haq 5th August 2015 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Randhir comes out and says to sanyu you here? she says i have to go home my cousin is here. He says yeah go. She says i wont be able to meet you till tomorrow. He says you should spend time with your family. Sanyu says okay and i don’t want your phone unreachable.
Agarwal says our company is losing value in market. When the daughter can’t support her dad. We have to transfer our shares to akash so he can take over the situation. Ankit says i can handle too. Agarwal says no you are immature and I don’t expect anythin from my daughter.

Sanyu opens the door and hugs akash. He says you have gotten to slim. sanyu says like you ever called me. He says you know what it takes to settle abroad. Sanyu says but you are still desi. Lets go i made your favorite food.

table, akash says eat more sanyu. Agarwal says he has eaten company’s name already. The youngest member of the board shall transfer shares to your name or the company will be ruined. He stands and goes in his room.

Randhir says to parth my eyes are irritated. Parth checks and says there is nothing. Oh yes you are missing sanyu. Your eyes are looking for her. Randhir says what the hell are you saying. Parth says well you can call your gf, its allowed. Parth shoves randhir out of room and says call her. Randhir looks at his picture with sanyu. he says why you left me alone, i miss you. Don’t you miss me?
Sanyu is in her room, she recalls what agarwal said. Randhir calls her. he says are you crying? Did ankit say something? sanyu says i am fine. He says why are you crying? I wont let you go there again. Sanyu says at least he lets me enter the house. Sometimes i feel like i have no family. Randhir says you have me, i wont let you feel alone. Tell me exactly what happened. I am coming there. sanyyu says please don’t come, just keep talking to me. They talk all night, sanyu kisses him on phone and sleeps.

Agarwal is coughing, sanyu gives him water. He says i dont want it. sanyu says whyy? he says because of you anju lost her life. you have never been a good daughter just gave me disrespect. i lost my daughter the day you joined FITE. You have ruined my life, always gave me tension. I don’t even wanna see your face when I am dying if you wanna do something do what i asked you. You only love and think about yourslef sanyu says you know how much i love you. Who else do i have? Agarwal leaves. Sanyu stps him and says how can you say this, you know i love you. And you know that. He leaves.

Ranawat says to sanyu don’t miss classes due to personal reasons, sanyu says i know sir but nothing is more important. Ranawat says what happened? sanyu says that.. he says if its difficult to tell then its okay, take your time. sanyu says i am naming my shares to papa, and it wont effect team sponsorship. Ranwat says do you think i care about sponsorship? I don’t care. Sit here. He says i just want you to reevaluate your decision, i don’t want you to regret your emotional decision. sanyu says if this proves him that i love him then its okay. Ranawat says no one can keep everyone happy, its not possible. sanu says i know but i already lost my mom. Sanyu sas these shares mean nothing in front of me. At least he will drink water from my hands, he thinks i don’t love him. Ranawat says you can’t control his thinking . sanyu says i can do this for him, i will leave the comapny. Ranwat says it was your dream. Sanyu says but i can’t chase my dreams by hurting him. Engineering did hurt him already, i want his love only. I think its a good deal. Ranwat says if you think it is, then it is. sanyu says thank you sir.

parth teases Randir, Randhir says stop it you. parth sees tattoo on randhir’s arm he says what is this? randhir says its personal don’t tell anyone. Parth says but what is it? randhir leaves. Sanyu is looking for him. he surprises her. He says look at your depressed her face. sanyu hugs him.
Randhir says sometimes i think i can’t keep you happy. sanyu says don’t say that. He says i can’t see you like that. sanyu says you are all i have. Papa is so rude with me. randhir says don’t go home, he is always mad at you.Sanyu says i will give my shares back to him. randhir says what? She says i am tired i can’t take this anymore. If this can get me his love i am ready for it. He says think about it twice. Are you sure? She says yes. randhir says few people are this selfless. I am proud of you. sanyu says will he love me after that? he says just do it. I think you are right.

Precap-sanyu says you always supported me in my decisions maa. this is the biggest decision of my life.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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