Categories: Saavi Ki Savaari

Saavi Ki Savaari 17th July 2023 Written Episode Update: Saavi refuses to contest for auto union election

Saavi Ki Savaari 17th July 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Saavi thinking about Nityam’s words. The auto driver tells Kalpesh that Saavi and Razzak were arguing on the order. Kalpesh laughs and tells that he will teach a lesson to Razzak. Raksham asks Vedika whose call it was. Vedika says it was wrong number, and says sometimes I get worried. Raksham says he wants something and asks her not to worry. He says he wants birth certificate to make his passport. Vedika says I will ask Bittu to make your passport. She says you are my son and that’s enough. She shouts Kiran asking him to get the car out. Raksham thinks what could be the matter, why Maa is shocked. Kalpesh and his goons come to Razzak’s locality and beats up Razzak and others, while his wife cry. Saavi comes there and helps the injured people. She meets Razzak and his

family. Razzak asks did you see this sight and says Kalpesh has done this, as you are the nominee to fight against him. He says they have burnt our autos, but couldn’t break our strength and courage, as you are with us. He says if you are with us, then we will have a new way. He says just like Jhansi ki rani, you will fight for us, and will get justice for us. Saavi says whatever you need, I will arrange. She says I will help you in every possible way. Razzak’s daughter says she is hungry. Saavi gives her banana. Razzak asks her to say that she can fight for this election, as they can sleep well. Saavi thinks of Nityam and tells that she can’t stand in the election, she won’t be able to stand. The auto drivers cry and ask her to support them. Saavi apologizes. Razzak asks if this is your last decision. Saavi says yes. Kalpesh comes there and tells Saavi that Razzak and others don’t understand that she is not of their standard. He beats Razzak and snatches banana from his daughter’s hand and eats. He signs Saavi to leave. Saavi leaves.

Nityam waits for Saavi. Raksham asks him not to take tension. Nityam says if Saavi agrees to contest for election. Raksham asks him to support her. Nityam says no. Raksham says like you have right to take your decisions, even she has right to take her life’s decisions. Nityam says this is not possible. Raksham goes. Saavi comes there. Nityam calls Giridhar. Giridhar brings water for Saavi. Saavi signs she don’t want. Nityam asks Saavi if she talked to the auto drivers. Saavi says she has refused. Nityam gets happy and hugs her. He says you are good wife and I am good husband. Sonam thinks to talk to Razzak. Nityam tells Saavi that he will ask Kiran to remove all the posters from the city. He says I came early so that I can spend time with you and asks if she wants to spend time with her husband. Saavi nods yes. Sonam thinks she is pushing Saavi in auto world, but Nityam is bringing her back and thinks to make Nityam understand that she won’t be able to fit in home or office.

Saavi thinks of the auto drivers. Nityam makes food for Saavi, and makes her sit. He tells her that he has made so many dishes for her. Saavi says she asked did you make it? Nityam says I asked Maa and Mama and supervised everyone to make it. He asks if this is enough. Saavi says it is too much. Nityam says Saavi, shall we start. Saavi is about to eat the food. Nityam asks if it is not good. Saavi says it is really good. He makes her have it and asks how is the tinde? Saavi says it is good. Nityam says you have a good talent, it doesn’t have tinde. Saavi says she is not hungry. Nityam says we will have it later when we are hungry. He tells Saavi that they shall go on a long drive. They are in the car. Nityam looks at Saavi, still sad. He calls her name and asks her to say which song to play. He says we will hear your favorite song. Saavi says your choice is good, play any song. She sees Razzak, his wife and daughter are begging to have food. She gets shocked.

Precap: Sonam convinces Nityam to let Saavi fight the election as they will benefit in e rickshaw project. Nityam tells Saavi that if she wants to fight in election then she can. He asks her to fill the election form.

Update Credit to: H Hasan

H Hasan

I started writing as a hobby. It turned into a fledged out career fortunately. I love reading novels and creative arts. I'm very committed and give my best to my work.

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