Saath Nibhana Saathiya 5th February 2014 Written Episode Update

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 5th February 2014 Written Episode, Saath Nibhana Saathiya 5th February 2014 Written Update



Rashi ask Meethi Packed Tolu Molu tiffin for shool.. Meethi told her that past 3-4 days they not eating their tuffin they bring it as is its at home.. Rashi gets angry and ask Meethi packed tuffin Rashi will sees them.. Hetal come in Kitchen and said to Rashi why always yelling and scolding them they are even 9years old yet.. Rashi leaves making annoyed faced.

Later Rashi serving breakfast along Meethi individually.. she saying Meethi give bearkfast to everyone in their room.. here Baa comes in Kitchen Rashi says why she came in kitchen she went her breakfast their in her by Meethi… Baa quitely moving her hand forward Meethi give her plate or she seated on dinning table alone.. Baa start crying remembering

all thoes happy days whom Modi’s spending together in past.. She remembering Gopi after leaving her Modi house bceome hell.


Both sitted in deep thinking that how they gonna show their reportcard to Jigar or if Rashi let know they failed again so she must bashing them forsure.. maintime Radha enter in room who also staying with them in same room. she drop some files on floor Tolu seeing paper signed by Jigar he told Mulo.. than Molu says to Radha clean their room first she sharing their room and top she messing their too. Radha placing files on bed and start cleaning room. Tolu runs and quitely grab papers and hides.. after Radha leaves both copying Jigar signature in theit repotrcards. Radha watching them frm outside.


Kinjal calling Pappu for dirnking milk. but hides frm her coz he wont go to school.. Pappu says to Urmi he dont want to go school.. Urmi normally says though wont go.. Kinjal gets pissed and says dont interferd between me and my son. Kinjal ask Pappu get ready for school he give his favourite toy to Kinjal keeping it nicely thus he is his bestfriend. Kinjal throw pappu toy on bed annoyingly Urmi says her dont throw my Pappu bestfriend like that.


Teacher checking everyones parents signature. when she come at Tolu Molu she suspects that signature handwritting should not being their father.. she caught their naughtiness and ask them bring ur parents tommorow in school than she herself call them. Pappu also hearing it.


All kids of hostel having lunch Gopi comes at vidya she says her that she has full confidence that today on parents days speach vidya will diffenately speaks good about family.. Vidya gets upset she say that she always give speach will but today wht will she gonna say abt family coz she doesnt know abt family my friends have so many ppl in their family but in my family only you & me??.. Gopi also get upset and teary she telling her abt good things of family how everyone staying together in all thick n thin days, how they celebrating occasions togethe, doing pooja having meals together Vidya carefully listening Gopi.. she says really families are supposed to be like that.. Gopi replied her yes families are supposed to be like that.


Rashi talking with Urmi on phone she getting highly annoyed doing all household chorse. she says ppl should diffenately think Rashi is rulling in Modi House she queen of MM but who they dont know im not w queen im Modi’s modren maid. She says more adds thats why she missing Gopi atleast she would do all house chorse or she only taking rest. Urmi said if she says so she have one good Kalakari for her Rashi excitingly says wht?? Urmi replied get remarriage of Ahem. Rashi says since frm 5years she only doing this but all time topic would closed at Ahem No!! Urmi says you must not doing it properly now she tell her that how will Ahem says Yes for marriage.


Parents Day funcation started tearcher calling kids for speach.. after one boy tearcher called vidya on stage Gopi seeing her seated along other teachers.. First Vidya remembering Gopi words whtever she telling her and than she start her speach she spoke really well abt family everybody capping for her.. but on back stage her friend says her that likely she talking abt family so there are such ppl existing in her family also. poor kid getting badly upset and runs towards Gopi.. she keep think her friend words regarding family.
later Gopi ask her why she not playing with her friends.. so she says she dont want to play, Gopi ask her wht happened why she seems upset than she ask Gopi everybody have their families where is her family. Gopi has no answer for this!/ then they shown Ahem sitted in office drooling Meera pic Koki also seated in her room sadly..


Rashi coming in room along glass of juice for koki.. she tell her that past since 3days Ahem wont come home.. call him and ask him bring back home or take rest.. listening this Koki seens worried. but she replied Rashi, Rashi get pissed off and leaves.

Ahem coming at home Koki says him get fresh she served him food. He says dont need he havent hungry at all Koki get upset and Ahem leaves Urmi says to Koki she must think something for Ahem. she should get remarried him Koki looked at her angrily. otherside Gopi putting sindor in her mang lovingly.

Update Credit to: NazimKiDewani

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