Fan Fiction

Robotic Love (part 1)

Hey guys im back!! Thank you for your replies!! Now with some help I am changing the story a bit so just hang on!! Here we go!!

Devakshi are updating, charging and searching for further info on human devakshi’s life, would you like to know what they found? So this is Human devakshi Ki kahaani, robot devakshi ke jubani!! (They have to repeat their whole life in process and then download 1/93 (depending on the year their human form were born) more of their life so join them on it!!)
RD (Robot dev) – It all started when HD (Human dev) was born, 15 November 1993, as he had said in the future (proposal scene) he was born with an angry, khados face: p
RS (Robot Sona) – Then HS (Human sona) was born, 25 November 1993, 10 days later (Till then HD’s face was fine LEL!!) But HS was born a cutie…
RD- Still is, gives a glance to sona
*dev you interrupted, HD did not even say that at that time!! Don’t you want to grow up? Obodro!*

RD- Fine, continue… Bhudhi hojao!!
*They repeat everything they said before and everything that happened within 10 years, till then HD and HS were friend correction best friends*
RD- in 5th grade, something magical happened.. Dev had a crush, He started liking Sona but did not realize so just remained her BFF

RS- Funny thing was Sona thought of Dev as a brother, you know rakhi was the happiest time for her because finally she could get a gift from her brother: P Poor dev 
RS and HS kept on talking and talking, finishing year by year.. Then grade 9!!

Sorry guys this one was REALLY BORING, right? The next one will be much better because one I was really confused how to incorporate Human devakshi and then when I came up with this idea I noticed that I cannot tell everything and second a love story does not start so early in anyone’s life so then I had to make this one really boring and short… solly guys… and thank you soooo much for the comments!! I promise the next one will be better, till then, Love Dove!!

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