Categories: Rishton Ka Manjha

Rishton Ka Manjha 29th October 2021 Written Episode Update: Niharika insults Diya’s family

Rishton Ka Manjha 29th October 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Diya recalls what Madhuri said. She’s upset. Arjun says why sad? People’s words and eyes are hurting you right? But let them think. It’s their job not ours. Smile, it’s your day. Arjun says you all can start the dinner. Madhuri comes to the room and recalls everything. She cries. Depika says maa please take your medicine. Depika says please maa. Madhuri says I don’t want anything. Tina says aunty you need to take your medicine. Niharika says maa’s problem is that Diya. She has upset mom so much. Depika says whatever happened wasn’t Diya’s fault. Madhuri says no one take her side in front of me. Get lost. Depika leaves.

Tina says aunty please take the medicine. I know your pain. Madhuri says only you understand. that girl will

ruin his life. Niharika says she’s pretending to be nice. We have to kick her out of the house. They won’t listen to you. We have to save Arjun and take Diya away from Arjun forever. Madhuri says Niharika is right. We have to do this. Tina says but is it right? Madhuri says she has used my son. I will take away her son. I will take away her dream. Then she will go away from my son too. I will see how she plays badminton. I can do anything to save my son.

Mohan comes to meet Diya. Kaki looks at the setup. Babblu meets Arjun. Arjun says this is your house. Mira says this is from us. Depika says come in. Niharika says time to welcome them. Mira gives gifts to DEpika for everyone. Kush asks Paravati (maid) to get them refreshments. Depika says let me bring dadi. Kaki keeps eating. Niharika says they’re so cheap.. Mohan says control please. She says this house is ours too. Kaka says Mohan no elders came to meet us. Niharika says welcome. I am sorry. Couldn’t meet you at the wedding. We didn’t know about the wedding. We didn’t know a guy like Arjun would marry a girl like Diya. Ia m his bhabhi. Please sit.

Niharika says do you like the food? Mohan says it’s good. She says how can you not like it? DO people like you ever taste such good food? We have lots of food. These are starters. Imagine how good would be the main course. our chef made the dinner. Have you eaten such 7 star food? You must know how expensive things have gotten. Middle class people can hardly manage. Niharika says this kurta is for papa ji? She laughs. Niharika says Mr. Amitabh agarwal will wear this? She laughs and says I control. Did you get it from the local market? You wasted your money so much. You think we will wear this? I am sorry. What will society think about us? Agarwal family were given such cheap clothes by Diya’s fammily. She says Bany take all this and distribute in the maid.

Arjun comes in and says enough. Niharika says I was helping Diya. Diya says maa baba did you eat anything? I know you must be busy with the preparation. Diya says why is everyone so silent? WHat happened? Arjun? Arjun says I am sorry for how my bhabhi behaved with you. For all the insult. I was in the same house and yet you had to hear it. Mohan says don’t say this. Arjun says some people haven’t accepted Diya in this house yet. In their ego they are making a mistake. But their words don’t reduce your respect. Forgive them too. This is Diya’s house and your house too. Mohan says no one insulted me. We are proud to have a son in law like you. These are small things. Girls’ family have to hear a lot more. Arjun says what are you saying? You gave us your daughter. your life’s most precious thing. The one who gives is bigger. So you’re more respectable that. These are all wrong things. Diya says will anyone tell me anything?

Episode ends.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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