Fan Fiction

Rikara Trust Chapter 117

For the past month, it has been like this Rikara. Whenever Om is home, Gauri is on a business trip and when Gauri is home, Om is at an exhibition. Their careers were growing at a rapid rate and they were proud of each other for their accomplishment. But, they both longed for each other. It turned out that Annika was pregnant so Gauri also started helping out with Shivaye’s work as well.

Gauri and Om were in the living room and ready to go to the airport. Gauri was going to Canada for a seminar and Om to US to paint a picture of his favorite actress, Emma Watson. He received an invitation and he was heads over tails.

G(Jealously): Hey, Zulfi. You do realize those white girls will never like your way of life. You are so quiet and silent and they want flamboyant men.

O: I changed for you so I can also change for them as well.

G: When you do, call me. (Gauri turns around and clearly she is mad.)

O: Are you jealous? (He stands in front of her and tries to make eye contact with her. Then he smiles) You are jealous….

G: Yes, I am. I am a possessive wife.

Om just starts to laugh at her.

G: Look Omkie. I know you will never do that. You had several opportunities to have s*x with me but you never did because you were waiting for my permission. Now, with all these hassles, even if we want to take the next step of our life, we cannot. We have to wait until both of us settle down with our career and think about having kids.

O: Wait…

Gauri looks at him, realizing what she said and turns to get out of the room and escape from the room. He runs to the door to block her path.

O: You want to have kids and you have given me permission so you want to take this to the next step.

G looks at him in approval.

O: You are more important than my career.

He puts her arms around her waist and she could feel her skin tingling.

O: Let’s start now.

Gauri pushes back.

G: Right now, you have to leave to get your supplies and leave tomorrow. I have to go to my meeting. Cancel all your plans next week and we can do what you have asked.

Gauri runs out of the room with her bags and heads outside. Om goes out to the balcony to see her leave. She sends a flying kiss to him and he sends one back. Then, shyly, she gets into the car.

G: Krish (That is the name of the driver.) Can we first go to the office first and then to the airport? I need to pick up my file.

The driver turns around and Gauri gets surprised.

G: Om!! What the hell are you doing here? You were on the balcony when I saw you and now how did you get into the car?

No Promo.

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