Hi y’all! Thank you for understanding and supporting, it honestly means a lot to me. To everyone who was thoroughly disappointed, I’m extremely sorry, but the revelations in this part would suffice the previous part. I’m not going to be able to reply to all your comments from the previous part, please excuse me for that. Also, the writing for this part is much more simplified, so let me know which style works better for y’all.



Two months later, Raisinghania Hospital:

Riddhima: That’s your prescription. A junior of mine would visit you regularly for assisting you with the exercises before we assess your progress 3 weeks from now.

Ishani: Do I’ve to pay you a visit 3 weeks later?

Riddhima: Yes, the receptionist would give you an appointment outside. If needed earlier, you can always take an appointment over call.

Ishani: Thank you, Ridd – Doctor! But I hope these exercises wouldn’t harm my child in any manner.

Riddhima checked through her list of line-ups and noting that she’d finished her patients before lunch, decided to have a talk with Ishani, to help her get rid of her worries. She picked up her phone and stood up from the chair.

Riddhima: Come, Ishani. Let’s get you out of this atmosphere, so the smell of the medications doesn’t nauseate you, and I can also help you understand why exercising will be important for your pregnancy.

Ishani: That’d be very helpful. Thank you!

They walked out of Riddhima’s cabin and headed toward the main entry/exit of the premise.


Ishani: Doesn’t exercising usually harm the child?

Riddhima: It does. But that’s usually very heavy exercises; the exercises I’ve prescribed for you are very light and are mainly to help you avoid your morning sickness.

Ishani: Most of the women in our family haven’t had morning sickness. Is everything normal?

Riddhima (nodding her head): Don’t worry. It’s not something you’ve to worry about for your first trimester, but we’ll have to check if it persists after that. However, don’t take medicines.

Ishani: Yes, Dadi’s told me that. (looking toward the gate) Oh, my driver is here. I’ll see you later?

Riddhima: Sure, Ishani. Take care of yourself and your child. By tonight I’ll send you the details of my junior who’d be visiting you.

Saanvi: Sure, thanks Ridd – Doctor!

Riddhima stared at Ishani’s retreating figure and leaned against the tree, reveling in the shadow and pressed her hand over her stomach. Moments later, when she opened her eyes, she saw Vansh Raisinghania – the owner of the hospital. He looked at her and both of them nodded their heads, acknowledging each other’s presence.

Inside the Hospital, Dr. Ahuja’s Cabin:

After the lunch hours, Riddhima walked inside Dr. Ahuja’s cabin, a gynecologist. She settled down across the desk on the empty chair and smiled at her.

Dr. Ahuja: How are you doing now, Riddhima?

Riddhima: I’m fine now…

“No, Doctor. Riddhima’s not been too well. She’s been constantly vomiting, and she’s been neglecting her health. I think, we should run a thorough check-up.”

Riddhima: Offo, Vansh! I told you, this is normal. You’re a doctor yourself, why are you behaving this way?

Vansh: You know I can’t take anymore chances. This is like a ray of hope for us.

Dr. Ahuja: Relax, Mr. Vansh! Morning sickness is very normal during this time, and her pregnancy isn’t normal, so there will be a few complications going forward too. That is why I’d asked if the two of you wanted to keep this child.

Riddhima: Dr. Ahuja, I get your point. But you’ve to understand what we’d done back in time was our compulsion. We would never want to abort our child.

Dr. Ahuja (placing her hand atop Riddhima’s): I understand, but you’re still weak from all your internal injuries. I don’t know… things might turn out to be ugly going forward, Riddhima.

Vansh: Dr. Ahuja, no one knows the future. But we can be optimistic. (suddenly remembering about their previous visit) Did Riddhima’s reports come?

Dr. Ahuja: Oh, right! I will just check and come, please give me a minute.

After Dr. Ahuja walked out of her cabin, Vansh ensured the door and windows were shut before looking at Riddhima. They looked at each other longingly, before engulfing each other in a tight hug. Riddhima inhaled his woodsy cologne while Vansh reveled in the moment, holding her closer to himself securely.

Riddhima: I missed you, Vansh!

Vansh: Even I did. (slowly stepping away, but holding her in place) But didn’t we just meet the other day in my cabin?

Riddhima: As two colleagues. (remembering the way he talked to her) Oh no! As an employee and a boss, that’s when?

Vansh: Arey, how can I talk to you differently in front of others? They’d say I’m biased, even if you’ve lost memory.

Riddhima (chuckling): I know, I was just joking. (curiously) Has Angre found out anything about Kabir? Has he been able to trace him?

Vansh: No (exhaling deeply) He has his investigators out in all possible places, but Kabir seems to be outsmarting us. You’re sure about Sejal, na?

Riddhima: Vansh, You can trust Sejal. I’ve known her since my childhood. (suddenly getting excited) How’s Ishani doing? She’d come today and I prescribed her some exercises, so her morning sickness doesn’t last after this month.

Vansh: Acha, I see. (suddenly laughing) That girl’s mood changes each second. Angre has such a tough life. (recalling the previous night) Yesterday, she wanted ice-cream in the middle of the night and after he got it for her, she said she wanted something spicy. Angre has been so irritated, but he doesn’t know where to vent out his frustration.

Riddhima stared at him as he laughed, a ghost of a smile curving the corners of her lips.

Riddhima (thinking): I’m seeing you this happy after so long, Vansh. I can’t wait for the time when everything in our life would be sorted and our entire family will be happy together.

Riddhima: I miss everyone in the family. For how long do we have to keep up this act?

Vansh (gently holding her by her shoulders): I know. Everyone misses you, too. But we can’t take a risk now. If Kabir gets to know about this baby, then he’d first try killing you and I can’t risk either of your lives. Not again.

Riddhima (smiling): I know, but can’t I meet them for once? None of them have to know the truth.

Vansh: You know how firmly they believe whatever we told them that day. Your visit may only create room for doubts. Do you really want to take that risk?

Riddhima: Life has to be about chances, Vansh. Even, this baby is our chance (smiling and placing a hand on her stomach) Who knew I was going to be a mother to twins? (her tone saddening) I wish we could have both of them, Vansh.

Vansh: I know.

He engulfed her into a quick hug again and patted her hair, trying to console her. He knew, neither of them had forgotten the tragedy from three months ago, but this baby was their key to happiness. And he wouldn’t let anyone destroy their happiness.

Riddhima: I can visit as Ishani’s physiotherapist, na? I’m coming there with my junior, tomorrow morning.

Vansh: Is Ishani your only patient?

Riddhima (smacking his arm): Shut up! She’s family, and I’m coming tomorrow. You can’t stop me.

Vansh: Fine, but you’ve to be very careful. One mistake and our entire plan will be foiled. You know Kabir always has an eye on the house.

Riddhima: I know, don’t worry. I’ll be very careful. I know you’ve had a tough time convincing them, I wouldn’t let your efforts go in vain.

Vansh smiled at her and the two of them recalled how they’d pulled up the act two months ago.

Part 3.1: Vansh and Riddhima recall the incidents from two months ago. Dr. Ahuja informs them about Riddhima’s health. Riddhima visits the Raisinghanias as Ishani’s physiotherapist. Aryan doubts the plan. Riddhima contacts Kabir.

Okay, that’d be it for this episode. These revelations were initially intended to be much later, but seeing how disappointed and sad you guys were, I decided to tackle the plot a little differently. Anyhoo, please let me know what you thought of this part and if any changes are needed, do suggest. Like always, thank you for reading!

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