Hi guys, 

Thank you all for your immense response. Please do keep supporting me like this… 

Here the episode begins… 


The doctors are trying very hard to save riddhima. The pulse rate begins to drop. They all panic… 


VANSH: I can lose anything in this world. But, can’t lose my riddhima. You gave riddhima for me. I accept, that you have all the rights on her life. Her life is in your hands. But, I can’t afford to lose her. Atleast for my sake, please save my riddhima. 


The doctors decide to give cardioversion to her. They make all the necessary arrangements. Meanwhile, riddhima’s pulse has no improvement. It was continuously dropping down…


VANSH: My mom always say that everything is possible for you. Only you can make miracles happen. If that’s true, then prove to me. Please, do some miracle and save riddhima. Please!! Please!!


The doctors places electrodes on riddhima’s chest. But, her pulse didn’t rise. The doctors once again places the electrodes but, even this time her pulse didn’t increase. Slowly, her pulse drops down…


 Now, I have only my love in my hand. I will never ask you to make riddhima love me. But, please save riddhima. Please, help me in saving the promise which I have given to my angre.. Please save riddhima!! Even, I have promised her that I’ll save her. But, today I can’t save her and my promise. This is my last chance. I don’t know what’s happening there in the hospital. But, I do believe you. Please make some miracle and save my riddhu!!. Please!! I don’t need her love…  I can’t live without her.. Please, help me.. I will sacrifice my love but, in return I need riddhima’s life… Please save her!! Please!! I can’t live without her!! 

Saying so, he sits and cries.. 


The doctors sees riddhima’s pulse dropping down fastly and gets panic.. 

NURSE: Doctor, what shall we do now?

DOCTOR: For the last time.. Last try..

Saying so, the doctor places the electrodes on riddhima’s chest.. 

This time, as vansh prayed a miracle happened. Riddhima’s pulse rate increases.. 

DOCTOR: It’s a miracle. Thank god!! She is safe now..

The doctor comes out of the Operation theatre and informs everyone that she has crossed the dangerous stage and she is safe now. 

Everyone rejoices and thanks god.. 

ANGRE: Where’s vansh?

SIA: I’ll call him and inform the news..

ISHANI: Ask bhai to come immediately..

SIA: Sure…

Sia calls vansh and informs him that riddhima is safe. ..


VANSH: Thank you so much. Seriously, you made a miracle and saved my riddhima. You have given my life to me. Thank you very much. I won’t forget this.. Now, I will keep up my promise..

VANSH: ( thinking) I think I must first distance myself from riddhima. I have no rights on her love. I will never expect that too. Thank god, I have not confessed my love. I will never confess it… . I can’t… But, even then I’m happy now. It’s because I got what I needed.


Doctor comes out of the operation theatre..

ANGRE: Doctor, can we see her?

DOCTOR: Of course! She has gained conscious just now. So, be careful..

ISHANI: Doctor, Is she ok?

DOCTOR: She is absolutely fine. But, she is weak. So, please see to that you don’t disturb her..

Everyone enters the OT..

Riddhima opens her eyes and sees everyone. Her eyes were searching vansh. 

ANGRE: Riddhu, Are you alright? How are you feeling now?

KABIR: Riddhu, Are you Ok?

Riddhima was still searching vansh. Her ears didn’t even hear those questions…

SEJAL: Riddhu!! Riddhu!!

RIDDHIMA: What happened?

SIA: Seriously, riddhu we are asking you.

RIDDHIMA: Sorry, I didn’t notice..

ANGRE: We know that. We are just asking you the reason for your absent mind..

KABIR: Whom are you searching?


ISHANI: Riddhu, we have informed him. He’ll be coming. Don’t worry. Now just answer our questions…


ANGRE: Riddhu, are you fine?

RIDDHIMA: Bhai, don’t worry. I’m alright.

Just then, nurse comes..

NURSE: Sir, please don’t disturb the patient. You all leave now. She has to take rest..

PRECAP: How will I accept? 

Do comment your views and suggestions if any to be made… 

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