Fan Fiction

Relay OS Competition—– Update

Hiiii guys!!! This is DQ… and before I publish my results… I want to apologise for the delay… i don’t know if I was able to pull off the competition well.. but i was extremely busy with exams and morning-evening classes… anyways never mind.. all’s well that ends well.. i should have kept in mind that this was the year end and everyone would be busy with their final exams.. so i also wish to apologise to those who could not participate due to their exams.. but i am still glad that at least some of you made time and prepared greater stories of the themes provided…

Now, I would also take a moment to thank the person, one of my judges, who gave me the basic idea behind the themes.. judges and winners will be revealed in my next update on the 31st… 🙂
So i will be back again with the results.. and i kind of know my winners.. 😉
Drop your thoughts in the comments below.. and feel free to give any suggestions.. whether positive or negative.. i will make sure to keep your suggestions in mind in future competitions…
It is almost the end of 2017.. and i didnt even realise how fast time flew by.. i am glad i had a wonderful journey with you all… i made memories and got to read your beautiful creations.. so i am thankful to Lord for this day..
And also for all those to come..
I will not take any more time of yours… time is precious.. spend it carefully.. you will never get a moment back again.. choose carefully.. have faith on your Creator.. He is the best of planners… most importantly.. be kind.. be good.. and do good.. don’t forget to show the world your better, kind self everyday.. kindness, generosity and politeness makes one beautiful and not fair and lovely..
I know i am bad at jokes.. and this was the worst of all.. anyways.. this was just an advice for the days to come and for you all…
With lots and lots of love..


||DOCTOR||AUTHOR||HENNA ARTIST||LOVE TO COOK||ADVENTURER|| Instagram & Wattpad: @thecontagiouslove Twitter: DContagiousLoveWish me on the 20th November..:)

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