Fan Fiction

Rectify: Manmarziyan (Part 7) Suraj’s diary

Hi friends I’m back again with a twist enjoy…

I had it all plan out, Niki would tell Maira that she was carrying Angad’s child and then Maira would force him to marry Niki. And then I would be there for her only to get her addicted to pills.

She would be begging for those pills and I would be enjoying her condition. But she got pregnant and there my plan backfire.

Niki could still confess, but she backed out saying that Angad made it clear that he loves his wife and will never leave her. She also told me if I did anything to them then she would call the police.

When I told badi maa she got angry with me, she told me why did you promise me you would take revenge on Maira when you can’t fulfil it.

I still want to take revenge on Maira. She was the reason my brother is dead. I was in London when this court case was happening. I didn’t know my best friend Angad was marrying my enemy. And Maira doesn’t know that I am the brother of one of the rapist.

We had plan B, our plan was to switch the baby we were going to take our revenge on Maira’s child. And to do that we need to find Niki. Thank goodness, one of the men found her at Pune. So now I had to convince Angad to let Maira travel with him. I told him I would provide the nurse to travel with Maira, he agreed.

I made sure Maira and Niki deliver the baby at the same hospital. Both delivered baby girls. When it was night I did the switch. It was done I was satisfied and left the hospital.

I always kept on track on Maira daughter Nandini. When she came to Mumbai for her studies, she made friend with Niki daughter Piyali. I had a big plans for these two, let Nandini get close to her sister, then when the time is right I will execute my plan.

It was time to execute my plan, I hire three men to take Nandini and to rape her. I told the men to make sure to name Piyali so that Nandini think it was all Piyalis plan.

When she was lying uncontious, I picked her up and took her home. When she woke up I ask her how she was, she said she was raped by three men. I told her to take these pills it will num her pain. She took the pill, now I had her where I wanted. I was going to make Maira daughter drug addict.

But one day Nandini told me that her grandma switched her and Piyali when they were babys, I was shocked I ask her if she was with her biological mother, she said yes because she did the DNA test. I was very angry with myself my plan was spoiled again.

Then I thought of plan C, why don’t I get my dirty job done by Nandini she already thinks Piyali send those men to rape her.

Yes, I could already see this plan working. I will brainwash her against Piyali and these pills will not make her think straight.

It took 6 years to brainwash her. I gave her the list of what to do for revenge.

First we needed to find a child who will grow up and marry Samaira for our revenge. That child we found his name is Arjun Mehra

Then Nandini will apply for a job at bird song where Piyali and Samrat are owners, she would easily get the job.

When Nandini and Samrat went for a business trip, I follow them, I put something in Samrat’s drink so that Nandini could seduce him easily.

Later Nandini thought that Samrat was going to leave Piyali for her but she didn’t know that Samrat was saying that because of the drug affect that I put in his drink.

Then in two month Nandini told me she was carrying Samrat child…..

To be continue

Suraj Oberi role will be played by Vishwajeet Praden (I could see him in this role).

I was thinking why don’t you tell me, who you want Piyali and Maanya’s savior to be, with the most vote he or she will be in my next chapter so silent reader you can vote to, all you have to do is write the name down in the comment.

I hope you enjoy reading it for now bye bye ….

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