Fan Fiction

Rahul : Papa… Lavanya : Mama… (RagLak) Episode 58

Ello everyone here I’m with another episode and yeah the second day to make decision…

Wanna ma to hit century?

A) Yes
B) No

So do comment and here the episode…

Rahul :Papa… Lavanya : Mama… (RagLak) Episode 58

The episode starts with Ragini and Laksh along with the kid entering Sam’s house, Maya greets everyone and the kids greet them back.
Maya : Come in and sit
Ragini sits and Laashya and Sawitha sit beside her. Sandesh, Laksh and Rahul sit together. Sandya and Lavanya along with Raghav sit. Sam comes down and hugs Laksh and sits.
Sam : Good to see you both with a volleyball team.
Maya : Sam…
Laksh : They were just bored at home so took them too.
Sam : Come on Sanskaar is my brother too. Maya call Naksh and Avinash.
Lavanya rolls up her eyes.
Maya : Naksh…Avi come down beta.
Avinash comes running and stops seeing all of them staring at him and he walks slowly.
Avinash : Hi uncle…hello aunty…
Laksh : He looks like when Sam was going to college.
Sam : Where is bhaiyaa Avi?
Avi : He…
Naksh : I’m here dad.
Naksh comes down with a smirk.
Sam : Naksh and Avi just take all of them and show them around the house.
Naksh looks at each of them.
Naksh : Yeah sure.
Ragini : All of you go.
Sandesh stands up so does the others and they walk up except Lavanya.
Laksh : Lavanya go beta.
Lavanya nods and walks up.
Ragini : She isn’t not feeling well.
Maya sits.
Laksh : Plus anyways they had a fight so they won’t feel comfortable.
Sam chuckles.
Sam : Hope the siblings don’t hit my son for hurting yours.
Laksh laughs.

Laksh : I’m not guaranteeing it for sure.
Ragini : Me too Sam cuz they share such a bond.
Maya smiles.
Maya : Naksh and Avi has only each other after all I’m the only child and Sam…
Ragini interrupts : Don’t worry they will get along.
Sam : Lucky don’t know what Rakesh, Dev, Kunal and them doing hena?
Laksh : I met Rakesh few months ago, I think I met him at hospital.
Ragini laughs.
Ragini : Maya you know what that Rakesh was sent to spy on me by Laksh.
Maya : Really?
Sam : Those days though, miss them. Laksh was very egoistic and stubborn we were shocked that he fell in love with Ragini because he was in full grudge at first.
Ragini clears her throat.
Ragini : Sam he lied to all of you, he loved me at first sight (Sam drops his jaw to the ground) He pretend as if he doesn’t like me.
Laksh : Look who is speaking, as if you didn’t fall in love with me at first sight
Sam : Wait wait wait, what is this new story.
Ragini : Uffo this is very old story of your boring friend. Maya you must have done all the dishes alone right?
Maya : Ma went back to Malaysia or she would be helping me but there is a worker to help me. Btw what do you want to drink cool or hot?
Sam : I think cool is better.
Maya : I’ll make you three speak.
Ragini shakes her head.
Ragini : I will join you, we can just speak something and do the work together.
Maya smiles and gets up so does Ragini and both of them walk to kitchen.

Scene shifts to upstairs where all of them are at the roof top. Naksh and Sandesh are seen speaking. Avinash and Rahul are seen playing along with Laashya and Raghav.
Sandesh : So you have decided to business management?
Naksh : Haa I have to do something which is helpful for dad plus I’m interested in it too.
Sandesh : My field is science.
Naksh : I and science don’t get along very well.
Sandesh laughs.
Sandesh : You are not bad as I thought.
Naksh : Bad?
Sandesh : Haa my lovely sister told all the black mark of you and I was really angry with you for hurting Rahul.
Naksh chuckles.
Naksh : You are really an ideal brother I mean yeah ideal brother.
Sandesh : Not really.
Naksh : I don’t have anyone to protect other than Avi (Naksh looks at Avi) he is the only person I trust fully more than a brother he is my best friend.
Sandesh looks at Sandya and his eyes get welled up.
Sandesh : That is nice.
Naksh : So you have only Sawitha as your sister.
Sandesh : No even Sandya is my sister but no identical.
Naksh : Wow really that’s cool
Sandesh : So what do you do when you are free?
Naksh : I play video games or read books.
Sandesh : Video games? Chaachu is really good in it.
Naksh : What do you do?
Sandesh : I listen to music or draw, before even I use to play but I stopped.
Naksh : Interesting

Scene shifts to Lavanya, Sawitha and Sandya where they were looking at Avinash, Laashya and Raghav along with Rahul playing.
Sandya : I’m shocked as Sandesh never speaks with anyone for so long.
Lavanya : He is spoiling my bhaiyaa too.
Lavanya fumes while Sawitha chuckles.
Sawitha : I don’t know why do you have a this big anger on him.
Sandya : Haa Luv this anger is not good for your health.
Lavanya rolls up her eyes.
Lavanya : Btw Avi is so sweet look how nicely he is tackling three of my shoutan siblings.
Sawitha smiled without her knowledge.
Sawitha : Haa…
Lavanya : What haa?
Sawitha : Haa haa he is tackling.

Scene shifts to the kitchen where Ragini is continuously talking while Maya is listening to her with a smile.
Ragini : I suffered a lot with Rahul, when he was two or three months he got high fever. More than me Laksh was panicked; Thank god nothing happened to him. Then Lavanya was Laashya’s age still she understood everything and never troubled me or Laksh when we looked after Rahul still she is the same but Rahul is very possessive.
Maya : Your kids are amazing Ragini also you are, I can keep listening to your talk all day.
Ragini bites her tongue.
Ragini : I do talk too much I’m sorry.
Maya shakes her head.
Maya : Not really but I love to listen, I have nothing much to say about my world. It is just too small to tell. Naksh is really stubborn and rude but very nice at heart, if he likes someone it is probably a miracle. As far as I know the only person he loves more than his life is Avi. (Ragini looks on smiling) he never lets us scold to Avi in fact if Avinash does a mistake Naksh takes the blame.
Ragini : Sweet of him.
Maya : Avinash is reserved always and is very silent. I don’t know whom he is alike not me or Sam. Sam is very active and forward all the time and even me but I take time.
Ragini : Maybe Avinash with time he will change but it is really nice to have silent kids after all, all my four are the same, I can’t tell who is the naughtiest. Raghav is naughty but doesn’t talk much but Laashya is enough for me to compete with.
Maya : She is such a cutie pie you know.
They hear someone crying and Ragini and Maya rush out. Laksh and Sam are seen running up so does Ragini and Maya. They reach the terrace and finds Laashya crying while the kids are surrounded. Ragini and Laksh rush to her, Ragini finds her elbow and knee bleeding.
Ragini : What happened?
Lavanya : She was playing and she fell.
Laksh : How did she fall?
Avinash : She tripped to my leg I’m sorry I should have been more careful.
Ragini : Nothing happened doll, stop crying.
Maya : Let’s take her down and first aid it.
Sam : Avi you must be more careful.
Naksh tries to speak but Laksh speaks up before him.
Laksh : It is fine Sam, it is just an accident.
Ragini : Shshshshsh…Everything is okay.

Laksh carries Laashya while she buried her face inside his chest, they take her down to the room and Laksh sits on the bed making Laashya sit on his lap. Maya hands the first aid box to Ragini and Ragini sits beside Laksh. Laashya is continuously crying and Laksh caresses her back.
Laksh : Baby stop crying (He kisses on her head) Look mama is dressing your wound and wound will fly away.
Ragini takes the cleaner and cleans her wound while Laashya screams out and Laksh presses her face in to his chest and Ragini blows the wound.
Ragini : Shshshshs (She applies the medicines and dresses the wound, she does the same to Laashya’s knee while Laashya cries out) Look baby now everything is okay.
Laashya raises her head and Laksh wipes her tears but tears still roll down her cheek.
Sam : Aww papa’s brave girl now smile.
Laashya still keeps crying.
Laksh : She is not crying but her eyes are crying hena?
Laashya nods while tears roll down Ragini’s eyes.
Maya : You guys come let Laashya rest, I have made drink for you.
Ragini signs them to go and everyone leaves out. Raghav stays still looking at Laashya.
Ragini : Raghav go with them and have the drink.
Raghav : Mama Laashya?
Ragini : I will bring her beta you go.
Raghav nodded and ran out and Ragini looked at Laashya. Laashya keeps crying while Laksh wipes her tears.
Laksh : Baby if you stop crying only your mama will stop crying.
Laashya looks at Ragini and finds tears rolling down her eyes. Laashya moves to Ragini and buried her head to her chest.
Laashya : I’m fine mama ( Ragini nods while Laksh smiles and wipes Ragini’s tears with his thumbs) But it is hurting.
Ragini : It will be okay life now stop crying, mama’s good girl right?
Laashya hugs Ragini tighter while Ragini strokes her back and Laashya calms down.
Laksh : She is fine Ragini.
Ragini nodded and kisses on Laashya’s head, Maya comes with a glass of drink.
Maya : Look what I brought for Laashya.
Laashya raises her head and looks at Maya with a cute puppy face while Ragini smiles. Laashya looks at Ragini and Ragini smiles and makes her sit on her lap the other way around.
Ragini : Take it cupcake.
Maya hands the glass of drink to Laashya and Laashya takes while Ragini holds it so that she doesn’t drop.
Laksh : Say thank you.
Laashya : Thank you aunty.
Maya : You are welcome beta, once you drink this we will eat and then I have ice cream for you. Do you like ice cream?
Laashya nods.

Ragini : She loves ice cream.
Maya : If she wants to rest let her sleep.
Ragini nods and Maya walk out.
Laksh : Now Laashya is back to normal, come let’s go out and enjoy with others hena?
Laashya nods and Ragini makes her drink and makes her stand. Ragini brushes her hair and Laashya smiled and walked out, Ragini stood so did Laksh, both of them came out and Ragini walked to kitchen.
Maya : Is she fine?
Ragini : Haa she is fine.
Maya : I got scared.
Ragini smiles.
Ragini : This is just a usual thing (Maya serves food) Wait I will help.
Maya nods and Ragini helps, they place the food on the table.
Maya : Sam ask everyone to come to eat. (Sam and the rest come and sit. Ragini and Maya start serving) Ragini you also sit.
Ragini nods.
Ragini : You also sit will you?
Maya nods and sits, Ragini serves food and starts feeding Laashya and Raghav.
Sam : So Lavanya what have you decided for your higher studies?
Lavanya looks on and smiles.
Lavanya : I want to become a doctor.
Sam : That’s great.
Maya : What about you Rahul?
Rahul : I want to become a businessman like papa.
Laksh smiles.
Ragini : So Naksh and Avi what so you guys want to be?
Naksh : Just like Rahul a business man.
Raigni smiles and looks at Avi.
Avi : A doctor.
All of them speak up random stuffs and finish eating. Maya walks to kitchen and serves ice cream. Lavanya and Sawitha were sitting on the couch.
Lavanya mumers : Sawi…
Sawitha turns to Lavanya.
Sawitha whispers : What?
Lavanya leans to Sawitha’s ear and Sawitha face palms.
Lavanya : Just now remembered.
Sawitha : Now what are we to do?
Lavanya : We will ask bhaiyaa?
Sandesh, Naksh and Avinash are speaking. Sandesh’s phone beeps and finds a message from Lavanya.
*Message starts*
Lavanya – Need to speak something important.
Sandesh – Yes tell.
Lavanya – Not through message.
Sandesh – We will go home and speak.
Lavanya – Bhaiyaa it is important and have to speak it right now.
Sandesh – Okay.
*Message ends*

Sandesh leans to Naksh and whispers something and Naksh nods.
Naksh : Dad can we go to my room and eat the ice cream?
Sam : Yeah sure.
They leave up except Laashya, Laashya is seen sitting on Laksh’s lap.
Maya : Laashya do you want more ice cream?
Laashya shakes her head.
Laashya : I will get cold if eat more and then mama and papa will cry.
Ragini and Laksh smiles looking at her.
Sam : Aww so much caring, don’t you like tears of your mama and papa?
Laashya shakes her head.
Laashya: I’m their angel who brings only smile hena janu?
Laksh : Haa baby.
Sam : Lucky what about drinks?
Laksh : Sure
Sam : Hope you don’t mind Ragini.
Ragini : Not at all, he doesn’t drink all the time and he knows his limit.
Laashya : What drink mama?
Maya : It is pepsi, do you also want?
Laashya shakes her head while Laksh makes Laashya sit beside Ragini and walks with Sam to the bar table.
Ragini : Baby are you sleepy?
Maya : You can go sleep on the bed.
Laashya : I want to see night fireworks.
Ragini : I forgot it is new year tomorrow.
Maya : Does Laksh drink always?
Ragini : No, only if there is party or client meetings. (She chuckles) Even if I ask he won’t drink much. Even if is he is in his senses still it is a limited to two glasses.
Maya : Sam drinks whenever he feels to, I ask him not to but he doesn’t listen to me.
Ragini smiles while Laashya rests her head on Ragini’s chest.
Laashya : My hand is paining mama.
Ragini takes her to the lap and Maya comes and sits beside Ragini.
Ragini : It will be okay doll.
Laashya pouts and get teary.
Laashya : When will it be okay mama?
Ragini : Very soon, now stop thinking about it.
Laashya buries her face in to Ragini’s chest.
Maya : Is it a deep cut?
Ragini nods and kisses on Laashya’s head.
Laksh is seen drinking and Sam is also drinking.
Laksh : Sam, look how changed we are? (He laughs) Who thought I would even get married?
Sam : Exactly, the who thought we will end up having kids.
Both of them laugh.
Laksh : But this like is beautiful.
Sameer nods.
Sam : In fact now we have turned in to people who our parents were expecting to be.
Laksh nods.
Laksh : Responsible, protective, caring, understanding.
Sam : Now we have turned in to that typical parents which we hated.
Laksh chuckles.
Laksh : They are growing too.
Sam nods.

Flashback 20 years ago (No one is thinking or narrating)

Aditya rests on the bed in his house and he gets a call.
Aditya : Haa Simran tell.
Simran : Can you manage for few more days, Ragini is also not there to help.
Aditya : I understand plus.
Simran : And yeah without me knowing don’t even try to contact Ragini. She is already suffering a lot.
Aditya : Don’t worry, whatever the decision I will ask Laksh and only take.
Simran smiles and hangs up.

Scene shifts Diya and Akshaya are speaking Ragini comes after exercising.
Akshaya : Di is now scolding me as I always spend time with Ragini di more than her.
Diya : Once you stay with di you don’t feel to leave her, that is what Laksh bhaiyaa is also very much missing her.
Ragini : You two are together pulling my legs? One day I will get my chance see will you?
Akshaya : Thank god di met an old friend of hers, she often comes and meets di.
Ragini : Thank god, you know what angel (Akshaya looks on) you always resemble Laksh. I don’t know why or what whatever Laksh do even you do the same.
Akshaya : Really ?
Ragini : Haa in fact the way you asked ‘really?’ was the same.
Akshaya smiles, they speak for a few hours.
Akshaya : It is already late di I’m leaving.
Ragini : Take care angel, reach and give me a call.
Akshaya nods and leave. Ragini walks to her room and sits out on the swing. The clock struck twelve and Ragini looked at her phone and just then name blinked and she smiled.
Swara : Hello Ragini Happy Birthday…
Ragini : Thank you Swara, how are you?
Swara : I’m sorry it was just my misunderstanding (She gets teary) For one day Sanskaar was away from me and I felt so hurt and I just thought how are you even living.
Ragini smiles painfully.
Ragini : True that I love Laksh a lot and I miss him but I can live without him for him. I’m sorry too I spoke too much that day but Swara to be honest I love you more now as I got to know there is another soul who misses me.
Swara smiles and wipes her tears.
Swara : I love you more too, the way you understood relationships I couldn’t understand.
Ragini : No matter what happens still you will remain my best friend.
Swara : I’m sorry that I spoke out without understanding you. I was a bit upset as you left without thinking about me and then only ma said you asked Pooja bhabhi to come and look after me.
Ragini : Myself only can’t live in that house, Swara if you are ready to live with me in the guest house you will know the way I will look after you.
Swara : It is fine Ragini, you can look after me for my next child.
Ragini laughs.
Ragini : It seems like my jethani has already planned everything.
Swara laughs.
Swara : Ragini I will catch you later, I’m sleepy.
Ragini : Good night and sleep tight.
Ragini hangs up and she keeps looking at the phone, she walks to the bed and sits waiting for Laksh’s call. She dozes off looking at the phone. The morning fresh rays were falling to her face and she opened her eyes. She sat and yawned and looked at the time. It was morning 8.15. She got down the bed and took a saadi which was blue colour and walked to the washroom, she came out having a bath wiping her hair. She applied sindoor in her maang and wore the mangalsutra. She walked down stairs and found Diya in the kitchen.
Diya : Happy Birthday Di.
Ragini smiled.

Ragini : Thank you Diya, come I’m going to start the puja
Puja nodded and they walked to the puja room and Ragini start singing bhajan in her melodious voice. They finished the puja and Ragini walked to kitchen.
Diya : Stop (Ragini stops) today I will only prepare food.
Ragini : I will.
Diya : Please
Diya makes a cute puppy face and Ragini nods.
Ragini : Go ahead.
Ragini sits on the dining table and keeps looking at the phone but there was no call. The doorbell rang and Ragini rushed to door and opened and she found both Akshaya and Ananya standing.
Akshaya : Happy birthday di.
Ragini : Thank you.
Ananya : Happy birthday Ragini.
Ragini: Thank you di.
Akshaya : Where is Diya?
Ragini : In the kitchen.
Akshaya runs to the kitchen while Ananya sits in the living room.
Ananya : Akshaya always use to speak about you, so today I came to meet you.
Ragini laughs.
Ragini : How are you di? Even she does tell me that you scold for her antics.
Ananya : She is very naughty.
Ragini smiles and nods.
Ragini : Di what do you like to have?
Ananya : Anything is fine.
Ragini : I will ask to get tea. Diya…Diya…
Diya rushes to the living room.
Diya : Haa di…
Ragini : Make a cup of tea and coffee…
Ananya : Than I will too have coffee as I love coffee more than tea.
Ragini : Then Diya two cups of coffee…
Ragini’s phone rings and finds it Laksh and just then the doorbell too rings. Ragini answers the call and there was no answer. She opens the door and finds a man standing with a bouquet.
Laksh : Happy Birthday Life…
Ragini : Laksh…
Laksh : Take bouquet.
Ragini takes it from the man and that man leaves.
Ragini : So late?
Laksh : I was waiting for the exact time you came in to this world.
Ragini : Exact time?
Laksh : Haa when I checked you birth certificate there was a birth detail form too, it was written you were born at 9.45 a.m. You were 3kg then now you are 24 but your wright has gone only 15 times bigger.
Ragini : Why? Do you want me to be a fat girl?
Laksh : I love the way you are.
Ragini smiles.
Ragini : Thank you for making me feel special.
Laksh : Not yet, go out and you will find the gift.
Ragini walks out and finds a…….car and is shocked.
Ragini : Laksh…
Laksh : Do you like it?
Ragini : Haa Laksh it is awesome.
Laksh : You said your car got hit so this is your gift, now go open it.
Ragini does and finds a box and opens it and finds a black forest cake with “Happy Birthday Ragini” written. Ragini’s eyes get welled.
Ragini : Thank you so much Laksh.
Laksh : No open the back seat and you will find the final one. Ragini I’ll call you to night baby right now I’m very tired and sleepy.
Ragini : Take care and love you.
Laksh : I love you more.
Laksh hangs up and Ragini walks in the cake and places it on the table.
Diya : What is it di?
Ragini : Laksh has sent them. The bouquet, cake, also he has got me a car and something else.
Diya : I wanna see the car.
Ragini and Diya along with Akshaya runs out.
Akshaya : Omg it is really awesome.
Ragini opens the car back door and finds a big box.
Diya : What is it?
Ragini : Dunno have to see.
Ananya is seen looking from the door smiling at them.
Ananya : Really impressive Ragini.
Ragini smiles and sits, she starts unwrapping it and she find another box smaller than this in it.
Diya : Di unwrap it fast.
Ragini : Wait wait let me unwrap.
Ragini unwraps and finds another smaller box.
Akshaya : Laksh bhaiyaa is turning mad without di.
Akshaya laughs while Ragini fumes and starts unwrapping, and finds another smaller box. She again unwraps and finds another smaller box.
Ragini : I’m tired already.
She sighs out and starts unwrapping and finds another smaller box than before. She unwraps and finally ends up in a box and unwraps it and is shocked. She opens it and finds a ring where it is carved her birthdate.
Akshaya : It is really cute ring.
Ananya : Don’t you wear gold?
Ragini : I don’t as well as Laksh doesn’t like.
Ananya : It is pretty ring though. (She smiles) and very different.
Ragini wear it and smiles.
Diya : He never fails to surprise me.
Ragini blushes.
Ragini : Shall we have our breakfast? It is already late.
All of them nod and walk to the dining table and start eating.

Days passed like hours. Ragini’s and Akshaya’s bond gets stronger so is Diya’s. Scene shifts to London where Laksh is seen sitting on the bed and working on the laptop, an unshaved beard with a messy hair, he had worn a pajama and Gautam knocks the door.
Laksh : Come in.
Gautam enters.
Gautam : Where is your phone?
Laksh : Phone, it must be somewhere here.
Gautam : I have been calling you for hours.
Laksh : I didn’t ring.
Gautam : Must be in silent.
Laksh : May be but I don’t remember.
Gautam : Are you busy?
Laksh nods.
Laksh : Final proposal.
Gautam : Take some rest.
Laksh nods and starts doing his work. He looks at the calendar and sighs.
Laksh’s POV.
For two weeks I couldn’t contact you, I’m rushing with the project proposal Ragini. Hope you are doing okay. I know you must be angry with me. Just two weeks more and I will explain you everything. For now hope you read the mail.
Laksh’s POV ends.

Ragini is seen finish doing the exercise and coming down. Diya and Akshaya and seen eating apples sitting on the dining table. Both of them look at Ragini coming and smiles.
Ragini : What are you two smiling at?
Akshaya : Di today it is your appointment date.
Ragini : So?
Diya : We have to go?
Ragini : Why should I?
Akshaya : Di…
Ragini : Don’t take his side, okay let him be busy or whatever can he spare five minutes.
Diya : When have you done speaking within five minutes?
Ragini frowns and sits drinking water.
Akshaya : He will call for sure di.
Ragini : I’ll get ready and come.
Ragini walks up and gets ready in a pink saadi and walks down. They walks out, Ragini leaves the phone it forgetting it. They get in to the car and Ragini drive off. They reach the hospital and gets. Ragini walks to the cabin and knocks.
Dr. Geetha : Come in.
Ragini enters and smiled.
Ragini : Hello doctor.
Dr. Geetha : How are you Ragini?
Ragini : I’m fine doctor.
Dr Geetha: Have you done the scans I asked you to take.
Ragini : Yeah also they said they would give the reports to you.
Dr. Geetha : Nurse (A nurse comes) take Mrs. Maheshwar’s report
Nurse : Here it is doctor.
The nurse hands it.
Dr. Geetha : Not Mrs. S. Maheshwari, it must be Mrs. R. Maheshwari.
The nurse finds it and hands it.
Nurse : This is the one doctor.
Doctor checks.
Dr. Geetha : You are perfectly alright. We would do another scan by next week until then continue the medicines and the exercise.
Ragini nods and stands up.
Ragini : Thank you doctor.
Dr. Geetha : Welcome but must thank your husband first.
Ragini smiles and walks out. Two weeks later Ragini is returning from college. Her car enters the guest house compound and she closes the door and enters in.
Flashback ends.
Ragini comes there and finds Laksh and Sam laughing.
Ragini : Shall we leave? It is getting late.
Laksh nods and stands up.
Laksh : Call the kids.
Three of them walk to the living room.
Ragini : Sandesh…Sandya… (There was no response) Lavanya…
Laksh : Where are they?
Maya : Avi…Naksh…
Laksh : Rahul…Lavanya….
Sam : Where are they?
Laashya : Maybe they are ready to see fireworks, even I want to see fireworks.
Ragini carries her and walks up so does Laksh, Sam and Maya. They reach the room and don’t find anyone.
Maya : Maybe they in the terrace.
All of them walk up.
Laksh : Rahul…Raghav….
Ragini : Lavanya…
Lavanya : We fell down and while the rest was laughing at us papa you ran to us and made us stand and shook your head and said…
Rahul : You said “you fall down as there is somewhere high you have to go to”. You never failed to prove as a bad father.
Lavanya : I was not born to you but you never made me feel it. Every night I don’t wish anything for me but only one thing I wish, each father of this world must be like my papa.
Rahul : We don’t have to utter a word asking a thing from you, just look at that thing is enough.
Lavanya : It is because of you that I learnt to protect my siblings.
Rahul : While I was calling you my hero papa you made me a hero in everyone’s eyes.
Lavanya : The tears you shed for us, hope they become the river in heaven.
Rahul : Life was not easy for you papa, we know how much you had gone through in fact going through.
Lavanya : But you made our life easy that you made us forget the word hard.
Laksh’s eyes get welled up in shock. Tears roll down Ragini’s eyes, Laashya look around confusingly. Sam and Maya smiles.
Laksh : Lavanya and Rahul…come out.
Rahul : You never compared us with any kid, you always said we are the best.
Lavanya : If we make a mistake you never made it a big issue that we can’t even remember did we do such thing.
Rahul : Papa you have wiped all the dark memories giving us the best.
Lavanya : No matter how much we grow…
Rahul : We will always remain you little bachchas. No matter how much we grow…
Lavanya : Still we will need your chest to cry….No matter how much we grow.
Rahul and Lavanya : Our love for you will change, it will only increase papa…We love you and (They shouts) Happy Birthday our Hero….
The fireworks show on each corner of the world and the terrace light gets on, Lavanya and Rahul along with the rest are standing with a cake and the whole terrace is decorated with balloons and party items. Laksh is shell shocked and looks at Lavanya and Rahul lovingly.
Sandesh, Sandya and Sawitha : Happy birthday Chaachu
Laksh : Thank you.
Avi and Naksh : Happy Birthday uncle.
Laksh : Thank you.
Rahul : Papa come and cut the cake.
Laksh looks at Ragini and she signs that she didn’t know anything.
Laashya : Happy birthday janu.
Laksh : Thank you life.
Laksh pecks her cheek.
Raghav : Happy birthday papa.
Laksh : Thank you champ.
Lavanya : How is the surprise?
Laksh : I expected more.
Ragini : Laksh…
Sam : From did you guys get all the things.
Sandesh : Avi and Naksh helped us.
Maya : And they cake.
Sawitha : Bhaiyaa went out and brought.
Laashya : Uffo now janu cut the cake fast, I’m hungry.
Ragini : Haa cut the cake, I and my doll are hungry.
Laksh cuts while the rest sings happy birthday. He takes the part and looks on.
Lavanya : We know papa whom you will feed it first so go ahead.
Laksh feeds Ragini and Ragini takes a piece from that cake and feeds him back. Laksh cuts the next piece and he feeds it to Lavanya, Rahul, Laashya and then Raghav. They feed him back, and then he feeds to Sandesh, Sandya and Sawitha. They feed him back, he feeds Naksh and Avi and then Sam and Maya.
Ragini : We have to leave now, it is already.
Maya : Happy new year.
Ragini and Maya hug each other, Maya kisses Laashya’s cheek.
Ragini : Happy New year.
Laksh : Happy new year bro.
Sam : Happy Birthday dude.
They hug each other. Sandesh, Avinash, Naksh, Raghav and Rahul greet each other. Sawitha and Sandya greet Naksh and Avinash. Lavanya wishes Avinash and Avinash wishes her back. Naksh looks at Lavanya with hatred so does he.
Laksh : Shall we leave?
Everyone nod and they leave. All of them get in to the car and they reach home, all of them walk to their respective room. Ragini is carrying Laashya as she has slept on the way. Ragini and Raghav reach RagLak’s room while Laksh walks to Rahul’s room and knocks.
Rahul : Come in.
Laksh enters and Rahul smiles.
Laksh : My little kid is growing too?
Rahul smiles and Laksh sits beside him.
Rahul : I’m waiting for the day that I can run carrying you.
Laksh : Rahul (Rahul look on while Laksh smiles) As you know your di is not my kid, she was adopted still she remains as my kid but you know you who you, you are my first blood. (Laksh holds his cheeks) When you were born I got all the happiness in this world as you were born after so many struggles. I and your mama always consider you as a special gift, you our first hero. I know you don’t understand what I’m trying to mean, but when you understand this I know you would come running to me and hug me tightly and you will say I love you papa.
Rahul nods and Laksh hugs him really tightly.
Rahul : I love you papa.
Laksh : Love you too my hero. (Laksh breaks the hug and kisses on his head) Now go get changed and have a wash and sleep.
Rahul nods and walks to the washroom. Scene shifts to RagLak’s room.
Ragini : Raghav go get changed and come.
Raghav nods and walks out while Ragini kisses on Laashya’s head Laksh walks to Lavanya’s room and finds coming out of the washroom.
Laksh : May I come in?
Lavanya : Come in birthday boy.
Laksh laughs and walks to her.
Laksh : So it was all your idea?
Lavanya : Not really others helped me too.
Laksh : You never fail to surprise me either you would do something bad or something good.
Lavanya : Papa…
Laksh laughs and sits on the bed and Lavanya sits beside him.
Laksh : I’m here to make you a promise.
Lavanya : What promise papa?
Laksh : It is a promise that I will never leave you or separate you from us for any reason. No matter who tries to separate you from us I would do anything to keep you with me.
Lavanya : Promise?
Laksh : Haa promise.
Lavanya : I love you papa.
Laksh hugs her and she hugs him back.
Laksh : I love you too doll. Now sleep, I’m very much tired today.
Lavanya nods and Laksh leaves out. Ragini comes out of the washroom and sits beside Laashya and caresses her head. Laksh hugs Ragini from the back.
Laksh : She is fine.
Ragini nods and turns to Laksh.
Ragini : Go get changed.
Laksh nods and walks to the washroom. Raghav comes dressed in the pajama and falls on the bed. Ragini takes Laashya’s pajama and makes her wear it and unties Laashya’s hair. Laksh comes out of the washroom while Ragini is still tearing.
Ragini : Thank god nothing big happened.
Laksh : Why are you panicking so much? She just fell and she is fine.
Ragini : I don’t know I feel something bad is going to happen.
Laksh walks to the bed and covers Laashya and Raghav with the blanket.
Laksh : Nothing will happen.
Ragini stands and turns to leave but Laksh holds her wrist and Ragini turns to Laksh. Laksh looks on and Ragini hugs him.
Ragini : Happy Birthday Life.
Laksh : Finally you uttered it.
Ragini tightened her grip and buried her face in to his chest and he buried his face in to her shoulder. They hugged each other for few minutes and Ragini moved back.
Ragini : I promised to wish you first but…
Laksh kisses on her lips and moves back.
Laksh : You can do the next promise.
Laksh winks and Ragini smiles between her tears, Ragini kisses on his lips passionately and he kisses back.
Ragini : Gave your twentieth birthday kiss.
Laksh chuckles still his hand wrapped around her waist.
Laksh : Are we in an age to romance?
Ragini : No but I’m in a mood romance.
Ragini laughs while Laksh kisses on her forehead.
Laksh : Twenty years ago I made you cry on this date.
Ragini : Laksh please…
Laksh holds her hand makes her sit beside him on the couch and she rests her head on his chest putting both her legs up.
Laksh : On this couch you were cuddled to me…
Ragini interrupts : Laksh please forget it….
Laksh : How can I? How much pain I made you go through?
Ragini makes him look at her and makes him rest on shoulder and kisses on his cheek.
Ragini : It is over, every year you don’t have to remember this. If you want you can remember what happened on your second birthday which we celebrated together.
Ragini said it in a naughty tone and Laksh moved back chuckling.
Laksh : You on and off prove that you are Ragini Laksh Maheshwari.
Ragini smile and Laksh look at each other.
Ragini : I hate you Laksh.
Laksh : But I love you. (He rests his head on her shoulder) I hate your Laksh for making you cry so much.
Ragini : Oh god please make my husband realize that I cried with happiness that he is leaving me.
Laksh laughs and hugs her tightly and she hugs him back and runs her hand through his hair.
Laksh : Yeah that is what you were begging me asking not to go.
Ragini : I was begging you to leave me, you have forgotten.
Laksh chuckles and falls on the couch and drags Ragini on top of him and they share a lovely eye lock.
Laksh : Are disturbed that something bad will happen to Laashya?
Ragini nods and hugs Laksh tightly burying her face inside his chest.
Ragini : Yes I’m feeling it.
Laksh : Nothing will happen until I’m there.
Ragini nods and dozes off hugging him.
Laksh’s POV.
I’m shocked as I’m feeling that something will happen to our little doll Ragini. I don’t want to tell you as you will get disturbed. Everything is going to be okay. I will protect you and out kids for sure.
Laksh’s POV ends.

Screen freezes on Raglak’s face.


so another episode is given to you please do comment on my ff please if you do find it worth…

Link for the previous ep…


Hello everyone I'm Dafsi I'm here to express my fictional stories to you all ? Not to forget I'm a RagLakian <3 Wattpad- RagLak_Forever...

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