Fan Fiction

Ragsan-U changed my life (episode 3)

Ragsan-U changed my life (episode 3)
Hey guys back with next episode. I am very happy that u are liking my ff. I forgot to mention that this ff will have siblings bond, family bond, love, happiness, emotions and many more things. Thank u all who commented and the silent readers as well. Today is a very big chapter.
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Ragini’s many of the college friends dont know that she is gadodia as she hided it from them. She dont want to reveal it and college management also helped her. Actually she thinks that if they knows she is rich they will do friendship only for her money and that friendship will not exist long time. So she dont want to reveal that she is gadodia and same with swara and mohit. The friends they are have now are who first they become friends later they came to know that they are gadodia’s. And even shekhar never exposed them in front of the world and now as mohit joined in co he is known to the world.
And coming to maheshwari co they always first enquire about the applicants and then they call them to interview so now they came to know about ragini from the college staff, her behaviour and they are really impressed. They also promised that they will not reveal her identity. Her identity of being gadodia will be known only to Mr. Sharma as he was the person who enquired about her and took her interview
Two days passed in these two days raglakansh bond had increased a lot that they meet both morning and evening and they enjoy a lot and they always speak about them in front of their families.

Ragini: (shouts) ma i am leaving i will meet chotu and lucky and go to interview bye
Mishti: ragini wait and mishti comes there and make her eat curd and sugar and bless her and send her
Ragini goes to park and meet chotu and lucky and goes to interview she reaches maheshwari companies and give her interview and he is really impressed and tell her to come with him to sanskar and Mr. Sharma first goes to sanskar’s cabin
Mr. Sharma: sir ur pa is selected sir but she has a unique habit
Sanskar: what is that Mr. Sharma
Mr. Sharma: sir she dont like to reveal her surname
Sanskar: what but why
Mr. Sharma: i dont know sir u ask her urself i will send her u may ask sir
Sanskar: ok u send her to me
Mr. Sharma: ok sir and leaves
Sanskar: (thinks) strange (door knocks)
Sanskar: come in (sanskar is doing his work and did not see her)
Ragini: sir i am ragini ur new pa
Sanskar lifts his head and is shocked to see the person and says
Sanskar: u?
Ragini: yes sir it is me
Sanskar: how is ur puppy? (yes the girl who saved the puppy is ragini)
Ragini: it is fine sir but it is not mine and it is now in animal care house
Sanskar: ok so ur name is ragini
Ragini: yes sir
Sanskar: why do u dont want to reveal ur surname
Ragini: (thinks something) because i challenged my father that i will get my job without using his name so
Sanskar: oh that is great but now u got the job right so u may reveal
Ragini: no sir actually it needs sometime may be one month or two then i myself will reveal it please try to understand sir
Sanskar: ok now i will explain ur work ok and he says what she has to do and he says she is his secretary also and she needs to sometimes do presentations and so on
Ragini: ok sir i understood but sir can i ask u one thing
Sanskar: ya
Ragini: actually sir i want u as my friend
Sanskar: what are u serious i am ur boss and u want me as ur friend
Ragini: sir in any relationship we need friendship so why not in boss and employee relationship as well
Sanskar: impressive but if i like ur work i will accept ur friendship
Ragini: ok sir tell me what i need to do
Sanskar: u have only one day to gain my friendship and u have to complete these files today that is it and hand overs 10 files to her
Ragini: takes them sure sir and leaves to her cabin and her cabin is visible from sanskar’s cabin
Sanskar: interesting girl and smiles unknowingly

Here ragini completes all the files by evening and comes to sanskar’s cabin
Ragini: may i come in sir
Sanskar: come in Miss. Ragini
Ragini: sir work is done
Sanskar: what and he checks everything and it is perfect as well
Sanskar: perfect and did u do this work for my friendship
Ragini: actually yes and no as well no because i love to do work and that too with perfection so i did it for both the purposes so now my friendship and forwards her hand
Sanskar: forwards her hand and says friends with a broad smile and says u can call me sanskar when we are alone but not in front of staff i think u understand
Ragini: smiles sure and call me just ragini anywhere
Sanskar: sure now go back to work ragini nods and leaves
Days passed like this one day ragini took off as she is a lit bit tired
Sanskar is in his office and calls ragini for some files
Sanskar: ragini bring malhothra’s file but some other employee brings that
Sanskar: why did u bring it
Employee: sir ragini is on leave today u forgot
Sanskar: ya sorry
Like that he calls her so many times in one day
Here ragini is listening to music in her room and swara came home with a small boy the boy is injured on his knee
Swara: ma please bring first aid box he got hurt because me
Boy: offo aunty it is a small injury and it is not because of u i was the one who is running and i did not see u and we both collided and i fall down
Swara: but still u fall down because of me
Listening to these sounds ragini came down and saw them and shocked to see the boy and immediately exclaims
Ragini: chotu and runs to him
Ansh: sweety and jumps on her and ragini kisses him and he kisses her on his cheek
Ragini: what happened to ur leg (full concern)
Ansh: arrey small injury sweety dont worry
Ragini: what small one see how u got injured again u ran right
Ansh nods
Ragini: how many times i told u not to run see
Swara: di relax he is fine by the way u r my sister’s chotu and pulls his cheeks
Ansh: i am chotu only for sweety ok my name is ansh
Swara: laughs ok ansh my name is swara ur sweety’s sister
Ansh: ok aunty thank u for the first aid and suddenly he remembers about laksh
Ansh: oh freak sweety chachu
Ragini: what happened to lucky?
Ansh: arrey he might be searching for me in the park
Ragini: ok i will call him he will come and pick u ok
Ansh: ok

Ragini calls him and messages him the address soon he comes there
Laksh comes there and rings the bell swara goes and opens the door and sees lucky they both are shocked to see each other
Swalak: u (from the back ragini shouts)
Ragini: shona who is it
Swara: ha di it is laksh
Laksh: di it means u are ragini di’s sister
Swara: ha
Laksh: i will not believe u
Swara: whatever come inside
Laksh comes inside and sees ansh and runs to him and
Laksh: ansh how did u get hurt
Ansh: chachu nothing small hurt only na
Laksh: how did u get hurt first tell me
Ansh tells him how he got hurt
Laksh: hey chupkali cant u see and walk
Swara: u monkey u can’t even manage a child how can u leave him alone
Laksh: hey u shut up
Swara: u shut up they both go on fighting and ragansh, mishti, dadi are seeing them by opening their mouths ragini gets frustrated
Ragini: shouts stooooooooooooppppppppppppp
They both stop but still giving death glares
Ragini: u both know each other both nods
Ragini: how
Swara: same class
Laksh: same gang
Ragini: seriously same gang and u both fighting
Laksh: same gang but not friends di we both are the best enemies in the gang (swara dont know that he is maheshwari because always they fight and swara as usual does not reveal her surname)
Ragini: ok now u will become friends
Swalak: no way
Ragini: ok then dont talk to me come chotu let us eat something and they both leaves
Swara: di and goes back of her and laksh follows her
Laksh: di please na
Ragini: no u both are fighting like tom and jerry i can’t see my loved ones fighting so if u become friends then talk to me
Ansh: come on chachu swara aunty is very sweet just like sweety u will get a good friend
Laksh: fine but she should not call me monkey
Swara: and he should not call me chupkali
Swalak: done
Swara: hi my name is swara
Laksh: hi my name is laksh mahe…. before he could say there is a voice
Voice: di where are u
Ragini: mohit in dining area
Mohit comes there and sees confusingly at laksh and ansh and goes to ragini
Mohit: di who are they
Ragini: they chotu and lucky
Mohit: oh so u are here finally u know what every day she speaks about u a lot
Mohit: nice to meet u both
Lakansh: nice to meet u too
Mohit: di hungry i will fresh and come we will have dinner
Ragini: ok u go
Mohit leaves and ragini turns to swalak
Ragini: still work is incomplete
Swara: so friends laksh with sweet smile
Laksh: with same sweet smile friends
Swara: now come we will have our dinner
Laksh: but
Swara: no buts as u are my friend now u have to
Laksh: smiles fine
Soon all set for dinner and as usual Karan also came and he is also introduced to lakansh
Ragini: come shona mohit we will eat
Swara: coming di

And they both sit on either side of ragini and laksh is beside ansh so that he can feed him
Ragini: mohit how is ur day
Mohit: as usual boring work
Ragini: why dont u take an off
Mohit: then work
Ragini: ok come open ur mouth and she starts feeding them lakansh see them and smiles
Ansh: sweety they became very big still u feed them
Ragini: how big they may be we eat every day like that only
Laksh: then ur food
Ragini: opens her mouth to say the answer but her mouth is filled with the food by swara
Swara: we feed her like this
Laksh: very cute
Ansh: i also want to get feeded by sweety
Ragini: come here i will feed u
Karan: waise ragini why did u take off today
Ragini: just a little tired why
Karan: nothing how is ur khadoos boss
Ragini: arrey only he pretends to be khadoos but he is very sweet Karan saying this she unknowingly smiles
Karan: only u told me that he is sweet ok leave it
Ansh: ok sweety tomorrow is my birthday u all come to my birthday party ok
Shekhar: all children will come beta sorry
Ansh: it is ok uncle
Swara: i have my project so i am down sorry ansh
Mohit: i have work so i will also not come sorry ansh
Karan: tomorrow operation so sorry
Ragini: but i will go to my chotu’s birthday party
Ansh: yippee sweety will come and i will introduce u to papa and they spend happy dinner time with lakansh and everyone liked them so much especially ansh his cute talks and pouts everything
Laksh: ok come now we should leave and they both leaves
And here all are seated in the hall in the couch and our ragini is massaging mohit’s head
Mohit: di ansh is very cute like u said
Swara: ya he is such cute kid i really liked him
Elders: even we liked him
Ragini: i told na every one will like him
Shekhar: ok lets go to sleep and all nod and go to their rooms
Ragini thinks about ansh and his antics and soon doses off

Ansh enters mm and runs to sanskar and hugs him
Ansh: papa
Sanskar: oh champ u came and (he notices his wound and get concerned) how did u get hurt
Ansh: nothing papa i fell down while running i collided with an aunty and i got hurt and u know that aunty is very sweet like sweety only she is sweety’s sister and we met her family tells everything
Sanskar: ok come we will go to our room
Ap: beta tomorrow morning we will go to temple
Sanskar: u take ansh and go with lucky ma tomorrow morning i have to leave early
Ap: but sanskar
Sanskar: please ma i will come in the evening before party we will go again ok
Ap: ok
Sanskar: lucky tomorrow uttara is coming from her friend’s marriage after college go and pick her
Laksh: ji bhai i will go and pick her later i should bring di also to party
Sanskar: di who is she
Ansh: papa sweety chachu calls her di
Sanskar: ok u invited her
Ansh: ha i can introduce u to her also ok now come we will go and he pulls him to his room and jumps on the bed and sanskar also lies on the bed and ansh keeps his head on his chest
Ansh: now papa tell me about ur day
Sanskar: ok today ragini did not come to office and u know i called her many times forgetting that she is on leave. U know in office without her no work is done now. She is doing everything perfectly, u know she makes coffee from the office canteen and we both are enjoying while doing work
Ansh: she is such a sweet girl na
Sanskar: ha very sweety she respects everyone even she calls peon as kaka
Ansh: papa u call her tomorrow for party
Sanskar: ok i will call ok now sleep
Ansh: story
Sanskar: ha and he tells him a story and ansh sleeps peacefully hugging his father and sanskar thinks
Sanaya i really miss u and then he remembers ragini and thinks so many similarities for u and her how is that possible and he smiles remembering ragini and sleeps

Sanskar wakes up and sees his son who is his life sleeping peacefully hugging him he kisses him on his forehead and goes to washroom and gets ready and comes and finds still ansh sleeping so he goes to him and wakes him
Sanskar: ansh beta wake up today is ur birthday
Listening to the word birthday ansh immediately wakes up and jumps on sanskar and hugs him
Ansh: birthday yeaah and hugs sanskar
Sanskar: happy birthday champ and kisses on his forehead
Ansh: thank u papa and kisses his cheek
Sanskar: ok now come get ready u need to go to temple and then school
Ansh: school papa today no school please
Sanskar: but y u never say that u dont want to go
Ansh: i dont know please papa please and make a puppy face
Sanskar: (smiles) ok now go and fresh up
Ansh: yippee and he runs to get ready he gets ready and goes to the hall and sanskar leaves to office

Ap: happy birthday my bacha
Ansh: thank u dadi
Laksh: happy birthday ansh and lifts him and kisses on his cheek
Ansh: thank u chachu and he too kisses him on his cheek
Ap: ok now come we need to go to temple
Ansh: let us go chachu and they leave to temple
Ap, ansh, laksh go to temple there ansh wants to go near the lake
Ansh: chachu we will go near lake
Laksh: chalo
Ap: u both go i will be here ok
Laksh: ok ma u sit somewhere we will be back

Ragini: ma today i will go to temple and go to office
Mishti: ok beta
Ragini: ok ma bye
Mohit: di wait i will drop u
Ragini: no i will go on two wheeler
Mohit: ok di
Ragini goes to temple
Ragini prayed to god and was about to leave she sees ap who is about to fall while descending steps she immediately goes to her and helps her from not falling
Ragini: aunty carefully
Ap: thank u beta
Ragini: aunty u did not hurt na
Ap: no beta u helped me at the correct time what is ur name beta
Ragini: ragini
Ap: nice name god bless u
Ragini bends and takes her blessings
Ap: u r very beautiful
Ragini: smiles thank u aunty come i will help u in getting down and she helps her to go down and bid bye and goes. In the mean time lakansh comes to ap then ap tells them about her but did not tell her name and they leave from there to their house

Ragini enters in to the office and immediately she goes to her cabin as she needs to do two days work
Sanskar sees her and calls her to cabin
Ragini: may i come in sir
Sanskar: come in ragini
Ragini: sanskar u called me
Sanskar: ha ragini today is my son’s birthday so i am inviting u to his birthday
Ragini: sorry sanskar today is my friend’s birthday also i should go there sorry
Sanskar: (little sad) it is ok but one day u should come to dinner to our house
Ragini: (understood he is sad) sure and to cheer him she says what about ragini’s special coffee
Sanskar: (smiles) of course yesterday i missed my friend’s handmade coffee i am craving for it
Ragini: just 10 minutes will be back and she runs and makes coffee for all the staff and comes to sanskar with two mugs of coffee
Ragini: here it is so tell me what happened why are u upset
Sanskar: upset who
Ragini: dont act in front of me ok
Sanskar: ok i am missing my wife
Ragini: i am sorry
Sanskar: it is ok but u know what she is always fun living she always does all the childish acts and he goes on telling about her ragini can see he is very happy while telling about her
Ragini: (thinks) he is very happy thinking about her she is very lucky and he really loves her that is why i love him so much yes i love him actually he was my first crush when i saw him in the business magazine but he was married later i just thought to work with him when mohit told me that there is job in maheshwari co i felt really happy and when i saw him on that day when i saved puppy he smiled very cutely that is why i asked u for friendship atleast i can be ur friend but u will be my first love and i will never forget u while ragini is in her thoughts
Sanskar: oye madam where are u lost
Ragini: (comes to senses) nothing i was just thinking something ok just leave it
Sanskar: ok u dont want to work today so much is there to do come fast everything here is completely depended on u yesterday i called u many times for all the works arey u are making me dependent on u
Ragini: arey what did i do in that i am doing my work
Sanskar: ok come back to work and they goes to their work
Screen freezes on working sanskar and ragini

Precap: sweety aka ragini meeting ansh’s papa aka sanskar

Hope u like it. Thanks for reading please comment whether it is good or bad. It is a very big chapter hope u dont get bored. And sorry for any typos and mistakes.


Fear can hold you prisoner and hope will set you free... My watty id is @Dharani17

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