Fan Fiction

Raglak- Grow up my attitude kiddo (episode 12)

Next day dadi was teaching rangoli to ragini..
After ragini goes towards washroom laksh pulls her close ragini closes her eyes by placing both hands on his chest and his hot breath falls on her face.
Laksh:- what happen mrs. Ragini laksh kapoor you were so eager to learn all home works urgently what the reason.
Ragini shows palms to him and says..are you seeing these hands.
i want to make housechores for you all with these hands and i want wash your i mean my husband clotheswith these hands.

Laksh:- but we have washing machine na so their is no need of washing by your hands..
Ragini:- so what i will keep clothes in that machine by my these hands..i will cook food to my husband with these hands..
Laksh smiles and drags her more close and wont you feed that cooked food with these hands..wont you hold me with these hands while i am romancing with you..hmm lifts his eyebrows.
Ragini:- ofcourse i will do it..
Laksh leans close to her lips and she too closes her eyes..their lips about to meet suddenly both jerks by a voice ..
Ragini:- who is calling you that loudly..
Laksh:- as per my knowledge that voices seems like kavya..god not again.
Ragini:- who is kavya..
Laksh:- my fathers sister daughter who is mad after me..i think this time she leaves me as i am married now..

Ragini pouts sadly and goes to hall ..
Laksh:- arey what happen to her now…
Ragini standing by folding her hands near chest and watching at some direction.
Kavya wearing shorts comes and hugs laksh tightly almost threwing her on him..
Laksh looks irritated before he could react dadi drags kavya from him.
Kavya:- dadi you were here.when you came.
Dadi:- i came before u only.
Kavya:- oh..
Dadi:- by the way meet ragini laksh wife..
Kavya looks ragini from top to bottom in insulting way with out knewing her background…
You were laksh wife who wears saree in these days.
All gets angry especially.

Dadi:- we wear saree and by the way we wear clothes to cover ourself not to show off.
Kavya:- come on dadi on which generation you are living.
Ragini comes forwards hugs her and says this generation and even future generation too kavya..
Any way nice meeting you…
Kavya:- nice meeting you..

How are you uttara..
Uttara fake smile:- fine..
Kavya:- i lisened you got admission under sakshi jii omg you were lucky i just love her and her group collections..
All laughs making kavya confused so she asks why you all were laughing.
Uttara:- to whom you were seeing like old behenji she was daughter of that sakshi jii and..
Ragini:- and right now what ever you were wearing andcroaming na that was dedigned by me that to with out my interest and on force of my mom.
Uttara:- just think kavya with out interest if she made this awesome outfit then think what she will do when she was interested.

Kavya:- are you sure you were biological daughter of sakshi jii.
Ragini:- no she borrowed me.
Kavya:- i thought of it how come you be own daughter of sakshi jii.she was fashion diva and you..

Voice:- how dare you to speak like that.
Voice 2:- If you again said any word i will slit you throat

Precap:- ragini angry on laksh..

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