Fan Fiction

raglak ff ur my obsession (Part 4)

Thank u guys for ur wonderful comments sorry for uploading short episode as I was really busy.
Laksh and ragini reached his apartment. They took the lift and reached the30th floor . She was amazed to see the house . It was loking ultra modern with all facilities. Laksh walked to a room and ragini followed him. He led her to a room.
Laksh: this is ur room
He looked at ragini who was looking with shocked eyes. He goes to her and waves his hand before her.

Ragini: with whom should I share this room
She asks innocently batting her eyes. Laksh gets esmerised and kisses near her lips and whispers its all urs
He looks at her and sees she was sweating due to their proximity. He moves away and says goodnight and closes the door.
Ragini lets out a sigh and sleeps as she was tired.

Laksh goes to his room and sleeps.
A small girl is shouting help me lucky help me
Laksh (as a small boy): ragini I wont let anything happen to u
He starts running but rgini falls. He shouts ragini
Dream end
Laksh gets up and rushes to ragini’s room and sees her sleeping peacefully. He sleeps beside her and traces her face with his fingers. His fingers stop at her lips. He moves close to her and kisses her lips slightly. He carefully takes her into his arms and sleeps hugging her.

The morning sunrays are coming into the room and disturbs ragini’s face.
Ragini: shona draw the curtains shona
She kicks laksh thinking he is shona. Laksh gets up with a start and says “what the”
He sees ragini sleeping and goes and closes the window. He sits beside her and admires her beauty.
She gets up after 2hrs and sees laksh seeing her . she gets up and sits
Ragini(starts fumbling):sorry sir I wo
Laksh gets up and pecks her
Laksh: not sir call me laksh
Ragini: but

Laksh: shshsh listen to what I say and once call my name
Ragini: la laksh
He gets happy and kisses on her forehead
Laksh : get ready fast ok
She nods her head and he leaves.
Ragini takes dress and towel and goes inside.she removes her dress and stand under shower when she feels a pair of hands on her waist.
The screen freezes on ragini’s shcked face.

So guys I know many of u want long updates so do u want regular short episode or irregular long episode. Do comment

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