Categories: RadhaKrishn

RadhaKrishn 28th June 2021 Written Episode Update: Radha Challenges Alakshmi

RadhaKrishn 28th June 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Radha confronts Alakshmi that she was attacking them hiding, Krishna can send her out right now, but she with fight with him openly first. Alakshmi asks if innocent Radha wants to fight with her Jestha, she is not that powerful. Radha says let us decide tomorrow in front of everyone. Alakshmi says she will come for sure and says she was not using her full powers as she was attacking hiding, now she will attack with her full powers, Radha should be alert. Radha says tomorrow they will see who has right on Krishna, Alakshmi should be ready to accept defeat. Alakshmi says she was waiting for this since long and walks away. Krishna asks Radha why she provoked Alakshmi for a war instead of kicking her out. Radha says she needs to prove her competence and as Krishna says nobody can hold one forcefully.

Krishna says she is right, but she know that Alakshmi’s powers have increased. Radha says Alakshmi doesn’t know the power of love. Krishna says Alakshmi will use all her evil powers till tomorrow night. Radha says poornima/full moon night’s light is very powerful and Alakshmi cannot withstand it. Krishna says amavasya is similarly very dark. Radha asks if he means poornima will not happen tomorrow. He says he just wants to say that he is with her always. She says she is happy and knows he is with her always.

Sam asks Alakshmi what will she do next. She says she will reward him and touches him. He turns black and stands speechless writhing in pain. She says he cannot speak, touches him again, and getting him back to normal says he must have realized that she doesn’t need his suggestion and is just a means for her. He asks that means whatever she did was very less. She says Radha dons’t know that there won’t be poornima at all. He asks how is it possible. She says this is just a trialer, lifts herself in air and with her superpowers covers moon with darkness; says she will snatch light from the whole universe and will not clear darkness until Krishna agrees to accept her. He gets afraid. She says Radha and Krishna should be afraid instead, now she will force whole universe and even Radha Krishna to shiver in fear.

Mahadev and Devi Gauri discuss that Alakshmi’s powers are at their peak and its difficult to stop her. Gods get afraid seeing darkness. Krishna walks to Mahadev and Devi Gauri and says Alakshmi has sucked all the light and her powers are increasing, and if this continues, she will end all the good and divine powers. Jamvati, Revati, and others complain Radha that they cannot breathe properly. Radha asks her to return to their room and thinks she needs to do something which Krishna doesn’t want to. Krishna seeks Devi Gauri’s help. Devi Gauri says until Radha seeks her powers, she cannot. Krishna reminds Mahadev what he has to do. Citizens get afraid seeing darkness. Alakshmi meditates and makes them ill with her superpowre. Chandradev complains Mahadev. Maahdev says he has to emerge at any cost today as Radha cannot get Devi Gauri’s powers until poornima happens. Chandradev says he needs suryadev’s help. Mahadev says Krishna has gone to seek Suryadev’s help, Chandradev has to emerge bright at any cost. Krishna encourages Suryadev to help Chandradev and Radha gain her powers. Suryadv and Chandradev use their powers to clear darkness, but Alakshmi overpowers them and saays she created a dark wall which Surya and Chandradev cannot cross, there will be darkness in the whole world.

Krishna returns to Radha and asks what is she doing. She says she is chanting a mantra which made Arjun won, which protected Draupadi’s dignity, with which Govardhan was lifted in seconds and its her Manmohan, her Krishna. Krishna says Alakshmi created a protective wall which Surya and chandradev cannot cross, what she has to say regarding this. She says only her Krishna can help. Balram and Nishant address citizens to fight against evil powers. Radha tells Krishna that she always remembered Krishna in trouble and even now she will call Krishna for help, he should help her however he wants to, she will repeat that Krishna is a victory and the universe for her. Krishna says she is his hope and her mantra will change everyting. She chants Krishna.

Precap: Radha tells Krishna that she cannot see Dwarka destroying, hence she wants to give his hand in Alakshmi’s hand. Krishna tells Alakshmi that Radha sent him to her and asks her to hold his hand.

Update Credit to: MA

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