Categories: Radha Mohan

Radha Mohan 30th May 2023 Written Episode Update: Radha struggles to get out from the cold storage

Radha Mohan 30th May 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Radha while reciting the Mantar throws the last box at the fan, before falling on the floor. Radha lifts her head and is glad to see that the fan has been stopped by the box, she mentions Ba Kai Bihari jee came to her help just as she called him for his help.

Mohan angrily requests them to free him, Inspector Ashok explains his attitude has not ended even after being locked in jail, he explains that Mohan would be sent to jail for a period of seven years, Ketki accepts that it was the fault of her brother however she informs what else can she do since their sister in law is missing since the morning and they have to find her, Inspector Ashok however says that nothing would happen now as they will have to go to the court.

The owner of the cold storage comes to the office complex, he seeing

that the guard is sleeping tries to wake him up but the guard does not respond, this worries the owner who exclaims he will not only lose money but his wife is also going to kill him, Tulsi gets suspicious after hearing their conversation.

Radha manages to stand up in the cold storage, she tries to lift the stand however it is really heavy but she kneels down to once again try and pick it up but is not able to do it, she starts beating heavily and even coughs. Radha does not lose hope and finally manages to lift the stand, the temperature in the cold storage ahs gotten very low.

Ajeet requests the Inspector to release Mohan as they have to find Radha very soon, he assures he would bring Mohan back tomorrow, but the inspector informs there is no reason for them to stay here as no one from the Police station would go to find her from this police station explaining he cannot file a missing complaint before twenty four hours, Mohan asks what if something happens to Radha before that time, Inspector replies Mohan should have thought about it before hitting him, he threatens he is going to hit Mohan with a bullet. Mohan angrily starts staring t Inspector Ashok thinking what has he done because if he remains locked up then how would he manage to find Radha

Radha in the cold storage sits in front of the shelf, once again stares at the fan thinking she would have to break it in order to get out from this cold storage. Radha notices the handle of the cold storage which is lying beside the door. She walks to pick it up after covering her hands with her saree, Radha then walks towards the shelf, she brings some boxes which she starts tearing so that her feet and arms donot stick to the shelf due to the cold weather, she slowly starts climbing on the shelf from the corner.

Mohan wonders if Radha would be able to fight alone, he even thinks what is he going to say to Gungun, Ketki gets a call from Gungun but she declines it, Gungun informs that ketki bua ended her call and even Mohan is not answering her call. Kadambari requests her to calm down as they all would be searching for Radha so will surely come back very soon accompanied by her Radha, Kadambari thinks she has convinced Gungun but who is going to calm her down as even she is getting worried. Kaveri thinks no matter how much Kadambari tries to calm down Gungun, they both know that Radha is going to die in the cold storage, Damini also whispers that the biggest savior of Radha is himself locked in jail so she will die after suffering.

Radha manages to climb on the shelf, she prays to Ba Kai Bihari jee that she has reached far with a lot of struggle and cannot die, since Gungun would be really worried for her and even Mohan jee is going to searching for her, so she has to live for them both. Radha prays that Mohan jee should come to save her since she cannot fight alone anymore, Radha calls Mohan jee for help.

Mohan locked up in the cell wonders what has he done since Radha needs his help and even Gungun is waiting for him, so he apologizes to the Inspector to let him go, Ketki requests the Inspector to let go of his brother since he himself has apologized, inspector threatens Ketki to leave, Ajeet angrily questions how did the inspector dare talk to his wife in this manner, Mohan requests him to not argue, hearing this Inspector pushes Ajeet saying he would talk in this manner asking what would he be able to do, Ajeet threatens to file a complaint against the inspector. Mohan replies he has seen the way the inspector is talking but it is not the time to misbehave, Inspector instructs the constable to oust everyone from the police station, Ajeet asks if they are criminals which is why they are behaving in this manner, Ajeet threatens to get them suspended, however they both are thrown out of the police station, Ketki informs she is worried for Mohan bhai since he has hurt the ego of the Inspector, Ajeet agrees that something is wrong.

Radha thinks she would have to remove the box but is worried since the fan is going to start, she sees the wires so thanks Ba Kai Bihari jee for showing her a path whenever se is in any sort of problem, Radha tries to reach the wires by placing her hand in the fan, she is not able to break them at first but finally manages to do it, Radha thinks she has to get out very soon otherwise all of her efforts would have gone to waste, she while praying removes the card board box and is glad that the fan is still not working, she thinks she has to make a way to get out from this cold storage and prays to Ba Kai Bihari jee but the shelf suddenly falls leaving Radha hanging on the wall, she does not know what she is going to do.

Inspector asks the constable to bring the stick which hey had placed in the oil mentioning some people can only be taught a lesson through the sticks.

Radha using the handle of the cold storage starts climbing towards the fan.

The hands of Mohan are tied in the cold storage and the Inspector starts beating him, Ketki gets worried hearing the screams of Mohan but is not able to do anything, the Inspector keeps beating Mohan with the stick.

Update Credit to: Sona

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