Categories: Radha Mohan

Radha Mohan 14th February 2024 Written Episode Update: Mohan tells the truth about Radha to Tulsi

Radha Mohan 14th February 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Tulsi asks Mohan what is Maa saying, and is it all true, Mohan asks Tulsi to calm down but she demands an answer to it all, kadambari says that whatever she is saying is the truth, the entire family including Radha is worried, Kadambari says it is the right to Tulsi to know the truth while her duty, Mohan requests Kadmabari saying ti is not the right time to talk about it, kadambari replies it is never a right time, and whenever Mohan tells the truth to Tulsi, she would suffer the same pain, he is worried about Tulsi but Kadambari asks what about the condition of Radha, did he ever think what would be happening to Radha. Kadambari tells Tulsi that after she left, Radha took care of Gungun, Mohan and even the entire Trivedi family, she made Mohan meet his true self and teach him how to smile, while

even getting him to meet the entire family, kadambari says that Mohan cannot do injustice with Radha after the return of Tulsi, Kaveri asks what is she saying, Kadambari angrily demands Kaveri to stay quiet, saying she is elder but should not force her to be rude when this matter realtes to her family and kaveri is not a member. Kadambari says it is very important for Tulsi to understand that Radha is not the governess of Gungun, while her mother and the wife of Mohan.Radha gave Gungun the love of a mother and Mohan the support of a wife so she requests Tulsi to not use bad words when talking about her, kadambari explains neither Radha nor Mohan and even Tulsi are wrong but only the situations are wrong, Tulsi refuses saying this maid can not be the wife of Mohan, kadambari says she is replying again that Radha is the daughter in law of the Trivedi family and she should get the same respect, Tulsi looks furiously at Kadambari. Tulsi accepts that Maa is saying the truth, she is the one who is wrong as she has to accept this maid as her husbands wife, kadambari is shocked.

Tulsi replies this is the ritual of this family because this is what has been happening in their family asking Maa, she says if she has said the truth because the other women tend to become a part of this family after marrying the men as this is what she had done in her past. Kadambari gets shocked, Tulsi says that even she entered the house as a nurse of Mohan’s mother and while serving her she trapped papa in her love, and then became Kadambari Devi. Mohan angrily calls Tulsi but she refuses to listen saying if Kadambari can ask her to accept this other women then must also accept her truth, ketki asks what is Tulsi Bhabhi saying and even Rahul questions how can she talk like this with their mother, revealing she does not have any right to talk with their mother in such manner, ketki also replies that Tulsi should not say whatever she desires, Kadambari stops her. Tulsi replies she knows that both Ketki and Rahul would feel bad but she should think if Ajeet does the same with her, and if he brings another women then would she accept her, Tulsi says she is not saying anything wrong, as Kadmabari came as the nurse of Mohan’s mother, Mohan demands that Tulsi should listen to him, and it does not mean she should take out her frustration on his mother, Tulsi replies it does not mean they should stop saying the truth, that Kadambari is the second women who entered the house and is his second mother, while who is herself the second will always support the other, either Damini or Radha, hearing this Radha replies that she is not the other women but the wife of Mohan, Tulsi replies that one does not become the wife by calling themselves, Radha warns Tulsi to control her words otherwise she would do something wrong but Tulsi replies she will take care of Radha later however has to introduce Kadambari today, she says that first Kadambari brought her niece Damini and desires Mohan to marry her but then he fell in love with her after which she became the biggest enemy of kadambari, Tulsi questions for how long did Damini live in their house, even when she worked in the Trivedi publication but she and her mother could live in another house but Damini kept living in the Trivedi Bhagwan for so many years, while Kadambari kept siding with Damini and hurting her as she desires that Mohan should marry Damini and she leave the house.

kadambari questions what rubbish is she saying but Tulsi replies this is the truth due to which she stayed away from Gungun and her Mohan for eight years, Gungun while crying questions why is her mother fighting with her Grandmother, she runs away when Ajeet tells Radha that he would go after her. Tulsi says Radha liked when this drama happened in front of her daughter, Radha asks if Tulsi wants this drama to happen and does she even know what to talk in front of her own daughter, Mohan requests Tulsi to calm down asking why is she making such stories but Tulsi replies it is the truth, she says he does not think bad of anyone, and he refused to accept the truth all those years ago while is doing the same today because he loves his mother a lot, due to which Damini was involved in their married life, she goes to Mohan saying that she left the house due to their quarrels after which Damini tried to take her life, Tulsi turning to Kadambari questions was she also involved in trying to take her life, Tulsi asks kadmabari had she supported Damini, Mohan angrily says it is enough and tells Tulsi he cannot hear a bad word against Maa, he was quiet as she is not well but does she not feel shame while talking to his mother in such a manner.

Mohan says his mother has not done anything, Tulsi asks if it is not wrong to bring another women and to force her to accept the other women, is it not wrong to make a maid his wife but Mohan replies she is not a maid. Mohan replies Radha is his wife, he has married her and he is not talking of the circles that she saw in the Mandir as they have been married a long while ago. Tulsi is about to fall when Mohan asks her to control herself, explaining when she had left them all he had started to hate her thinking that she had committed suicide and after a while started hated everyone, Mohan informs that his relation was bad with the entire family after which Radha came in his life, she is the one who has taken care of her. Mohan reveals Radha has protected him and Gungun while even done a lot for Rahul, he says Radha has taken care of everyone while he did not love her at first but with the passage of time they both fell in love and now are married. Tulsi is shocked listening the truth from Mohan.

Update Credit to: Sona

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