Categories: Radha Mohan

Radha Mohan 13th June 2023 Written Episode Update: Mohan expresses his feelings to Radha

Radha Mohan 13th June 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Mohan says Radha calls him her Bhagwan, then her Bhagwan is ordering her to wake up, she does not respond which worries Mohan so he asks why is she not waking up, he blames her for being a liar mentioning she does not care for him and the family, she had made a big issue of such a small thing. Mohan suddenly stops, he starts apologizing to Radha for everything and holds her hand close to him, he kisses her hand and even starts crying explaining it is a very big thing, he should not have said all these things to her as whose does say it to the one person who is the closest to their heart. Mohan accepts it is his fault and he should not have let her go to the office, while also get worried when she did not come back on time, he should have left to search for her very quickly. Mohan pleads with her to not

punish herself for his mistakes and requests her to wake up, Radha is still unconscious, Mohan mentions that it is his mistake then she should give him the punishment, Mohan starts hitting himself with the hand of Radha, requesting her to wake up.

Gungun is really worried standing beside kadambari and Ketki, Damini disguised as a nurse slowly walks past them, Gungun notices that something is wrong so she starts following the nurse, Ketki is also crying.

Mohan requests Radha to not do anything of the sort and think of leaving them as they all need her help, she is the friend of Ketki while the sister of Ajeet, and daughter to his mother, he finally exclaims she is his live, the second chance given by Ba Kai Bihari jee, Mohan says he is going to tell her one thing which he has not told anyone, he explains after the earth of Tulsi everyone thought that he had broken emotionally but the truth is different as Mohan had also died with Tulsi, he had broken all his relations and become a stone, he even started a war with Bhagwan while even losing the last memory he had of Tulsi, who was their daughter. Mohan mentions then Radha came to his life, and once again woke up the feelings which he had trapped in his heart, she did it with immense love and care. Mohan says she once again arranged him to start believing in Bhagwan, she forced him to think about himself and returned the happiness while even his daughter who was not even ready to talk with him, Radha returned the relations to him, the biggest thing that she returned the same Mohan who would play the flute. He says she does not know what she means to him, as she has really changed him a lot, the Mohan who did not accept anyone has started listening to her, as he has bowed before her when he never did it for anyone else, he never cared for any other girl then Tulsi, starts crying when Radha suffers even a single scratch. Mohan mentions Radha has no idea what she has made him into, she is the reason for him to wake up in the morning and the reason he sleeps peacefully at night. Mohan pleads with Radha to wake up, he finally places her hand on the chest before standing up, he lies down on the bed with Radha, explaining he gets worried when she is not around him while he gets happy while seeing just a glimpse of her, he even sees the dreams in daylight, he cannot get mad with her for very long, Mohan mentions he waits for her whenever she leaves for the office, he tries to find new ways just to hear her voice on the phone accepting that he really misses her. Mohan tells that he feels as if he has gotten all the happiness in the world when she is with Gungun, he does not know why does he feel like this and has no idea when he felt like this before, Mohan remembers the day he proposed to Tulsi in the collage, recalling about his married life with Tulsi and how they both were really happy as a couple, immediately he starts thinking about Radha, and how he feels the same seeing her in front of him, Mohan is not able to stop himself for reliving those memories once again, he explains he felt like this with Tulsi and it is truly the same feeling, he informs he never let anyone come near her neither went near anyone, he explains he has never gotten worried for anyone like her, and never waited for anyone like her, he has also never loved anyone like her. Mohan suddenly stops realizing how he has just expressed himself, he sits beside her mentioning he has understood it, even if he got a bit late. Mohan once again kisses the hand of Radha, saying I LOVE YOU RADHA, he keeps staring at her mentioning he really loves her a lot. She must therefor open her eyes, he starts crying and is really emotional when he mentions he loves her a lot, Damini is shocked hearing Mohan confess his feelings to Radha, she is not able to believe what she is hearing. Mohan keeps saying he loves Radha,

Damini remembers how she changed herself for Mohan, she thinks she even let him get married to someone else but in return he is expressing his love to someone else, Damini thinks this time she is not going to let anyone else snatch her right, she is shocked when Gungun stops her from behind, she asks if there is any problem with Radha informing how Mohan really loves Radha but does not say anything, she questions why is the nurse not saying anything about the condition of Radha, Damini is really tensed and starts rubbing her hand to wipe off the sweat, she accidentally causes the mask to fall off her face. Damini gets worried as Gungun is constantly trying to pull her while asking if Radha would get healthy once again, Damini is really worried.

Precap: Damini is disguised as a nurse. She says to Mohan it’s time for patient’s sponge bath time, can you please go out? Mohan leaves the room. Damini tries to choke Radha, but Radha wakes up and pushes her away. Damini stumbles and tray falls down. Everyone outside hears the sound and rushes inside the room.

Update Credit to: Sona

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