Categories: Qurbaan Hua

Qurbaan Hua 11th March 2021 Written Episode Update: Chahat realizes that Naveli is Sahil’s girlfriend

Qurbaan Hua 11th March 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Chahat is searching in the belongings when she finds the air ticket, she realizes that it is the same flight with which Sahil is also going to Dubai, so her suspicion is correct and Sahil is taking Naveli with him to Dubai.

Some time earlier Chahat asks Sahil where he got the bangle because the bangle of her husband was also lost the same day, Sahil explains that Ghazala gifted him the bangle because he is leaving for Dubai and if she is tensed then he can have it confirmed however Chahat stops him saying that otherwise Ghazala would create a scene then she apologizes to Sahil for not trusting him, he accepts her apology then offers to drop her back.

Ammi Jan asks Chahat if she thought about the child because she knows that one can make such decision in anger however Chahat is adamant then

leaves when Ghazala signals Sahil asking what the matter is, Sahil points towards the bangle which puts a smile on the face of Ghazala however Ammi Jan is really worried.

Naveli is amazed to see the Dubai ticket and packs her belongings thinking that she would leave with Sahil as then would be able to have a fresh start in Dubai without any worries of the family, she thinks that she would leave after the MahShrvatri pooja, she packs her bag then realizes that she doesnot have her earring so calls Sahil.

Chahat is with Sahil asking him about his flight when he says that he will leave for Delhi tonight so this worries Chahat who explains that she thought that she would find a suitable girl for him and get him married, he explains that he is not that simple and has found a girl, she asks him about his girlfriend however he explains that he would tell the name when it is the suitable time, Chahat snatches his mobile when he gets the call and is adamant to see it however they both struggle and the mobile drops, till She is able to pick it up the call ends, she desires to see the history when Sahil takes the mobile, they are talking when Chahat reaches the house, Sahil asks if he can come inside however Chahat apologizes mentioning that there is a lot of work so he can come some other time.

Chahat is walking when she feels some thing pinching and then sees the earring stuck in her sandal which she takes out.
Vyas je explains that his decision is final and Baleq cannot perform the pooja, Baleq explains that he is also no longer the Mant and is guilty in the eyes of the society so who would then perform the pooja, Neel comes out mentioning that he will now perform it, Baleq responds that he is not worthy to perform it and should leave however Neel explains that he will perform the pooja while also warning Baleq to never talk with Vyas je in such a voice because he would not be able to bear it and then would beat him till he doesnot take the revenge of Saraswathi, Baleq leaves the hall in anger.

Vyas je cannot understand that Neel has stood up for him, he while crying hands the lamp to Neel and asks AlakhNanda to bring Naveli while they all would move for the place where they will perform the pooja, Neel is standing still, Chahat congratulates him and also asks what is the matter, he explain how they lost Saraswathi in the previous year so he is worried if something might happen this year, Chahat explains that she would pray and nothing wrong would happen.

Chahat sees AlakhNanda falling, Naveli warns her to not interfere in her personal matters, AlakhNanda asks what is the wrong with her because she is not wearing the earrings, Godambari, Jamuna and Chahat break off the fight, Godambari exclaims that AlakhNanda is right because one of her earring is missing and she must realize that they are made off gold, Naveli asks why is she worried because they did not pay for it as they have been using Vyas jee’s money their entire lives, Jamuna is about to slap her but controls his hand, she mentions that she did not say anything wrong and he cannot force her to remain quiet, Jamuna exclaims that she has gotten out of their hands, he pulls Naveli then locks her in the store, Naveli pleads with him to not lock her inside as she has to leave with Sahil for Dubai.

Chahat pleads with Godambari that they should speak nicely with Naveli otherwise she might end up hurting herself however Godambari says that she doesnot need advice from her and takes AlakhNanda with her when Jamuna mentions that they should check the preparations at the Mandir, she throws the earring.

Chahat is worried when she picks up the earrings and is shocked to see that it is the same as the earring which she found in Sahil’s car, she is curious that Naveli might be the girlfriend of Sahil so she must find any proof in her room.
Chahat stops at the entrance of the house thinking that Vyas je has barred her from her entering the house, she pleads with Saraswathi di to give her a sign and after getting ti enters the house.

Neel is performing the pooja while the family members are standing there, Chahat enters the house and searches Naveli’s room, she is frantically searching the room and is able to find the message of Sahil, she also finds the bag with the ticket and is shocked to see that it is the same flight from which Sahil is going to Dubai. Naveli is able to break the door, she is sure that she must leave with Sahil so enters the room however is shocked to find Chahat, she asks how did Chahat dare search her belongings, Chahat explains that she cannot let her destroy her life, however Naveli says that no one can stop her from becoming one with Sahil, she leaves after pushing Chahat away.

Precap: Chahat asks if Ghazala is implying that she wants to get Naveli married, Vyas je walking in asks how she dared try to mix the blood of the Dhiani family, Sahil stops him mentioning that Chahat only cares for the blood of the Baig family which worries Chahat.

Update Credit to: Sona

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