Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak 13th May 2024 Written Episode Update: Raj finds out about Sumitra

Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak 13th May 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Kohu runs and hugs Shaina. Everyone is shocked to see her. Raj says what are you doing here? come here Kohu. Shana says I am her mother. I couldn’t miss her birthday. You can’t question a mother. I know she was missing me right Kohu? Kohu hugs her and says thank you for coming back, mama. I miss you a lot. Raj says Kohu go to your room. She says I won’t. You will send Mama away again. I won’t let her go. Raj asks Geetu to take her to the room. Kohu cries. Shaina says don’t you worry. No one can part us now. I will live with you. Raj says don’t use her emotions. We know your choroidal tears. He says nirvan all the police. Shaina says police won’t arrest me because I am pregnant. Raj says this child isn’t mine. I will get this test

to prove it. She says you can’t get this test done without my consent. I will file a case of torture on you. I will tell them you’re torturing me because you have an affair with this 18-year-old girl. You are also ignoring my daughter. Raj says I will expose you. Shaina says let me show you your truth in front of everyone.

Shaina plugs in the TV. The videos show Raj and Poonam being up close in bed. Shaina says he’s a daughter’s shield still he’s doing all this with an 18-year-old. Raj says stop this nonsense. She says the police will see this and your whole community, Raj strangles her. Poonam stops him. Shaina says I will attempt to murder the case on you as well. Take all the cases on my name back or I will put you all in jail. she goes to Kohu. poonam says she’s doing all this to free himself. We can’t do that. Sumitra says no we have to agree to her. She will use Kohu adn she can send you to jail. Poonam says to drama. You’re also with Shaina. You don’t care about Raj. Raj says just shut up. Stop accusing my mom. Instead of Shaina, you’re still talking about my mom. Guruajj says we have to treat with care. She says we can’t get that test done. She’s only two months pregnant. Raj wonders how she knows the months.

Scene 2
Poonam tells Netra about Shaina. She says Raj is in more danger now. I don’t know how to tell everyone the truth. Netra gives her the doll. She picked it up and Raj threw it. Poonam says thank you. She tries to open the door. Poonam finds a small chit with a number on it. They wonder what could it be. Poonam says this will lead us somewhere. Raj has to know the truth.

Raj thinks about what Poonam has been saying. He recalls Sumitra talking about Shaina’s pregnancy months. Raj breaks things in anger. He says I am sorry Poonam. I slapped but I couldn’t take anything against my mom. But you won’t say things without a reason. There might be some reason. Maybe there are things that I don’t know.

Raj calls someone and says you found out the person who stole the jewelry? Who asked you to investigate? He says okay. Tell me the person who did all this. He tells us why he stole. Shaina hears it. Shaina tells Sumitra. Sumitra says this will ruin our game. if I get caught, you will get caught too. Shaina says to stop Raj from getting that person home.

Scene 3
The next morning Raj talks to someone in a hoodie. Sumitra comes out. She says I’ve to stop Raj. She comes running to Raj. Sumitra starts hitting the person and says this person stole our jewelry. He came to our house I will kill you. she says Raj get him arrested, and call the police. He stole it all. Raj says that’s Shivam, he’s my student. She says that’s not him. Raj says how do you know that not the trip? Did you see him? she looking look at the clothes he came in. Wouldn’t I doubt him? Guruaj takes Sumitra inside. Raj recalls how Sumitra has always cared for him. He cries. He says this can’t be true. Poonam asks Raj are you okay? He sits down and cries. Poonam says look at me. Raj says why would my mom do this to me? He cries. He says Shaina is with mom. She told her what she heard me saying on call. Poonam says I know it’s too though for you. I know it’s painful. But this is the truth. She was fooling you all this time. I was so scared. I knew you’d shatter like this. Raj says I thought I had hurt my mom but holding your hand was the best decision of my life. How can maa do this? She always loved me. He cries. Raj says I’ve to talk to maa. She has to answer.

Poonam asks Raj to calm down. Raj says I have to talk to maa. Poonam says you will find the answers. We have tp find the proofs first. this isn’t the right time. Sumitra comes there. She asks Raj what happened?

Epsisode ends

Update Credit o: Atiba

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