Pyar Ke Saat Vachan Dharampatni 27th June 2023 Written Episode Update: Rangoli competition between Pratiksha and Kaviya

Pyar Ke Saat Vachan Dharampatni 27th June 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Manvi says we can do a rangoli comeptition and see whose rangoli wins from the audience. Kaviya says I agree. Pratiksha says I don’t do fake competitions for relationships but if it’s a challenge then I accept on condition that only guests will decide. Kaviya agrees. They both start working on their rangolis. Ravi looks at Pratiksha making her rangoli. Kinjal and dadi look at him and smile. He says all the best Kaviya. Mandip says to Amar what’s wrong wiht you? He says for God’s sake, can we celebrate once? She says can’t I be happy? She says you gave Pratiksha blessings. He says so? She says Kaviya is our DIL. Kaviya was so hurt. I am ashamed you did that, that’s so unfair. Why did you do it? He says because Pratiksha touched my feet

and gave me respect. So I gave her blessings. I also don’t like a lot of things but I stayed silent. Now I won’t. I should’ve stayed up. I shouldn’t let anything wrong happy to any child. Mandip says I always stood with kaviya. He says I am talking about Pratiksha. You intoxicated her. This is so wrong. Our women are doing this to another girl inside this house? I couldn’t believe you could stoop so low with Kaviya and Manvi. Biji comes there. Mandip leaves. Biji asks what happened? He says a small fight. She says you don’t have to tell me. Amar I can share everything with you. She was taking Kaviya’s side although I know what happened with Pratiksha isn’t right. He says Pratiksha isn’t bad. Biji says I am glad you realized that. He hugs her.

Scene 2
Ravi gets ready. Adi comes there. Ravi says I will also show her attitude. Adi says like how you wave at her and smile. Is that attitude? You can’t do that. Ravi says I was feeling guilty before but not anymore. He says you love her. He says shut up. Ravi thinks about Pratiksha He says I will support Kaviya only.

Kaviya makes rangoli. She says FYI I won a rangoli competition. Pratiksha says should I give you an award? Kaviya calls her friend Ranni. Kinjal comes there. Kaviya sayys go back home. She says this is my sister’s home. You should leave. Kaviya says you both sisters will leave together, keep your bags together. She says I will tie the knot as the door as the DIL of this house. Ravi says nice rangolis. I meant Kaviya’s. Pratiksha stares at him, she leaves. Pratiksha gets ready in her room. Kinjal says why are you not ready? She says I can’t decide what to wear. She says wear the dress dadi gave. Pratiksha says Ravi doesn’t like that color. Kinjal says wow. She says no no.. Kinjal says I know you wanna look gorgeous for him. Pratiksha says shut up. I’ve decided to be happy today. Kaviya gets ready. Manvi says you look so pretty. Kaviya says I love Ravi so much. Manvi says I know. She says yes I love Ravi when I am with him, I feel like flying. Like I am at peace but i want to kick out that Pratiksha. I hate her more than I love Ravi. No one understands how I feel. I hate Pratiksha. She’s taken everything from me. Manvi says I know. She says my love for Ravi has increased because that Pratiksha wants Ravi. I feel so happy when I see no one is with her. No one loves her except for Biji. Mandip comes there. She recalls Amar is also on Pratiksha’s side. Manvi says but you’ve to be careful. Kaviya says everyone will be on my side only. Mandip comes there. Kaviya says mom, you? She says you look so pretty. Let’s go.

Scene 3
The guests come. Kinjal meets dadi. DAdi saysyou look so pretty. She looks at Ravi. Ravi asks what’s up? Kinjal says you look handsome. Ravi says only she appreciates me. She says no other people like you too. Dadi says they fight because they have love. Adi looks at Kinjal and smiles. Adi says she’s pretty. Ravi says who? He says she looks different, I mean gorgeous. Ravi says shut up. He says you would look good with her. Dadi asks Kinjal where is she? Kinjal says didi will only wear the color ravi likes. Dadi says wow. Kaviya says favorite color doesn’t make you anyone’s favorite.

Episode ends

Update Credit to: Atiba

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