Punyashlok Ahilya Bai 8th February 2021 Written Episode Update: Ahilya takes a promise from Malhar

Punyashlok Ahilya Bai 8th February 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com

The Episode starts with Ahilya hiding from everyone and meeting Renu at the temple. She says Gautama is talking to me sweetly now, but she may change after going home, Khanderao isn’t friendly to me, I don’t want to marry. Renu says but Malhar is your friend, he will always support you. Ahilya recalls Malhar’s words. She says he knew I don’t want to marry and still fixed my alliance, he isn’t my friend. Renu reminds her that Malhar supported her always, he is her friend and is making her bahu to be with her. Ahilya says I had promised you. Renu says I m breaking the promise, I m happy that you are becoming a queen. Ahilya hugs her and says I will not break my promise, I will not go away, I will pray. Malhar discusses his Rajya plans with Gangoba. He says once we reach Malwa after

marriage, I will take the soldiers and leave for Pune to stop the Siddhi army, I can sense a battle. Ahilya comes and signs him to come. Malhar smiles.

He asks Gangoba to send a soldier to Malwa with a message for the minister. He goes to Ahilya. Gangoba says its a serious matter, Malhar had gone to talk to that girl. Malhar asks what happened, you had called me. Ahilya asks him to bend down, he is very tall, her neck aches when she talks to him. He laughs. He makes her stand on the stair. He says now your neck won’t ache. She asks do you regard me a friend. He says yes, you broke it. She says then we can be friends again. He laughs and says yes, we will be friends. She says you have to do something for me, like if I do anything for you, then you have to do something for me. He says yes. She says you said you need me and want to take me home, you have to do something, will you support me if I want to do something. He asks what do you want to do. She says not now, you will know it, say yes. He thinks she is still thinking for someone else. He says fine I promise. She asks him to promise on Shiv, he can’t break it. He promises and asks will you happily marry now and come home with us, get friendly with Khanderao, he needs friends like you. She says fine, if you say, then I will do it. She goes.

Gangoba comes to him and asks can I talk to you if you aren’t busy, I have sent a message for minister, we have to take some decisions. Malhar says you are worried for the present, I m laying foundation for future. Khanderao plays music. People like the music. Gautaam comes and takes him aside. She says its not right to play music between these people. He nods. Khanderao and his friend leave. He says I feel bored. Ahilya looks on and comes to talk. He says you pushed me yesterday. She asks when, I didn’t do it intentionally, forgive me. He says you apologized soon, there is some conspiracy. She says no, your friends aren’t here, you can play with my friends. He says maybe you lost your mind. She asks him to try once.

Khanderao and Kanoji go with her. She says those are my friends. She introduces Khanderao to them. She asks Khanderao to play with the swing. She shows swinging to him. She asks do you have such trees in your palace. He says yes, why not. She asks him to try. He tries and falls down. Kids laugh.

No Precap

Update Credit to: Amena


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