Punyashlok Ahilya Bai 19th August 2022 Written Episode Update: Ahilya wins the battle

Punyashlok Ahilya Bai 19th August 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com

The Episode starts with the man saying we will kill Ahilya right away. Jiva asks Sampath to kill her. Sampath goes to attack Ahilya. She frees her hands from the ropes. Tukoji fights the goons. Pitambar stops him. Tukoji kills him. Ahilya fights the goon and kills him. The dacoits get back. Jiva sends more goons to fight her. Ahilya fights with them. Mausi comes and looks on. She recalls Ahilya saving her life from the dacoit by throwing a knife. Mausi says I cheated you, you saved my life, forgive me. She cries. Ahilya says we should go out of here. Mausi says no, you have to attack when you get a chance, I will tie the ropes loose. FB ends.

Jiva throws his axe at Ahilya. Mausi comes in between and gets hit by it. Ahilya throws the axe at Jiva and kills him. She holds Mausi in her

lap. Mausi apologizes to her. Tukoji and the soldiers come there. She sees the dacoits fallen dead. Tukoji says Ahilya, there is a bad news, Shuja has entered our limits, Gangoba got wounded while stopping him. Ahilya cries for Mausi. She asks Tukoji to come with her.

Sita meets Dwarka and argues. She asks how shall I step in the palace when my husband doesn’t have any value there, I won’t come there until Gunu ji gets his respect and position back. Dwarka says don’t be mad, I m trying but… Sita says no, you have to do this, you decide what you want to do. She goes.

Shuja and his men are on the way. Ahilya, Tukoji and soldiers stop him. Shuja says Ahilya, I got to meet you finally, I m surprised, how did you get saved from Jiva’s clutches. They both fight. Tukoji fights with Jahaan. Shuja and his men get caught. Gautama is praying at the temple. Dwarka comes there. She says she is praying for her bahu’s safety. Ahilya says I can kill you all right away, but I want the entire Malwa to see a defeated Shuja, remember, don’t look at Holkars again, leave from here. The villagers chant her name. Shuja and Jahaan leave. Shuja gets angry and recalls her words. He shouts Ahilya….

Ahilya and Tukoji, along with the villagers stand at the river side. He asks Ahilya why are you sad, when you won the battle. She says we had to pay a price for this battle, our soldiers have died, in any battle, life loses and death wins. She immerses the ashes of the dead soldiers in the river. She asks the guard to conduct the final rites well. She consoles the ladies, the widows and family members of the soldiers. She says you all have to be strong for the sake of Malwa, I can understand you all, I m also a mum, wife, bahu, its just a woman’s work to worry for her family and kids. She cries with them and recalls her kids. The man thanks her and praises her for saving them. He says you have protected us as a mother, we all will be thankful to you. They chant her name. Tukoji says many people have left the village, they don’t believe that the village is safe to stay. She says let them believe it, ask them to come back, give them a compensation for the people who died, we will bear the expenses of the needy. He says amazing, we will do this. She asks about Gangoba. He says he is getting treated by a Vaid, he will soon come back to the palace. They leave. Gautama and Harku are still praying in the palace temple. Harku asks her not to worry so much, Shiv is always with Ahilya. Guard comes with the news. He says Ahilya has won the battle. They get overjoyed and thank Shiv. Guard says Ahilya has defeated Shuja and his soldiers. Harku asks for Gangoba and Tukoji. Guard says Gangoba got wounded, he will come after some days, Ahilya and Tukoji will arrive by morning. Gautama gives her gold bangles to him happy. Mukta hears this and gets happy.

Mukta tells Malerao that Ahilya is coming in the morning. He stays upset. Khanderao talks to Surajmal’s minister.

Update Credit to: Amena


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