Fan Fiction

Promises filled Proposal!! – OS

Promises filled Proposal!!


Hello dears! It’s me Effie giving love filled flying kisses to you all.
Love you gorgeous…have fun!


Swara smiled happily.

Her bf Sanskar grasped her hand in his.

The blinding sun beat down on them as Sanskar stepped on the gas of his new black Mustang.

“Where are we going…??” Swara had asked.

Swara was answered by silence.

Sanskar had rushed to her house in the city and had shouted to her “Hurry up!! I want you to see it at the right moment..!!”

After hastily pulling on a flower-print sundress and sandals, Swara dashed to Sanskar ‘s car and climbed into the passenger’s seat.

Sanskar had greeted her with a quick peck on the lips.

When Swara pulled away, Sanskar had a wicked grin and held up a black blindfold.

Before Swara could protest, Sanskar had already wrapped the itchy cheap fabric around Swara’s face.

No matter how much Swara pouted or whined Sanskar still would not budge.

Sanskar was strong, Swara had to give him that.

So here they were around an hour later.

Beads of sweat began to build on Swara’s face under the blindfold.

Sanskar pushed his wavy black hair out of his face with his free hand and spoke for the first time since Swara got in the car.

“We’re here…!!” Sanskar said happily.

Sanskar jumped out of the car to help Swara step outside.

When her feet touched the ground she heard the crunch of gravel.

They were probably going to walk the rest of the way.

Sanskar walked her down the road until her sandals began to sink into the ground.

Swara unstrapped her sandals and held them in her hand that wasn’t being held.

Her feet sank into something wet and squishy.

It must have been sand or mud.

Most likely sand because Sanskar knew Swara would’ve beaten him six ways to Sunday if he let her step in mud.

Swara concluded that they must have been at Green rock Beach a couple of miles north of their small town, Nasik.

They shuffled through the sand for a couple of more minutes until Sanskar finally stopped and told Swara to untie the blindfold.

When Swara could finally see she had to blink a few times to adjust to what she was seeing.

An ornate wooden dinner table with a white table cloth was set for two.

Vanilla scented candles sat in torches making a ring around the table.

A canopy hung above the table and twinkling white lights were strung throughout the open space in the canopy creating the illusion of stars.

The sea lapped at the shore bringing with it the scent of sea salt and seaweed.

A gust of wind made the candle light flicker a bit and shifted Sanskar ‘s dark black hair out of his face and at this moment he truly was a sight to see. Wavy black hair hung just above his ears.

Sanskar was tall, but he had a slight build made up of lean muscle from many years of being on their college’s swim team. His pouted pink lips were pursed, waiting for Swara’s response to the beautiful venue.

Sanskar’s eyes were his best feature, at least in Swara’s opinion they were. His eyes were as browny as the field-land next to them and they seemed to hold so much emotion.

Swara saw a fiery passion in his eyes and love and happiness that was so raw, so powerful, that it seemed tangible.

Swara felt herself go weak in the knees at the thought of Sanskar feeling all of that because of her.

Sanskar could have had any girl he wanted yet he chose Swara.

In Swara’s mind she wasn’t much to look at other gorgeous girls…but she was wrong as she herself was the real beauty anyone could have ever adored.

Swara had thick black hair and bright blue eyes.

She was shorter than Sanskar by at least a foot and that made her feel even shorter than usual.

There were other girls who drooled over adored and shot threatening glares at Swara yet Sanskar didn’t give them a second thought.

Swara was pulled out of her thoughts when she saw Sanskar get down on one knee.

” Sanskar…??” Swara asked softly.

Sanskar ignored her and simply pulled out a small, black, velvet box.

Swara’s eyes widened almost comically and she gasped.

Surely Sanskar couldn’t have been proposing! They were still in their second last year of college!

Before Swara could question Sanskar, he began to speak.

“Miss. Swara Gadodia, when I saw you college at very first, I knew I was a goner. I couldn’t stop thinking about you yet you didn’t even know I existed so when collge started I did my best to gain your attention. Mainly that meant tampering with your food, starting food fights, starting pointless arguments in class that would land us both in detention, just so I could get you to notice me.” Sanskar paused to take a breath.

“I did that just so I could see that passion in your elegant eyes. It got me excited to know that only I had that effect on you. Then one year ago on January 31st during the middle of lunch, we were arguing over God knows what. I remember seeing the spark in your eyes and I just couldn’t bare it anymore. I grabbed you by your shoulders and kissed you like there was no tomorrow. Then you wrapped your arms around my neck and I still remember what you said.”

Sanskar paused again as if waiting for Swara to say something.

Then it dawned on her.

Swara could recall that day like she could last night’s homework.

She had pulled away and said “It took you two years to work up the courage to kiss me…??”

Swara smiled and repeated what she had said that day.

Sanskar allowed himself a chuckle before going serious again. “Swara, I LOVE YOU…!!! I am completely and utterly in love with you and that’s why I’m asking you this.”

Sanskar opened the small box and Swara was nearly in tears.

Inside the box had to be the most beautiful ring Swara had ever seen.

It had a shiny silver band that was engraved with her and Sanskar’s names.

Swara’s birthstone, a sapphire, was in the center surrounded by Sanskar’s birthstone, diamonds.

“I’m not asking you to MARRY me, not yet at least. But I want you to PROMISE, that there will be no one else in your heart but me, that I’ll be the only person to bring that spark to your elegant eyes, that you loved me since that day in the cafeteria. Promise me that we’ll love each other forever and that someday, we really can be married.” Sanskar pleaded.

Salty tears streamed down Swara’s beautiful face and she nodded vigorously.

“YES…!!! An infinite times yes. I promise,” Swara said.

She didn’t give Sanskar a chance to say anything before they were kissing.

They put all of their emotions in that kiss.

Love…Happiness…Passion. All mixed into one searing hot kiss that seemed to bind the two by the soul.

They were both panting by the time they pulled away.

Sanskar pressed his forehead to Swara’s and scooped her up.

He began to carry her to the dinner table.

“I love you. I really love you so much,” Sanskar murmured over and over again with making Swara give reply back while struggling through her shyness and cute blushing, “LOVE YOU TOO Sanskar…!!!”

Although they were not Mr. And Mrs. Sanskar Maheshwari yet, Sanskar was satisfied with Swara’s promise.

Sanskar leaned at Swara again to seal their promises with blissful kiss.

When Swara closed her eyes she couldn’t help but wonder if their kiss on their first wedding night would be as good as this…!!!


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