PKYEK- The Dark Love Story CONTINUES…..Episode 9

She wanted to know it all. And the morning rays soon hit her to bring her out of the blanket of sleep.

She believed she will be able to find it more easily since she whole heartedly wants to know, and not like the rest who searched him for name sake.

She got ready fast and went out, very soon, as she didn’t want anyone to question her, seeing as she won’t be able to answer them, and went out straight before anyone else got up.

She reached the road near the tea stall. She planned to go far, to search him, to leave the town, now moving out of the main place, towards the outskirts, she saw someone coming out of a black Porsche.

She saw the person all in black. He looked majestic, he looked magnificent.

She saw him coming out and then coming towards her.

She stopped and stood there. The person seemed to be approaching towards her.

She stood dazzled. There was something about him that drove her crazy at the first sight.
She looked, and assessed him top to bottom.

And then she realized…

OMG! It was him. It was him. He is back. It’s him, its Abhay! But he had covered his face, the bandit style. She could only see his eyes. Those pair of dark, intense, and love filled eyes, with a tad of guilt in them.

Oh God! She still didn’t see his face.

How long she has to wait to get a single glance of that face which troubled her day and night.

She wondered, and failed to notice that he now stood near to her, quiet close, just close enough for the air to breakthrough them.

He stood in front, almost canopying her, and looked straight in her eyes.

Immediately she felt a shiver run through her nerves. She looked back, at him, but still could not make out much about his features.

She finally called his name, “Abhay!”

And the figure instantly straightened, and the masculine body stiffened more, as if it waited thousands of years to listen this, from her mouth, just from her.

The eyes turned delicate towards her now.

She held his bicep and said, “I knew it. I did. You have to answer me right now! You are Abhay, aren’t you? How could you? How could you leave me like that, tell me why did you do that.”

The figure adsorbed over her, but her questioning eyes seemed to shadow his face now.

“Answer me, Abhay. What was my fault? Why did you leave me? You wanted revenge, right? Still, how could you, how could anyone leave me there, there to die, and you just ran off.” questioned Piya.

Piya held him now by collar and was tugging at it and said “You cheated me. You ruined it all. You, why did you? WHY? You never loved me.”

And instantly she was held by her left bicep by him, “I did, I do, I always have. You are under a false notion, Piya. No one is dearer to me, than you. Just you Piya. You. This isn’t my truth, it’s a…..” answered Abhay.

And with this she was pushed aside and the car turned now going in the same direction it appeared from.

It was still dark, and the headlights gleamed too much, she had to close her eyes. Then it turned burning her skin. She sprang them open.

And astonished to see the most horrible yet pleasant sight.

She was back in her room, far from those wood, and it was all Gone. Yes it was a dream.

She felt a tinge on her arm, she slid the sleeves up and was shocked to find an imprint of three fingers still on her bicep, exactly at the place he caught her hand. It burned her skin, but soothed her heart.

She wondered, if it was a dream, or reality.

The first thing came to her mind was, what that ‘false notion’ was.

Was she mistaken regarding him???

What’s the truth? Is something yet to be uncovered??



Sorry for the short one dearies but cud do only this much in the time I cud get
Hope you like this
Well let’s see what’s yet to be found out
Will piya b able to get the truth?
Will Abhay remain in the grave, grieving for her, until Maithili, comes as per her promise?
Hope u like the track
Plz guys tell , ur views and kindly comment, well it feels like not worth writing unless you guys are interested to read
Plz tell me soon, and spare me for 2 days. Guys can’t help it busy schedule
Love u


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