Pinjara Khubsurti Ka 24th December 2020 Written Episode Update: Mayura determines to save Omkar in the party

Pinjara Khubsurti Ka 24th December 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Shankar telling Omkar that mayura has saved your life and asks him to learn to identify between right and wrong. Omkar says it depends on the proofs. Manjari asks Omkar to hear Shankar’s heart voice and says his heart is bowled over by his Mayura’s betiya. She says don’t hear the words in the video, but hear his heart. She says you don’t care for your son. Shankar says I worry for my son and that’s why trying to make him understand. Omkar says I called you here to tell my decision, and tells that in tomorrow party, Aishwarya will be with me as my wife. Mayura hears him and is about to go. Omkar tells Bali that Mayura shall decorate the Christmas tree tomorrow and that work shall be done in today night itself, even if she has to be awake for this. Aishwarya

says I will decorate it. Omkar stops her and says Mayura can’t come in tomorrow’s party. Mayura decorates the Christmas tree and tells that last time, her wish is not fulfilled, but this time, she hopes that her wish comes true. She says Omkar hates her so much and doesn’t know that she hates him more. She wishes that she will expose the danger coming his way and leaving from his life, once he regrets his actions. She climbs on the table and puts the star on the tree. Omkar hears her fully. Mayura is about to fall down from the table, but Omkar saves her and says there is a difference between us. Mayura asks him to think whatever he wants.

He asks her to clarify and asks her to tell that the girl is not her, that the voice is not hers etc. Mayura says it was just a video. She tells that Aishwarya wanted to show the video as she wanted to, and that doesn’t mean that she is saying the truth. Omkar says Aishwarya is right. Mayura asks him to ask his heart and says do you really think that I can kill you. She says you was unconscious infront of me many times, but I didn’t do anything. Omkar says I don’t trust you. Mayura asks why you want me to stay here till new year and asks him to answer her. Omkar ruins the decorations of the tree and says decoration was bad. He says decoration shall be good as I will bring my wife infront of the world. He asks her to be awake all night and decorate again. He thinks why I don’t have answer to mayura’s question. Mayura climbs on the table again and starts decorating. Omkar looks at her from far.

Aishwarya plans with Manish ad says this is our last chance, now nobody can save him from us. Manish says Omkar will be dead tomorrow. Aishwarya says it is a big day for us and last day for Omkar. She smiles. Mayura asks Bali to keep some thing. Omkar looks at Mayura. Aishwarya comes and asks how am I looking? Omkar asks her to say and says guests must have come. Mayura comes infront of Omkar. Manjari asks her to move. Aishwarya thinks she might foil my plan. Mayura says you are doing a good work, so that’s why she didn’t stop him from backwards and that’s why came infront. She takes out the plastic from under his collar and says it was there. Aishwarya says today just me and my Omkar ji, now bone in the meat, it will be fun. Manjari says you have said right. Mayura asks Shankar to go and says she will come. Shankar says Manjari asked you not to come. He asks do you love Omkar? Mayura says she wants Omkar to repent and want him not to do this with any girl, then my revenge will be completed and I will go. Shankar says love shall not happen after he gave you injury/scar. Mayura tells that her heart is more scarred than her face. She says she needs to save Omkar’s life for her mission. Shankar blesses her.

Omkar and Aishwarya come to the party. Manjari welcomes them. Omkar still thinks of Mayura. Manish comes there as a waiter. Aishwarya signs him and thinks Omkar will not identify the waiter in the party. Manish asks Omkar to take the welcome drink. Aishwarya thinks take it, as nobody will come to save you here. Mayura comes there with a veil on her face.

Precap: Omkar dances with Aishwarya, while Manish is about to attack him. Mayura is shocked.

Update Credit to: H Hasan

H Hasan

I started writing as a hobby. It turned into a fledged out career fortunately. I love reading novels and creative arts. I'm very committed and give my best to my work.

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