Categories: Patiala Babes

Patiala Babes 28th November 2019 Written Episode Update: Minnie and Arya’s Growing Bond

Patiala Babes 28th November 2019 Written Episode, Written Update on

Minnie asks Rani take new maid Purva with her and show her house. Rani ignores her. Minnie asks if she didn’t hear her. Rani making weird faces take Purva with her. Minnie asks Arya to wear her shoes as they are going out. Arya says she doesn’t want to. Minnie forcefully makes her wear shoes and takes her out saying they need to go away from house and speak. Arya says she doesn’t want to even if she dies. Minnie warns dare not to speak about dying again and calls auto. Arya asks why she needs auto when they have mamma’s scooty. Minnie gets emotional looking at scooty and reminisces Dadaji gifting it to her and Babita riding pillion. Arya asks why she is crying when papa used to say she is Veer Balika and doesn’t cry. Minnie gets helmet and says let us go.

Arya says she doesn’t want to. Minnie warns to sit and asks her to hold her tightly. Arya asks if she will make her fall or get into accident. Minnie says she taught driving to her mother and drives her to a fort away from city. Arya runs on top and sits silently. Minnie insists her to talk to her. Arya asks not to disturb her. Minnie says they came here to have 1-to-1 talk, if she doesn’t she has to eat loads of salt. Arya says she will not. Minnie says she has a photographer job in Australia and is busy, so she can’t waste time on Arya. Arya says even she doesn’t want to. Minnie says Arya has to try new maid before she leaves as Biji is old and cannot handle Arya. Arya says she will obey Biji, will do her homework on time, wil not watch TV, etc., as she wants Minnie to go away soon. Minnie taunts her chatanki and runs behind her.

At home, Purva serves food to Biji and Dadaji. Preet says she prepared Arya’s favorite food. Purva says she wants to save her job. Biji says she doesn’t have to worry. Minnie and Arya return home, and Purva opens door for them. Arya complains Biji that Minnie forcefully fixed her shoes without socks and she got bruises. Preet checks and says her feet is normal. Arya says it is internal cut. Biji supports Arya. Preet asks Arya to try Purva’s prepared sabji. Arya tastes it and says it is very tasty and takes Purva to her room. Minnie says she is tension-free now. Preet says she can go back to Australia peacefully now.

Minnie gets Jazz’s bags down. NB asks Jazz if she is going. Jazz says yes, they came to Manali on a job assignment and need to return. Minnie says Jazz was her senior in college and roommate, they became close friends and now work together. Arya asks NB if Minnie will not go with Jazz. NB asks Minnie if she got a leave. Minnie says Camelia granted her 1 week leave. NB says its good then. Arya asks Minnie if she will extend her leave. Minnie says she doesn’t want to as she doesn’t have any dear ones here now, says she will transfer rent. Jazz asks not to worry about rent and to take care of herself and Arya. Minnie waves her bye.

Laala and his wife bring HS’ personal belongings from his office cabin and asks Minnie to take care of them. Arya rushes and insists to give it to her as it is her papa’s belongings. NB and Laala asks her not to be adamant. Minnie asks them to give it to Arya as it is her papa’s belongings and he was just Hanuman uncle to her. Laala says let us go to Arya’s room and check. Arya picks her doll and walks away with Laala. Laala opens box. Arya checks her father’s trophies, uniform and other belongings emotionally and holding them says she is more brave than Veer Balika. Laala tries to console her, and she says she is speaking to her papa. Laala’s wife gives one more box to Minnie and tells NB let us go to work. Minnie asks what work, where are they going, if NB is still area’s president. NB says Khatri is winning since reelections. Minnie asks where are they going. NB says Patiala Babes Restaurant. Minnie says it was already sold..

Precap: NB tells Minnie that Babita used to read her letter repeatedly and cry. Minnie looks at her camera.

Update Credit to: MA

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