Categories: Patiala Babes

Patiala Babes 27th November 2019 Written Episode Update: Minnie’s Deal With Arya

Patiala Babes 27th November 2019 Written Episode, Written Update on

Arya tells NB and Biji that she doesn’t need a maid. Biji says maid will get her ready for school, drop her to school, and feed her. Arya says even Rani didi can prepare food. Minnie says Rani cannot be with her 24×7. Arya says she is not speaking to her. Biji says she gets tired working alone, so needs a help. Minnie scolds Arya to stop her drama and settle this maid issue as she needs to return to Australia. Arya says Minnie can go, it is her final decision. Minnie reminisces HS telling a father is head of the family and his decision is final. She asks Biji and NB to go out as she needs to speak to Arya alone. They both walk out asking her to speak to child calmly as she lost her parents recently. Minnie asks Arya to agree. Arya argues and says she shouldn’t have accept

her cotton candy as Rani didi warned her. Minnie says she doesn’t know what all Rani told her and makes a deal that they both will ask each other something which they have to accept. Arya agrees. Minnie asks her to agree for maid. Arya agrees. Minnie walks out smiling.

After sometime, Minnie lying on Preet’s lap informs everyone that Arya agreed. Preet asks what Arya needs in return. Minnie says she doesn’t know. Preet says a small girl will asks toys and chocs and nothing else. NB says they shouldn’t underestimate Arya as she is a deep thinker like Minnie and a lot is going in her mind; just like Minnie she hasn’t cried yet.

At night, Minnie is sound asleep when Arya walks to her and asks her to inform mamma to come in her sleep also as mamma comes in Veer Balika’s sleep always. Minnie says mamma doesn’t regularly come in her sleep. Arya says papa says Veer Balika is always first. Minnie agrees, and Arya leaves. Next morning, Arya performs tulsi pooja while Minnie tries to prepare breakfast. Laala walks in and asks why is she preparing, if Rani didn’t come yet and yells at Rani’s laziness; he insists Minnie to let him prepare breakfast like he used to prepare tea for HS. Rani walks in and Laala scolds her for her laziness and asks her to get out. Rani says she got a much high paying job in neighbor’s house and yells at Laala. Minnie warns her to behave with Laala. Rani walks away yelling. Laala asks Minnie not to worry as he has arranged maid for Arya already.

A lady walks in for maid’s job. Arya interviews her and says she is the boss here as Minnie will leave in a few days. Lady asks if she is hired. Minnie walks to lady and asking her name asks her to come along. She asks lady why she wants to work as a maid. Lady says her husband used to work with Laala but due to ill health had to leave job, she is from a good family, but has to take maid job because of financial issues. Minnie reminisces Babita facing similar situation earlier and says no job is small or big, one should work loyally. Lady nods okay. Minnie asks if she will be here 24/7, who will take care of her children. Lady says her in-laws. Minnie asks how much salary she needs. Lady says 15000 rs, rest is up to her. Minnie agrees to pay 15000 rs if she takes care of Arya like a mother. Lady agrees. In Arya’s room, Rani tries to brainwash her against Minnie for hiring a maid in her place. Minnie walks in with maid. Rani yells that she is snatching her job. Minnie warns to behave-. Arya says she doesn’t need new maid and throws tantrums.

Precap: Minnie tries to catch auto. Arya says why she needs auto.

Update Credit to: MA

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