Categories: Pashminna

Pashminna 30th November 2023 Written Episode Update: Pashminna saves Raghav

Pashminna 30th November 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Raghav asking Pashminna to be careful. Ayesha hears on call. The car blast increases. Ayesha is shocked. She asks Kailash if they can take chopper there. Kailash says this is the valley of Kashmir, we can’t take chopper there. He asks Nusrath bhai if any update. Nusrath bhai says no. Dadi prays for Raghav’s safety. Moina is worried. Raghav asks Pashminna to go and tells that the seat belt is stuck, and asks her to leave and save her life. He says we both will die. Pashminna tells that the Kashmiris don’t leave anyone alone. Raghav asks her to understand. Pashminna doesn’t agree and tries to open his seat belt. Preeti comes to Paras and asks what happened? Paras tells that he couldn’t tell her on phone and tells that Pashminna is stuck in landslide. Ayesha asks Nusrath

bhai who is she? Nusrath says she is Pashminna’s mother. Preeti sits in shock and does Mrityunjay Jaap. Pashminna also does Mrityunjay jaap and rescues Raghav and takes him out of the car. They look at each other. Pashminna slips and Raghav holds hand. They fall down from the cliff. The car blasts. They roll down and finds themselves in the jungle. Raghav tells Pashminna that he will lift her. She says. He says I can lift you. He lifts her and starts walking. He makes her under the tree, gets some leaves, grinds them and applies on her injuries. She says it is cold. He jokes what doesn’t she mean, that he is not warm, rude, mean and arrogant etc.

Avinash and Moina are leaving from home to come to Kashmir. Ruhaan asks them to bring Raghav home. He says Raghav is a superman and nothing will happen to him. They leave. Ruhaan hugs Dadi. Dadi prays to God for Raghav’s safety.

Umashankar and baby taunt Preeti and go from there. Ayesha asks who is this mannerless people. Preeti says I am habitual to it and tells that she has brought her daughter alone without her father’s name and that’s why she gets taunted. Ayesha says you both are there for each other. She says even she is with the father, and they are family to each other. She praises her Papa and says he makes everything fine. She is about to show his photo to her, when Avinash calls Ayesha and tells that he talked to Minister and the chopper will be arranged. He says he will bring Raghav back. He asks about the car number. Preeti says she knows the number. Ayesha asks him to talk to her, but Avinash couldn’t hear her and asks Ayesha to send the details. He asks Preeti not to worry and says nothing will happen to Raghav and your daughter too, and says your daughter is like my daughter. He ends the call. Preeti says you said right that your father will make everything fine.

Raghav is worried that he might hurt her. She says you can’t hurt me, but I can hurt you. She says she will become like him. He says nobody can hurt him. He asks Pashminna to keep her eyes open and asks if she thinks him as rude, arrogant, mean etc. He tries to get the network to make a call. Pashminna calls him and says she wants to tell him something before her breath stops. Raghav asks what do you mean, and go away to seek help.

Precap: Raghav collides with Ayesha and Preeti in the jungle. He says Pashminna. Paras brings Pashminna there and says he has saved her. Raghav looks at him. They rush Pashminna to the hospital. Avinash calls Pashminna’s mother in the hospital. Preeti turns to look at him.

Update Credit to: H Hasan

H Hasan

I started writing as a hobby. It turned into a fledged out career fortunately. I love reading novels and creative arts. I'm very committed and give my best to my work.

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