Categories: Pashminna

Pashminna 16th March 2024 Written Episode Update: Moina and Preeti seek Media’s help

Pashminna 16th March 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Preeti telling that even we didn’t know that he was Raghav and by the time we know…Rishi’s Dadi says Raghav eloped with Pashminna or Pashminna had eloped with Raghav. Umashankar tells that Pashminna can’t write this letter, this is written by Raghav. He says Pashminna’s character and heart are both clear, this is done by outsider guy. He says outsiders do like this. Preeti stops Umashankar and says Raghav is not stranger or outsider, but a Kashmiri. She says Raghav is a very humble guy, and asks him not to compare Raghav and Pashminna with Avinash and her. She says Raghav always helped us, and made us got our house boat back. She says he has done our betterment, keeping his own happiness aside. Baby says you changed suddenly. Preeti tells that she was upset with Raghav,

but never hate him. She says she knows that Raghav and Pashminna can’t do this. She asks Moina to check his handwriting. Moina checks and says it is not Raghav’s handwriting. Avinash says whoever has written this, want us to doubt Raghav and Pashminna. Rishi says this letter was not in the ward earlier. Minty says but Pashminna is missing. Baby asks if Pashminna went with her wish. Baby says Pashminna has cut our nose. Umashankar says you have only cut it. Moina says stop it and asks Baby if she knows what she is saying about her niece. She says I know that Pashminna can’t do this, if they are missing then there must be some helplessness or reason, and says we have to find out about this. She asks them to help her or don’t say anything. She asks Reeva to take Dadi to home, and tells Preeti that they have to file Police complaint. They go to the PS, and file the complaint. Avinash says may be the person who did his accident, forced him to do. Inspector says we will search them. Constable comes and whispers something in his ears. Inspector asks if they want to talk to media. Preeti says no. Rishi says we shall take Media’s help to search them. Moina says ok.

Preeti tells the Reporters that the news about their children is wrong, they didn’t elope, but don’t know what happened with them. She says they are Kashmiri kids. Moina shows their photos and says Kashmir shall protect them. Preeti says Kashmir will protect them. Rishi says whoever gives their info, we will give them 10 Lakhs Rs. Paras fumes with anger. Kailash scolds Paras for not copying Raghav’s hand writing. Paras says he shall know his handkerchief to copy. He calls Badri and says we shall reach them before their family. Preeti thinks of Pashminna. Moina tells Minty that Pashminna can’t betray Rishi and you all. She tells that she sacrificed her happiness for my stubbornness, and wanted Raghav to be with his family so she left from there. She says Pashminna wanted to move on and that’s why she chose Rishi, and says she can’t hurt anyone. Rishi says I am just worried for them.

Kaju tells Rishi that her heart is shaking up. Rishi asks if she knows something which they don’t know. Kaju recalls Kailash telling that they will kill Raghav. She tells Rishi that she is sure that Paras has done this, he has sent goons behind Pashminna in the hospital also. Rishi says that means that he is planning big and Raghav and Pashminna’s life are in danger.

Raghav tells Pashminna that Paras hit him with his jeep and made him fall down from the cliff. Pashminna says we didn’t see jeep there. Raghav says he knows the jeep sound of Paras. He says Paras was annoyed as I returned the house boat owners papers to them. Pashminna tells Raghav that Paras tried to poison him in the hospital. She says I can’t believe that he is my childhood friend and has done wrong with us. She says I forgave him, but he is doing one thing after the another. Just then they see the news in which Moina and Preeti telling that they got fake letter written by them. Pashminna says how can this Paras stoop so low. He tells Raghav that their mothers are together now, for them.

Episode ends.

Update Credit to: H Hasan

H Hasan

I started writing as a hobby. It turned into a fledged out career fortunately. I love reading novels and creative arts. I'm very committed and give my best to my work.

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