Categories: Pashminna

Pashminna 12th March 2024 Written Episode Update: Paras-Kailash misguide Moina

Pashminna 12th March 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Kailash telling Paras that his man Birju has kept his eyes on Raghav. He says Raghav is taken for operation, and says if you had tried to kill him then would have killed him fully and says my useless son can’t do anything. He calls Birju and indirectly asks him to kill Raghav. Rishi recalls talking to Raghav and offers drink to him. Raghav doesn’t drink. Rishi tells that they shall celebrate as he exposed Paras and his father. He tells that he was jealous when he came to know about Paras and him. Raghav says I am not suitable for her, but you are suitable for him. He reminisces Pashminna and sees her smile. Rishi asks what did she say? Raghav says she asked me to beat you for drinking for your mehendi. Rishi closes his eyes and tells that Pashminna wanted him to punch him. Raghav says he can punch him. Rishi punches him. He asks Raghav to marry Pashminna and asks if he wants to stay as her memory. fb ends. Rishi sends voice message to Raghav asking him to come, as he can’t see Pashminna’s pain. Moina thinks Avinash is right, she was egoistic and rude to Pashminna. Moina sees Pashminna praying to God and recalls Avinash’s words. Avinash tells Rishi that he will handle everything and asks where is Pashminna. Moina comes to Pashminna and asks if she is praying for Raghav. Pashminna says Raghav will call you after landing there.

Paras tries the password to open Raghav’s phone. He then tells Kailash that the password of Raghav’s phone must be Pashminna’s birthday. Kailash appreciates her and says sometimes Durrani inside you wake up. They send message to Moina from Raghav’s phone that he wants to be alone for sometime and will talk to everyone later. Moina thanks Pashminna and tells that good news came from Raghav. She says it is your prayer’s effect that Raghav messaged. She hugs Pashminna, saying she always thought good about her family. Dadi asks if Raghav called. Moina informs Dadi and Reeva. Paras and Kailash are relieved that Moina sent the reply to Raghav. Pashminna thinks why my heart is saying that he is here, if Raghav is in canada.

Episode ends.

Update Credit to: H Hasan

H Hasan

I started writing as a hobby. It turned into a fledged out career fortunately. I love reading novels and creative arts. I'm very committed and give my best to my work.

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