Parineeti 9th December 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on
Scene 1
Sanju enters the burning office and looks around for employees. Neeti and others come outside the office. Neeti asks where is Sanju? Monty says I tried to stop him but he went inside. Neeti shouts at him. Ambika tells Dai Maa that Pari started this fire but its uncontrollable now. This shows how desperate she is to stop this wedding, she proved today that she is my Parvati and can do anything to win.
Pari scolds Sunny for not checking that people were inside the office before starting the fire. Sunny says he didn’t see them and they got stuck. Sanju went inside to save them. Pari is shocked and says why did you let him go inside? She says I have to go inside and save him. Bubbly comes there and says stop it.. you can’t go inside. Pari says I started this fire. Bubbly says don’t save him, did he save you when you needed him? I can’t lose you again so don’t go inside.
Gurvindar is crying for Sanju. Neeti calls the firefighters and asks them to come here fast. He says we are coming there in a bit. She nears blasts from inside the office and worries about Sanju. Gurvindar says if this is Gurpreet’s curse then I pray that she never get any happiness. Bebe says I feel like this is someone’s planning.
Pari tells Bubbly that she will be fine, she can fight anything for Rajiv. I have to save him. Bubbly says its dangerous inside, I can’t lose you again. Pari says I have to go inside. I promised Rajiv to be with him for 7 lives so let me fulfil that. Just pray for me, she leaves from there.
Inside the office, Sanju is looking around for employees. He says the fire is out of control so I don’t have much time.
Neeti asks Bebe what was she saying? Bebe says actually.. Gurvindar says lets focus on saving Sanju for now. Neeti nods and leaves. Sukwindar asks Bebe who is she doubting? Gurvindar says so many things have happened in the wedding so it can’t be a coincidence. Bebe says Parvati is behind all this because she is not Parvati. She is doing what she couldn’t do as Pari, she doesn’t want Neeti to have Sanju. Gurvindar tells Sukwindar to break Neeti and Parvati’s friendship if she wants her happiness.
All are shocked to see Parvati going inside the burning office. Gurvindar asks why is she putting her life in danger? Bubbly says her employees are in trouble so she went to save them. Neeti says you are lying, she knows Sanju is most important to me so she went inside to save him. She proved once again that she is my best friend. She tells Sunny that they have to do something. Sunny says water can’t contain this fire anymore. Gurvindar says so we shouldn’t do anything? Sunny says I will see if I can get help. Neeti says where is Ambika and Dai Maa?
Inside the office, Pari is looking around for Sanju. She says we have to get out of here soon. She screams for him while Sanju hears her and says Parvati? are you here? She says yes. He says why are you here? I am coming to you now. He goes to search for her. He finds her so she gets emotional. He asks if she is okay? she asks why did he come inside? he could have died. He smiles at her and says some employees were stuck so I came to save them. Pari says there is no one here so lets go. She turns around and a burning log is about to fall over her but Sanju pulls her back.
The episode ends.
Update Credit to: Atiba