Categories: Parineeti

Parineeti 8th April 2022 Written Episode Update: Rajeev doesn’t come back

Parineeti 8th April 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Mandeep says they will understand their mistake and regret. Jaswant made a huge mistake by getting Parineet married to a greedy man like Rajveev. Harman says no. Mandeep says open your eyes and see what’s happening. Rajeev wont’ return, it has happened before too. Gurpreet is restless. Harman says our Parineet will be fine. Jaswant and Harman meet Gurinder. Mandeep says it’s because of Parineet’s bad fate that Jaswant had to give his land to Gurinder without telling anyone and people in the village think Rajveer married Parineet without any dowry.

The guards stop Jaswant and Harman. Jaswant calls Gurinder. She comes outside and asks guards to never stop them. Harman says why did Rajeev not contact Pari and sent her stuff back to their house? Gurinder says mind

your language and stop being suspicious of us. Harman says Rajeev has two weeks to take Parineet with him or I won’t leave him. Gurinder says you can’t threaten me. Jaswant says we are not wrong. Gurinder calls Rajeev and says call Parineet and talk to her. Tell her you will take her to Chandigarh in 2 weeks or they will come after you. Rajeev agrees.

Scene 2
Rajeev calls Parineet and says you have to wait for two weeks before I can take you to Chandigarh. Parineet says okay I will wait for you. Rajeev hangs up. Parineet keeps looking at the calendar. 14 days pass. She packs her bags again and waits for Rajeev. Rajeev calls her and she’s shocked. Everyone asks Parineet what happened? She locks herself in her room. Sandeep says he will never take Parineet. Gurpreet says she’s missing him a lot.

Scene 3
Two months pass.. Mandeep sees sindur spilled on the fllor and says it’s a bad omen. Rajeev will never return. Parineet goes to her room in tears. Harman and Jaswant ask him not to talk like that front of Parineet. Mandeep says people have started talking now that Rajeev has left Parineet. We need to talk to Gurinder and send Parineet to her house to stop this gossip. Gurpreet goes to Parineet’s room. She asks do you trust Rajeev? Pari says yes my heart trusts him and I know he will come back for me. He’s just busy that’s why he can’t attend my calls. I will wait for him every day until he comes to pick me. Gurpreet says I am with you.

Episode ends

Precap-Jaswant says I will join Parineet in college. Some goons shoot Jaswant..

Update Credit to: Atiba

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