Categories: Parineeti

Parineeti 2nd August 2022 Written Episode Update: Rajiv dances with both Pari and Neeti

Parineeti 2nd August 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Pari goes towards Neeti. Sanju and Naman meet their college friend. Naman says to remember you went out with her and then the principal suspended you both from college. He says you’ve not changed. She says you’re still handsome. Naman says where is Neeti? Sukhwinder calls Neeti. She says I am happy mummy why are you stressed? She says a mother always wants to see her kids happy. How is Sanju? Neeti says we are at a sangeet. We’re very happy. Neeti says to keep taking your medicine on time. Pari comes to Neeti. Neeti is shocked to see her. Pari says I was also shocked to see you. Neeti says how did you come? She says Naman is Sanju’s friend. pari says Natasha invited me. Neeti asks where is Rajiv. Pari says he couldn’t come. He had to go with his friend who had

a breakup today. He went to console him. Neeti says what if he went to the same sangeet with his girlfriend? Pari says I trusted him. Neeti says I never feel like trusting your Rajiv. I am sorry. Pari says don’t say sorry. Neeti says to keep an eye on him. Pari says you look very pretty. Neeti says come let’s meet Sanju. Neeti brings Pari downstairs. Rajiv’s face is towards Naman. Rajiv looks at them, he’s wearing a mask. He is shocked to see Pari.

Scene 2
Chandrika asks Mishika why are you not sleeping. She says I am waiting for Pari. Chandrika says let me tell you a story. She says okay. Chandrika says there was a prince who had two wives. He loved both of them. One day they both came together. Neeti says Sanju you look so handsome in this mask. Pari says how are you Sanju? They shake hands. Pari feels weird. She says why did it feel so weird? Lights go off. Natasha’s dad says time to play the mask game. come on the dance floor. Neeti says let me get juice, I am coming. She asks Sanju and Pari to go and dance. They are on the floor. Neeti covers her face. Rajiv and Pari are on the dance floor. Rajiv dances around Pari. Pari feels awkward.

Neeti comes and joins Rajiv. He dances with both of them. Rajiv leaves Pari’s hand and holds Neeti’s hand. Chandrika says the prince liked both girls. The king said to cut the prince in two pieces and give one to each princess. The new one was silent, the first one started crying to save him. She said to give him to the new princess but don’t kill him. Chandrika asks which one deserves the prince. Chandrika says the first one. She loved him so much. Chandrika says yes like your Rajiv and Pari doll. Sleep now. Rajiv says in his heart I will tell Pari the truth today. I love only Neeti. Pari should know the truth soon. She comes everywhere. I told her to stay home but she came here. I am so angry. Rajiv comes to Neeti and says come with me. He takes her out. Pari wonders what’s wrong with him?

Rajiv brings Neeti to the room and says why did you call Pari here? She says why are you behaving like this? I didn’t call her here. Don’t shout at me, don’t talk to me like that. He says I hate Pari. She says stop it. Don’t say anything about her. He says why did you call her here? She says I didn’t call her. He says you did. She says what’s your problem with her? She is my best friend and I will meet her whenever I want. You can’t stop me. Understand? Rajiv says in his heart she is Neeti, not Pari. I can’t control her. Neeti is leaving. Rajiv stops her. He says I have no problem with Pari. I have a problem with her coming here. I wanted to spend time with you only. Why did she come here? She says you could say this politely. He says I spoke wrongly. I am sorry. It was just my feelings. I am very sorry. She says say nice things now. he says I can’t share you with anyone. You’re all my happiness. He kisses her. Neeti gets a call from Pari. She leaves. Rajiv says I have to get rid of this Pari. Rajiv calls Monty. He says yes. I am out for some work. Rajiv says I really need help. Monty says I have to go out with my gf. He says Pari also came to sangeet. Please do something. Monty says find Ajay again.

Pari sees Ajay. She says Sanju is here? He was with Neeti.

Episode ends

Precap: Rajeev sees Neeti dancing and chandelier is about to fall on her. He saves her, but Neeti is unconscious.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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