Categories: Parineeti

Parineeti 24th February 2022 Written Episode Update: Are Rajeev and Parineet fated to get married?

Parineeti 24th February 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Kavita shows photos of Parineet and Neeti to Rajeev’s mother. Rajeev is busy on his phone. Kavita tells the traits of both the girls. Rajeev’s mother says I really liked Parineet but her marriage was fixed. Kavita tells her that the guy was wrong so Parineet’s wedding has been called off. It was for the best though. Rajeev’s mother selects Parineet for Rajeev. My husband and Jaswant ji were very close. Rajeev’s sister gives a wedding card to her mother. She remarks that it is good that the marriage was called off. Now we will go there with the Baraat.

Rajeev’s cousin comes home just then. All 3 kids go aside to talk. Rajeev’s mother tells Kavita to show Rajeev’s nice photo to Parineet’s family as well. Kavita agrees and takes her leave.

All 3 kids decide to go out for

Chole Bhature. Rajeev’s mother tells Rajeev that his wish has been fulfilled. He asks her what happened but she does not tell him more.

Mandeep is still worried that Vikram is not completely out of danger. Her husband reminds her that Parineet saved their son. Mandeep repeats that it was Vikram who had saved her. They will use this to control us. He tells her to stop it but Mandeep shares that Parineet went with someone else leaving Rakesh alone. He is the guy who had dropped her home the other day. Nupur caught her off guard. I think it was right. She likes someone already. I feel that everything was staged already. Now the mother-daughter duo will bring same guy’s alliance for Parineet. I would have heard that boy’s name if I had stayed outside the door a little longer. I am telling you that this is staged! He is sure that Parineet will marry the guy her father will chosoe for her. they will ask for our opinion too. He goes. She is adamant that her words will come true. They will bring the alliance as an arranged one as they cannot show it is a love marriage.

Rajeev’s mother tells Rajeev that she has selected Parineet for him. He thinks of Parineet and Neeti. He tells his mother that he likes someone else. She asks him about the girl but he knows nothing. She asks him why he messes up whenever she tries to do something good for him. It is about marriage. This cannot be done just like that. I have decided that Parineet will become the DIL of our house. We will go there tomorrow. Kavita ji must have shown your photo to them by now. You were in Chandigarh since some time so they must not have seen you. He requests her to let him find more about the girl he likes. Let me introduce her to you. You can say so if you don’t like her. She tells him to find his dream girl tonight. Find her and bring her to me or we will go to Parineet’s house tomorrow. She goes. Rajeev’s cousin has overheard everything. How will we find her now? Rajeev says I cannot stress on that right now. We have only tonight to find the girl who I like. Coincidentally, I met Parineet the same day I had met the girl I like. I don’t know what game fate is playing with me. I like one girl and my mom likes another! I don’t know who I will end up with. His cousin reasons that Parineet’s marriage was called off. It must have been a sign from God that you two should end up together. Rajeev decides to go find Neeti.

Parineet tells her brother she can help him in convincing Neeti if he likes her so much. He nods. Parineet runs off excitedly. Now I will call her Neeti Bhabhi. She hugs Neeti. Neeti ends the call and asks Parineet what she is up to. Parineet tells her that their relation is going to change soon. Neeti asks her if she is drunk. Parineet shakes her head. She begins to tell Neeti when Vikram interrupts their convo. Neeti goes aside to speak to her mother. Vikram tells Parineet to let him stand on his feet first. Let me become worthy of her first. Parineet is unable to control herself but he asks for some time. I should tell Neeti myself. Neeti asks them what they were saying. Who is Khushi? Parineet and Vikram give confused replies. Their cousin asks everyone to eat. Parineet takes Neeti with her. Vikram thinks that he couldn’t tell Neeti anything today but it is true that you and I are made for each other.

Rajeev brings his cousin to hospital. This is where we had met for the first time. His cousin asks him if she is a patient. Rajeev hits him on his head. She got someone admitted here. He realizes that they had met on the road first.

Everyone is having dinner. Parineet’s mother asks Mandeep to have dinner but Mandeep tells her to sit down. Beeji also tells her to eat first. You are lucky to have a DIL like Mandeep. Mandeep makes a face. Parineet’s mother says we are really blessed to have Mandeep and Harman. Neeti praises the food. Jaswant tells her to learn how to cook. Every girl should know it. He tells Parineet and Neeti that an alliance will come for them tomorrow. Parineet nods. Neeti tells him that she doesn’t want to get married yet. He asks her if she will marry after becoming old. I don’t want you to go through something awful like Parineet. She got saved luckily this time. We will find grooms for you this time. Your mother has given that responsibility to me. I want to fulfil it honestly. Neeti excuses herself. Parineet follows her.

Rajeev tells his cousin about his first encounter with Neeti. His cousin suggests reporting Neeti as a missing person. Rajeev reasons that he doesn’t have a photo. His cousin says we can describe her though. Rajeev rebuffs the idea. Let’s continue with the search.

Parineet tries to stop Neeti. Veer ji will drop you. Mummy ji told you not to go home on your own. Neeti is reluctant. I have scooty. Parineet sits behind her. Neeti asks her why she sat behind her. Parineet says thank God you can hear me. Neeti starts driving.

Rajeev and his cousin are eating Chole Bhaturey. Rajeev looks sad. His cousin tells him not to be so sad. This happens with me every time. I lost my heart to Aishwarya once but it is okay if she wasn’t going to be mine. Rajeev points out that that was infatuation. I have fallen in love. He explains the symptoms. You will know when you will fall in love. His cousin asks him if the girl will come here on scooty and her dupatta will fall on your face. Now I want to see it too! Neeti and Parineet are nearby. Rajeev says now I want to see what’s written in my fate. Will it be the girl I like or will it be the girl who mom has selected for me? Parineet’s dupatta falls on Rajeev’s face as Neeti drives past him. She stops the scooty a feet away. Rajeev says this girl will become my bride now. Baba ji has answered my question. He waits eagerly for the girl to turn around so he can see her face once. Parineet turns and smiles upon noticing Rajeev while he stands there in confusion. Dekha hazaron dafa plays in the background. Rajeev thinks of his convo with his mother. Rajeev’s cousin asks him if this is who he was talking about. Rajeev says I thought Baba ji has fulfilled my wish but it seems like He has something else on His mind.

Precap: Jaswant tells Parineet that he has selected a guy for her. His family will come over to see you today. You should see his photo. He gives it to Parineet. Parineet requests Neeti come over and be with her today. Bau ji has selected a guy for me. I will feel comfortable if you will be with me. Later, Parineet looks worried and runs out of her room.

Update Credit to: Pooja


A writer who loves to travel, read books, sing and live every moment as it comes!

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