Categories: Parineeti

Parineeti 1st March 2022 Written Episode Update: Neeti elopes from her home

Parineeti 1st March 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Neeti tells Parineet that she only must decide. I have decided to leave the town. I cannot live after killing my father’s dream. You know how important his dreams are for me. Parineet requests her to think once again. Neeti replies that she has thought a lot and hence decided. Please support me. Parineet tells her that she is with her. Do whatever you want. Stay till my marriage though. It is my request. Neeti says I will be in your life forever. This is just wedding. You should enjoy it. Parineet requests her again but Neeti knows that she cannot or her mummy and Parineet’s Bau ji will fix her marriage. Parineet tells her to stay. Mandeep knocks on the door. Neeti asks Parineet to swear on her before opening the door. You wont tell anyone, right? Parineet swears upon her name. stay till my marriage

at least. Neeti assures her that she will only miss the wedding but she will be a part of her life always. Mandeep is curious as to what’s taking so much time. I am sure they are up to something. She asks Parineet to open the door again. Parineet wishes good luck to Neeti. They share an emotional hug. Mandeep calls out to Parineet repeatedly. Neeti tells Parineet not to be emotional. You make me cry as well. Neeti Juneja is only leaving town and not your heart. Parineet asks her which film’s dialogue is this. Neeti says it is mine. Your heart will still have space for me after marriage, right? Parineet nods. You are and will be in my heart always. They hug again. Neeti wipes her tears. Your Chachi can break the door if she can! She opens the door and tells Mandeep to break the door instead. She leaves.

Mandeep starts saying something to Parineet when she notices her crying. Parineet recalls the promise and walks away. Mandeep wonders what Neeti has done this time. where is she?

Neeti storms inside Vikram’s room. I have to run away tonight and asks him if he will help her. He thinks that Parineet might have told her everything. He says yes to Neeti. I will take you wherever you want. She asks him to come to her home at 10. He asks for details but she says I don’t have much time. I will tell the details later. Vikram gets excited thinking that they will be eloping together. I must pack everything.

Neeti is heading out with her bag when her mother comes looking for her. Neeti hides behind the door. Her mother wonders where she could possibly be. Neeti heads back to her room. Vikram throws a stone in Neeti’s room. She understand that he is here. She gets down from the terrace by using a bedsheet as rope. Neeti’s cousin asks her where she is off to. What about the bag? She tells him that she is running away. You wont say a word to anyone. He calls out to everyone. Neeti’s mother looks from the balcony and alerts her brother. Neeti’s family comes to Parineet’s house and informs them that Neeti has run away. Mandeep says she will come back but her mother knows it is because she doesn’t want to get married. They go to look for Neeti as she mustn’t have gone too far. They all rush outside.

Vikram advises Neeti to hide in his house till the time everyone gives up on the search. Both families come back inside. The men leave to look for Neeti. Neeti’s mother seems disappointed but Gurpreet assures her that Neeti will be home soon.

Vikram tells Neeti that they would have been caught if they had been on the run right now. Now you must agree that I am smart too. She nods. He says we now have to decide where we have to go. She says I have to go to station and from there I will go to Chandigarh. I will miss Parineet a lot after leaving. Take good care of her once I leave, okay? Vikram is shocked to realize that she is planning to elope on her own. Neeti thanks Vikram for supporting her without asking for details. Now I will take up the airhostess course in Chandigarh and I will fulfil my dream. I knew that you are the only one who can take me to station safely. I wasn’t wrong. I would have been caught if it wasn’t for you. He suggests going in the back lane. I borrowed Bunty’s bike for this. Neeti smiles. You planned as if we were going to elope together. Let’s go. She heads out as he offers to hold the bag. He looks sad.

Neeti’s mother tells Jaswant that she has decided that she will marry Neeti tomorrow itself as soon as she finds her. Gurpreet assures her that everything will be fine. Neeti’s mother is in tears. How could she go?

Vikram wears his helmet. Neeti sits on the backseat. Kavita calls out to Neeti but Neeti doesn’t reply. She wasn’t able to catch a glimpse of Vikram and wonders who could that boy be. She heads to Parineet’s house.

The men return to Parineet’s house. Kavita walks in just then. What happened here? Neeti’s mother takes Neeti’s name. Kavita says she just eloped with a boy. I saw them myself. Everyone is shocked.

Parineet is eager to meet Neeti before she leaves. She decides to take Neeti’s scooty. She finds the key in the scooty. It means that Neeti knew that I will come to meet you on this. She thinks of Neeti as she starts the car.

Kavita says now I understand why Neeti said no to such a good boy. There was a guy in her life already. Beeji tells her not to spread rumors. It isn’t true. Jaswant says we can handle Kavita ji but what about the rest. Neeti was at fault. She dint think of us even once. We will look for her tomorrow. It is quite late now. Kavita leaves. Neeti’s mother breaks her ties with Neeti. Gurpreet tells her not to say so. She will come home.

Vikram and Neeti reach station. Vikram tells Neeti to wait and goes to bring snacks for her. Parineet reaches there. Neeti and Parineet hug. Neeti asks her if she came by scooty. Parineet becomes emotional. Neeti tells her not to cry. It is my not my vidai. I am just running away. Fate brought us together and our relation has become stronger than real sisters. We will meet again soon and we will stay together forever now. Parineet says I wish all this hadn’t happened. I wish you had gotten married to the guy who had come to see you. We could have been together. Neeti says so many wishes cannot come true together. The guy was good but you know the kind of guy I want for myself. I cannot compromise with my dreams. Parineet prays to Mata Rani to fulfil Neeti’s wishes asap so she can come back soon. Neeti smiles. Tell Mata Rani to make me meet that guy (Rajeev) in Chandigarh as well. Parineet repeats that wish too. She has liked someone for the first time after all. Neeti folds her hands as well. I have always prayed for Parineet so I will pray for her today as well. Please send a nice guy in Parineet’s life as well. He should love her and care for her and her messes more than me. Parineet and Neeti think of Rajeev. They hear the train’s horn. Parineet tells Neeti to call her once she reaches there. Neeti says I left it at home so no one can trace her. I will call you as soon as I reach there. It is a new city, new number and new journey! She walks away but then runs back to hug Parineet. Vikram looks on. Neeti tells Parineet to be strong from now. I love you yaar! Parineet cries as they wave at each other. Go! Neeti runs off.

Parineet and Vikram return home. Jaswant says kids make mistakes but we, as elders, must bring them on the right path. Neeti’s action is unpardonable though. She has broken our trust today. Mandeep says everyone is worried about Neeti. Parineet is in a shock. They are like sisters. How will Parineet marry now? Neeti’s mother says Neeti’s existence doesn’t matter to me anymore so it shouldn’t matter to you all as well. Jaswant echoes her thoughts. Neither me nor any of my family member will have any relation with Neeti anymore. Life doesn’t stop for anyone. That applies on Neeti too. No one will take her name or think of Neeti from now on. Send the wedding invitations. Parineet’s wedding will happen day after tomorrow only.

Episode ends.

Update Credit to: Pooja


A writer who loves to travel, read books, sing and live every moment as it comes!

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