Categories: Parineeti

Parineeti 17th June 2023 Written Episode Update: Rakesh plans to abort Pari’s baby

Parineeti 17th June 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
All family members are dancing in the haldi ceremony and Pari starts crying in pain. She screams so all rush to her. Neeti asks what happened? Pari says take me to the doctor. Rakesh picks her and brings her to her room. Neeti calls the doctor and gives Pari some medicines and herbs. Pari says I am in so much pain. Rakesh says I will bring hot water for her. He goes from there. Neeti asks the doctor to come home fast. Beeji thinks this Neeti becomes soft seeing Pari in pain. Rakesh calls his friend and says Pari is in pain, work will be done right? he says yes, the powder will do the work, the delivery won’t happen now. Rakesh asks him to keep everything ready as they might have to bring her to the hospital. He ends the call and finds Beeji standing there. She asks what is he doing here?

Rakesh says I got to take water for Pari, he says your promises were useless. Beeji says I knew you would do something with Pari. Rakesh says you are a smart woman, you didn’t do my work so I had to do it. Beeji says what did you do with Pari? Rakesh says I won’t tell you as I don’t trust you. Beeji says my advice is to have unity among us you need Neeti and I so tell me what did you do? Rakesh says I don’t need you both, you both need me. Beeji says you gave water to Pari and I heard you so tell me what did you do? Rakesh says that water was special and now I will take her to the hospital for her abortion. Beeji says that’s amazing. Rakesh says she will have an abortion and tomorrow I will marry her. Chandrika comes there and sees them talking.

Monty comes to meet Amit, they talk about a new show.

Scene 2
Pari is crying pain, Neeti is worried and says the doctor is coming. Rakesh whispers to Beeji that I don’t trust Neeti, she cares too much about Pari. Beeji says I like you, you don’t care about others like me.

Sanju is stting in his office and is angry that he can’t find anything against Rakesh. He looks at Pari’s medical reports and sees that Pari’s surrogacy reports are positive. He says if Pari is carrying Neeti and I’s baby then how can she carry Rakesh’s baby? there is something fishy, I should go to the hospital.

Rakesh tells his mother if she doesn’t like Pari? did she give something to her? His mother says I have accepted Pari so why would I do that? Rakesh says you are not even doing anything as she is in pain. Pami asks him to shut up. Gurvindar says I don’t like seeing Pari in this much pain. Pami says we should take her in an emergency. Rakesh says I know a lot of doctors so let me call one. He goes to call his friend and says I am taking Pari to the hospital, his friend says that hospital works for us, its illegal but we will do the operation. He ends the call. The doctors arrives home but Rakesh says that Pari is okay now so you can leave. The doctor says can I check her at least once? Rakesh gives her service charges and says you can leave. Chandrika sees that and asks Rakesh why did you lie to the doctor? Rakesh says I lied to her but the reason is that I want Pari to have proper treatment. He takes Pari to the hospital.

Sanju comes to his manager and says I have some urgent work so I have to go. His manager says we have an important meeting and then you can leave.

The family brings Pari to the hospital, Neeti asks the receptionist to call an emergency doctor. Rakesh says I have hired a doctor and he is coming.

PRECAP – The doctor tells Neeti that Pari’s pain wasn’t normal, something wrong happened with her. Rakesh tells the dai maa that she should do Pari’s abortion. He tells Beeji that dai maa will take care of everything. Neeti comes there and says that won’t happen.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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