Parineeti 14th December 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on
Scene 1
Ambika tells the firefighters to act fast. They go inside to search for Sanju and Pari. Gurvindar tells them that she will go inside, Neeti tells her to let them work but Gurvindar shouts at her to not interfere. Neeti says how are you talking to me? Gurvindar shouts at her that she can’t stop her from saving her son, you aren’t doing anything while my son is inside, if you love him then go inside. Neeti says I can’t just go in and save him, its filled with fire. Parvati went inside without a thought to save him while you are just standing here. Neeti says enough.. I am not a fool like her, my dress will catch fire if I go inside. If you are so worried then go inside. Gurvindar says then I will. Ambika tells Neeti to stop insulting her, she is just worried about her son. Gurvindar thinks Ambika was right, Neeti isn’t the right choice for Sanju.
Inside the burning office, Sanju tells Pari that he might not have much time left. Just say what you wanted to say. Pari says please stop talking, we can’t even breath. Sanju begs her to say what he has been dying to hear. Pari is falling unconscious so Sanju hugs her. She says I will get some sheets for us, he tries to stop her but she leaves. She brings a blanket for him but he faints, Pari cries and says please wake up. She falls unconscious too. The firefighters arrive there and find them.
Daljeet tells firefighters to act fast, they are too slow. Neeti tells him to shut up and let them work. Daljeet says why are you talking to me like this? did you forget what I have done for you? Sukwindar tells them to calm down. Ambika asks Daljeet what has he done for Neeti? Daljeet says I have done favors on her that she can never repay. Neeti tells him to shut up.
The firefighters put Pari and Sanju on statures to take them out, they go to get some stuff. Pari wakes up and begs Sanju to wake up, she pumps his chest but he doesn’t wake up. She is about to give him CPR but the firefighters arrive there and take them out.
The doctor checks Sanju as he is back in his house and tells Gurvindar that he will be fine soon. He is still unconscious.
Ambika calls a doctor for Parvati and scolds her for going inside the burning office. Dai Maa says why did you go inside for him? Pari says its good to save someone’s life. Ambika says yes and says she can rest. Dai Maa and Bubbly leave. Ambika tells Pari that she can’t be an emotional fool for Sanju, you have to be careful now.
Gurvindar comes to Daljeet and asks why is he stressed? Daljeet says how can Neeti forger that I helped her take out Pari, she is marrying Sanju because of me.
Neeti comes to Parvati and thanks her for saving Sanju’s life, Pari says its fine. Neeti says you promised me to protect Sanju, I am so lucky to have a friend like you. Ambika asks Neeti why didn’t she go inside to save Sanju? you didn’t even try to save him. Neeti says I am not a emotional fool, if anything had happened to me then what? Parvati was already inside so I wanted to arrange firefighters for them. They saved them in the end, I salute Parvati’s bravery. i can trust her blindly now. Bebe comes there and says Sanju is calling for Parvati as he woke up. Neeti looks on.
The episode ends.
Update Credit to: Atiba
PARINEETI- the MOST RIDICULOUS n Stupid n Disgusting Story Line I have ever seen in a Hindi series!! 😞😓
Others w much better story line n acting have to go away so fast -,because of Low TRP though it is hard to believe 😅
PARINEETI is produced by BALAJI Production n Ekta jee – the UNTOUCABLE Woman 👩
What a shameless scenario dear Madam Exta jee !!!!
Are people still watching these lip-filled witches? The merry go round of weddings murders and rakesh hasn’t stopped yet then?