Categories: Parineeti

Parineeti 10th May 2024 Written Episode Update: Pari asks Sanju to apologize to Neeti

Parineeti 10th May 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1

Pari tells Neeti that she shouldn’t have felt bad when she came between Sanju and her when they were dancing but I did. Neeti says why? don’t have I any right on him? I like him but I can’t take his place, I am angry at something else. Pari asks what? She says I am angry at Sanju.

Gurvindar tells Pami that she wants Neeti to get her memories back so I am consulting a doctor, she gets a call and leaves. Pami thinks she is up to something.

Neeti tells Pari that Sanju insulted her, she wanted to dance with him but he pushed me away and left, he has some issues with me. Pari says its not like that, he shouldn’t have done that. Neeti says he should apologize to me but I know he won’t, he hates me, she starts crying so Pari consoles her and says I will

go and talk to him, she leaves. Sanju’s spy is outside and hears everything. Neeti smirks and says Pari tries to be smart but she becomes a fool seeing my fake tears, I know she is going to talk to Sanju and make him apologize for not dancing with me. Sanju wants to know who was the veiled girl in the hospital who tried to kill Pari, it was none other than me as I want Pari to die and free Sanju from him and get him. Pari is going to bring him to me. She turns around and finds a waiter there, he says I am just a waiter and runs away, he drops his wallet mistakenly and Neeti finds his detective card. She recalls Sanju trying to hire a detective to find Pari’s attacker, she says I have to stop him. She runs behind him,

Scene 2

Pari comes to Sanju and says Neeti is hurt because you didn’t dance with her. Sanju says she should know her limits so I don’t care if she is hurt. You know what she feels about me. Pari says what? Sanju says then I should go and hug her, you wouldn’t have any problem with that? why are we talking about her? she is wrong and we shouldn’t give her free reign to do anything she wants, there can be no girl near me except you. Pari says I can’t see her hurt so can you go and apologize to her. Sanju says what? it wasn’t my fault so I won’t apologize, Pari gets sad so Sanju sighs and says fine, I will apologize for you only. The spy runs to their room and says I found Pari’s attacker and you will be shocked to know who it is. He is about to tell them but Neeti comes there and throws water on the floor, she throws a live wire and he gets electrocuted. Sanju pulls him, Neeti rushes to them and says I will wait here so you can bring a doctor. She asks them to go to the party as all the guests are looking for Pari, I will manage here, Pari and Sanju leave.

Pari asks Sanju who was that waiter and what was he talking about? Sanju says I just hired a waiter for a skit so don’t worry.

Neeti calls Bebe and shows him the spy that Sanju hired, she says he knows I was the attacker so we can’t let him talk to Sanju. Bebe says you just leave him with me so don’t worry, you will be blamed if you are here so just go. Neeti nods and leaves. Bebe calls her goon Sudhir and says I want you to take care of someone, he says I am coming.

In the party, Sanju tells everyone that he is lucky to have his wife Pari, she has made my life beautiful, all clap for them. He thanks her for coming in his life, Pari says any girl would have wanted to marry you but you chose me so thank you. I can’t thank enough for having you and this family, you people never let me feel that I don’t have parents anymore. Sanju hugs her and says I have something for you. He shows her the mangalsutra that Neeti broke. He calls a priest and says I want proper rituals. He makes her wear the mangalsutra, Neeti is angry seeing that. He says our relationship is unbreakable, this mangalsutra was broken but I got it repaired and our relationship is secure. Neeti thinks they can try all the want but I will break them apart.

The episode ends. 

Update Credit to: Atiba

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