Categories: Pandya Store

Pandya Store 13th December 2023 Written Episode Update: Suman supports Natasha

Pandya Store 13th December 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Suman consoling Natasha and asking her to come home. Chiku apologizes and hugs Natasha. Natasha says I have to move on, there is nothing left in this relation. Suman nods. They leave for home. Dhawal drinks and thinks of Natasha. Hetal cleans his room. She sees Natasha’s clothes and thinks of her. She cries. Amba comes and says that girl left our house, she will never come back here, give her belongings to the poor. She packs the clothes and says I will go and give these things.

Dhawal imagines Natasha. Kattu asks him to come to senses. He says you still love Natasha, why don’t you believe this. Suman wakes up hearing Natasha’s murmuring. She checks for water. Chiku comes to meet Isha. He kidnaps her and takes her somewhere. She asks who are you, leave me. She

is shocked seeing Chiku.

She asks why did you get me here. He scolds her for making Natasha cry. He says your family will know pain now. She says you aren’t such. He says shut up, I m doing right, let your family madly find you, I don’t care if you are involved or not, you will worry now. She shouts. Chiku wakes up from his dream. He says Dhawal didn’t do right with Natasha.

Amba comes to Amrish and says I heard that divorce takes time. He says it will be done, lawyer will come in the morning and fast track the process, go and sleep. He thinks to break the marriage. Chiku says I have to show Makhwanas what Pandyas can do. Suman says no need to go anywhere, I m also angry, what will you do going there, you will beat them and get arrested, we have to try something else, use your mind.

Its morning, Amrish talks to the lawyer. Lawyer says I have sent annulment papers. Amba asks him to get the divorce done soon. Hetal is shocked and drops the tray. Pranali says Makhwanas can do anything. Lawyer says divorce will take time. Amba asks if Dhawal changes his mind then…

Natasha says I m tired, we will move on. Suman asks her to sit. She says we can forget own blood, but not the one who cheated us, its not about your divorce or Pandya store, its about your esteem and respect, Makhwanas will get punished. Lawyer says we can get the divorce soon if the girl has mental issues. Amba says she is very sharp, find some other way. Dhawal says Natasha won’t have any false charge on her, nothing bad will happen to her. Lawyer says we will tell that she is characterless. Dhawal gets angry.

Inspector says we have to punish them, else they will cheat someone else. Suman explains Natasha. Inspector says yes, it’s a big case, I will get promoted. She asks Natasha to come. Dhawal beats the lawyer. Amba asks Amrish to do something. Dhawal shouts. Amrish asks Dhawal to calm down.

Lawyer asks what’s this misbehavior, I gave the suggestion to solve the case soon, if Dhawal loves his wife, then why is he getting separated. Natasha sees the ladies protesting against Makhwanas. Suman says they have tortured Natasha mentally, now this NGO will mentally torture Makhwanas, its just the start, I will punish them. Lawyer refuses to do the work. Amrish stops him and says come, we have old terms, sit. He gives a blank cheque to him. He says you will fight this case.

Amrish says Dhawal is right, we won’t blame Natasha’s character, find some other way. Natasha says no, it will be too much. Suman asks everyone to come.

The judge asks Dhawal and Natasha to stay together for six months and see. Natasha refuses. She says I want separation at the earliest. The judge says you might get the permission to get separated, because the marriage isn’t consummated.

Update Credit to: Amena


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