Fan Fiction

The pain that continues..(episode 53)

Hi guys . sorry for late update .
Episode 53 :
@ Malhotra’s mansion .
Aadit gets inside home n was shocked to see everyone in hall looking tensed . he could guess its bcoz of his absence in night . everyone looks at Aadit .
“ where were u Aadit ? “ Alok quicky questioned approaching him .
“ wo papa my friends arranged surprise party so…. “ Aadit said .
“ I don’t know that my son will go to parties in midnight without informing anyone …. “ Alok , in louder tone .

“ Alok … “ someone warned from back . Aadit looks at his dadimaa n relieves seeing her .
“ today is my grandson’s b’day . no one will dare to say anything to my boy . now when they r kids they will do some masti . wats so wrong in it ? “ revathi , in louder tone to Alok .
Alok is strict disciple of his mom . except her no one can stop him . once his mom orders something he will do it without thinking wat it is ? he will never go against his mom at any cost . revathi comes near Aadit . Aadit touches her feet .
“ be blessed child . “ Revathi blesses him .
“ when did u come dadi ? “ Aadit asked .
“ when u r sleeping . I’m waiting to wish my Aadit . since u were kid I used to prepare all ur fav dishes on ur b’day naa n even this day too . “ Revathi said caressing his cheek .
“ happy birthday beta . “ parvathi wished .
“ thanks maa … “ Aadit replied .
Everyone wishes him .
“ thank q so much everyone . “ Aadit replied happily .

“ beta go n sleep now . “ revathi said to Aadit .
Aadit nods n leaves for his room .
“ now everyone go n sleep now . “ Alok ordered all .
Everyone rushes to their room s hearing his order .
“ Alok all arrangements are done for evening party right . “ revathi asked .
“ haan maa . everything will be done by evening on exact time . no problem about it . “ Alok assured .
“ u remember right this day is even ur father’s birthday . “ Revathi said .
“ how can I forgot maa… ? that is y u love Aadit more than all children in home n we celebrate this day so grandly every year . “ Alok replied .

“ Aadit is my life Alok . whenever I see him I remember ur dad . I feel like ur dad still alive in Aadit . not just me ur father Aadinath malhotra loved Aadit a lot . n on naming ceremony u remember how stubbornly ur dad named ur son as “ Aadit “ from his name Aadinath he didn’t listen to anyone’s suggestions. he pampered Aadit so much . I never seen that much love even for ashok n u . he used look Aadit as his pride . he was not even so happy when our first heir vishab born not even with rishab .but when Aadit born that too on his birthday he was on nine clouds . n this is y I don’t like when u scold Aadit .” revathi said moist with moist eyes remembering her husband .
“ maa plz . u said right dad still alive in Aadit . when dad is still with us y this tears in ur eyes ? the way Aadit talks n behaves even reminds me dad many times. I feel I’m not his father Aadit is my father actually . but wat ever I do is for him to keep on right way . I want all my kids not to divert from values . strictly I want Aadit to follow my dad’s path . when he do so dad feels so gud as u said dad loves Aadit very much . that is y I used to be so strict especially with Aadit . “ Alok said holding his mom’s hands .
“ one more thing all the land n factories n wat ever property we have in village ur dad had written it on Aadit’s name when he was in his last hours without thinking about anyone else . that much he loves Aadit . no one knows it in family except u n Ashok . I think we must tell Aadit today after all now he is grown up n it is all his right and handover it to him . wat can be best time than today . “ revathi said .
“ no maa . he is still kid . All alone we have in our village values nearly some hundreds of crores . Aadit should not know he already has this much property on his name alone . once he knows it stops him from being successful . it makes him too care free about his future . it kills all his capabilities . I want even Aadit to work like rishab n vishab . n join our business . he should know value of working first than value of property . once he get to know about value of work then he become capable of handling that property . on that day I will myself give him his rights . not now . this is y I asked u n bhai not to tell Aadit . I have grown him up all these years keeping him away from these property matters not even parvathi knows this thing . let it be secret for some more years . “ Alok said sincerely .

“ u know wat Alok ? I always feel proud to have a son like u . though u r younger to Ashok. u took all
family responsibilities n handling them alone from years . 30 years back when u asked me that u will

start business in Kolkata I was so worried that new place how will u n Ashok manage I advised wats
need even to work when we have so much property in village itself but u didn’t listen to me . u came
here with only little from ur dad’s n built a empire here even bigger than wat we have in village on ur hard work .n
still working for this family without stopping anywhere . I feel blessed beta . “ revathi said gently .
“ everything happened with ur support maa . dad taught us reality from the beginning . he used to tell
us not to hide behind glitters n do something on ur own . u remember maa how he used to order maids
in our home not to do our work n insisted me n bhai to wash our clothes n clean room by ourselves . on
that days we used feel bad n think dad is really so hard . now I feel wat we r today is only bcoz of dad . on that he would be so hard we would have been nothing today . bcoz of him we learnt how to live . that is thing I want to teach all my kids .. now I don’t have any rights on property in village its all Aadit ‘s . from beginning if I didn’t earn anything seeing that property wat should have i given to my other kids vishab rishab n ria . now wat we earned here I will give equally to all four kids . n I wish after knowing things Aadit will share his property with rishab n vishab too . “ Alok said .
“ Aadit is like ur dad . we don’t need to teach him values he already has . u will be proud one day
about him . “ revathi said .
@ maheshwari mansion .
Aaradhya goes to laksh room .
“ gud morning dad . “ Aaru greeted laksh .
“ gud morning Aaru . today u r so early wat do u need anything beta ? “ laksh asked .
“ actually I need to ask u permission to go out . “ Aaru said .
“ Aaru but … “ Laksh .
“ dad plz . how many days I should be like this ? u know right manoj uncle is not even in india since he did that with me . he is hiding somewhere . he wont do it again . he is scared at most now . n today is really important . “ Aaru pleaded .
“ where should u go ? “ Laksh asked .
“ today is Aadit’s birth day . I wanted attend his b’day party . “ Aaru said .
“ ok . “ laksh said smiling .

“ wat ok ? thank q so much papa …. “ Aaru hugs laksh with happiness .
“ u r best papa . I cant believe u agreed so soon “ Aaru said .
“ when my lil princess orders ? do u really think I have any other option ? “ laksh asked narrowing his eyes .
“ no right “ Aaru replied smiling .
“ but u wont go alone . take arjun with u “ laksh said .
“ y troubling Bhai ? mandy n dhruv will come with me . “ Aaru replied .
“ n guards too … “ laksh said .
“ wat ? guards for me where did they come from ? “ Aaru asked surprised .
“ since I felt they r needed for ur safety “ Laksh replied .
“ papa plz . mandy will make fun of me . n I’m not celebrity to maintain bodyguards . I don’t need them . “ Aaru requested .
“ but u r more than celebrity for me n they r needed . n about mandy he is ur friend even u never left
any chance to tease him right . let him enjoy his turn this time beta . “ laksh replied smiling .
“ dad but … “ aaru .
“ I’m not going listen anything . cant u do this much for ur dad ? “ laksh asked .
“ u r really stubborn papa “ Aaru replied .
“ after all whose father I am ? “ laksh said smiling .
Both laughs .
@ malhotra’s mansion .
Clearly grand party atmosphere is created . rishab n Ashok receiving guests . while vishab n Alok checking all arrangements . all guests are mesmerized at high class arrangements . n praising malhotra’s . Aadit gets ready he wearing white shirt n royal blue blazer with black jeans . he looks himself in mirror .
“ hmm….. mom’s choice will be best . “ Aadit said smiling .
“ really ? “ parvathi entering room .
“ yes mom . “ Aadit side hugged parvathi .
“ ur fav kheer . “ parvathi said .

“ finally now my birthday started . I’m waiting for it . “ Aadit replied .
Parvathi feeds him with her hands .
“ awesome . no one can beat u in this . “ Aadit said
“ really u liked clothes naa … I mean I don’t know all ur latest trends n those styles .“ parvathi asked .
“ why do u ask this question every year maa … ? mom u remember when I was young u used buy clothes for my birthday specially n hides them .no matter how many clothes n wat brands I buy all the year I will wait for birthday for the clothes u will gift on this day from childhood . n I’m addicted to this habit badly n that is only reason y I never shop for my birthday even now . whatever u choose for me on this day will always be best for me . “ aadit replied .
“ even I wait for b’day whole day . cuz its only day my son will listen to me completely n remaining he will become too naughty to handle . “ Parvathi said smiling .
“ Paro u know wat u r too smart . this day dad orders me to get ready in formals for party which I don’t like at all n every year u will chose such clothes which looks like formal n they r not actually . me happy n ur patidev happy . n who gets such kind of mom n wife . we both r too lucky . I know it from earlier . don’t know when ur hubby will realize it . “ Aadit asked roling his eyes .
“ mr . Aadit malhotra ….first I’m lucky to have a husband like ur father . he loves me a lot . wat u know about us . “ pavathi replied with confidence .
“ oh really ? how many time he said I luv u to haa … “ Aadit asked narrowing his eyes .
“ he don’t need to chant I luv u all the time . n u r right he never said to me that he loves me . but he made me realize his love . anyone will say I luv u but only few makes it realize with out telling n the one who get such person naa r worlds luckiest people . ur dad is not expressive Aadit n I never felt bad that he never said that he loves me bcoz I have been seeing his love in his eyes from years . my parents r very particular about traditions n values . they always asked me to stay at home . I just know the way from my home to music academy n from academy to home . they always talked of getting me married as soon as I complete my course . I felt like my life is over till all these year I spent locked here in between four wall n soon they will send me to other’s home n I should spend remaining years there like this . on our engagement day I was eagerly waiting to see the person with whom I’m gonna spend my whole life infact I was secretly wishing to get a chance to talk to him in private n tell him about the life I wish to live n things I wanna see . while my close friend ran to me with excitement that my bridegroom is so handsome .when I saw ur dad for first time he looked exactly wat my friend said so handsome but he was so calm n neutral . not even glimpse of expressions he had shown . his eyes were so cold . I felt horrified he seems to be so strict like my dad will he ever understand me . wat if even he never ask me wat I need ? I was so deeply confused n with this confusion I got married to him . on first day when I entered ur dadi maa home in village I was shocked to see whole village present there . I felt so nervous cuz I never seen that many people before I felt like suddenly my world extended so big that even I will be lost in it . all people were talking something n some r giggling n some r talking something about me pointing finger to me stating I’m from middle class family .

I felt ok now I’m no more just parvathi now I became bahu of such highly respected family . this realization made even more nervous . I was lost thinking am I the right one to this family ? I was literally frightened .suddenly I felt comforting warmth around my hand n looked at my hand n ur dad holding it . i felt so strong at once . I looked at him though he didn’t look at me n looking straight . “ absolutely u r the right one for me n it will be only u forever …“ ur father said with confidence holding my hand . I was shocked how did he know wat I’m thinking ? . “ I would like to introduce my wife Mrs. Parvathi Alok malhotra to u all . thanks q much for coming here to bless us “ he said out louder . everyone stopped their opinion about me n started looking me with dignity . ur father made my way between them holding my hand . from that day to now he never left my hand n he never left any chance for me to tell him wat I need . he fulfilled all my secret wishes . he has shown me the world I wanted to see . he gave me all the happiness n life I wished to live though I never asked him till now . this is called love . if someone loves us truly naa then they will know wat we need even we don’t tell to them . even our small happiness really mean a lot to them . now tell me do ur dad loves me ? “ parvathi asked touching his chin .

“ yes he do …. “ Aadit replied smiling .
“ accha chalo . come soon . everyone is waiting for u . “ parvathi said before leaving .
Aadit nods . .
“ everything is so gud . but don’t know y I feel incomplete right now . It would be really great if Aaru could be here . “ Aadit thinks for a while n goes out of his room .
Episode ends .

Precap : marriage alliances for sadhvi n Aaradhya .

Plz do comment n Sorry for same precap . this episode may be a bit boring but from next updates I will make it interesting no more dragging n all . I’ll show all main points from next episodes .


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