Fan Fiction

An online game love story ! Devakshi ff (Epi -1)

Srry srry srry ik I am hell late but ,now a days there are alots of things going on in my life nd I am not getting to write my ff .  Hope u all understand me nd forgive me nd also I will try my best to post my ff ‘s episodes on time . the epi is big hope u all like it !

Click here :

( the above link contains of all the characters name with their role . if any confusion so…….! )

The episode starts with a girl who is shown  having fights with a monster and saving her friends with a guy helping him nd they both successfully kill the monster . The girl turns out to be son and the guy turns out to be yuvraj kapoor  nd all of them are seen wearing some ancient time  clothes . After defeating the monster a  necklace appears  which is known as almighty magic necklace which is taken by naina .

Naina : wow its my looks like its my lucky day

Random guy : reed sona would u like to have a duel with me

Sona : okay !

Random guy : there should be a gain from a duel . let’s use the almighty  magic necklace as the prize

(naina hiding necklace in her hands listening it )

Sona : so u have the eye on the necklace ,however ! its not mine

Random guy : so I will duel with u naina

(naina hiding behind his friend as she knows she is not that powerful )

Naina : u are one of the top ten players I can’t even think to stand against u

Random guy : then u can send reed sona on ur place . if I loose I will give u my almighty magic ring …….so dare to battle?

Naina looking happily at sona for her permission

Sona :okay

Random guy :  then done see u at 5 @ xyz place

Nd he goes  then we see yuvraj kapoor nd sona at a diff place

Sona : say ! y did u call me yuvraj ? Is their any monster looking for u ?

Yuvraj kapoor : sona we have been married since  half a year nd u still call me yuvraj

Sona : mr .k wouldn’t sound weird

Nd then suddenly a couple pass by nd they hear them calling honey to each other

Yuvraj : sona I heard u study in pune nd I also live in pune y don’t we meet each other nd I would love to by a dinner for u , I also know a gud restaurant !

Sona : that’s not required  , let’s just have fun in game only

[ now we see the actual sona who is typing in her laptop nd she is seen in her room nd also she is wearing jeans nd top ]

Yuvraj :there is a saying …..that u don’t know whether u are playing with a dog or human . I just want to clarify so could u just send me a pic of ur ‘s .

Sona was just thinking about how to handle it nd suddenly the laptop gets closed nd she worries checking what happened suddenly . now we another girl who is checking if anyone is their outside or not nd after checking she closes nd goes to sona ,where is sona is seen repairing electric box

Girl : what happened sona ? y suddenly the power has gone ?

Sona : the circuit is out ele .

(the girl is shown to be Elena )

Elena : I just cook the noodles nd the circuit is gone (worrying ) . the warden will get mad on me if she finds out

Sona : can’t u just calculate the amt of electricity u need before cooking

Elena : come on sona yaar ! I am a computer science student not a electrical engineering . but what should I do now my noodles aren’t even cook up properly

Sona : what do u mean what to do ? just share half of with me now

Nd suddenly the light comes

Sona : done

Elena : u are awesome sona

Nd she goes to check her noodles nd

Elena : no wonder our cs girls can’t find our mr.right we do everything by ourselves what do we need guys for ?

Sona :  first of all I did the electric work but that has nothing to do with u not being able to find a bf nd secondly , my ol friend just ask me for a photo nd I suddenly disappeared , he must be thinking that I don’t dare to share my pic . so now u tell me how are u going to compensate me for the damage of mt reputation ?

Elena :ah… u mean ur partner yuvi.k ? wow sona …

Sona : hold on ! how do u know about that ?

So my epi ends here hope u all like it . plz give me lots of thumbs up nd ur reviews in comment box below . stay tune to my ff an online game love story ! for further updates . bubye !

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