One Sided College Love Story- Riansh OS

One Sided College Love Story- Riansh

Hey guys I’m back with an OS that was suggested by @Prabhleen, I’m working on your request @Tanya K, will post it soon.


Vansh with a group of his other friends were in the basketball court, taking a rest after playing a continuous set of matches. He sat down on one of the benches, panting after the non-stop and active play on the court against the opposition. He was a champion in basketball and he was selected specially to play for St. Mary College for the inter-college tournaments.

This was between colleges of all kinds where students would participate against each other in different categories. Vansh took his water bottle from his bag and poured it on top of himself, drenching himself with cool water that ran down his body. His hair was fully wet looking extremely hot and cute. The spectators, especially the girls gawked at him, admiring his handsome form.

Soon later one of the hosts announced a first time ever competition between girls and boys of different colleges, in basketball. Everyone cheered in excitement to spectate the interesting match.

“St. Mary College Boys vs Oshwal College Girls”

Vansh and his team looked out for their opponents. They were warming up on the court when one of the boys in the team, mocked girls

“We’re definitely going to win this….girls can’t win us. In fact I doubt if the girls can even play?” (laughing)

Vansh fisted his hand in anger listening to his mock….who said girls couldn’t play?

“Oh shut up! Why are you underestimating them, let them come and we’ll see. Girls can do anything now, stop bringing your cheap and stereotypical mind set here.” Vansh replied.

Vansh being the captain, had the power to teach and control everyone’s behavior. He hated it when someone belittled the opposition or underestimated them. Directing them in their positions, he saw the Oshwal College Girls team entering the court. As they took their positions, Vansh’s eyes were fixed on one of the girl’s, she seemed to be the captain of that team.

When he heard her being called by one of her fellow teammates, he murmured her name softly “Riddhima” and smiled. Riddhima saw him and felt something different, her heart smiled seeing him but her face was straight not wanting to distract herself. He was pulled out of his trance when the referee whistled and commenced the game.

Having taking the lead of the game, Vansh and his team dribbled the ball across while Riddhima and her team tried blocking and defending. He passed the ball to the others to confuse Riddhima and her team. Soon he took a long stride and went for shot, aiming for the basket. They got one basket in while Riddhima and her team made a few plans.

As the game proceeded to have a score of 4:2 to St Mary College, there was a short break given to the players. Vansh was quite impressed at the way the girls played, they played quite tough and defended well.  The boys and he sat down, panting while the girls along with Riddhima stood and planned for the next half of the game. They gathered forming a circle and discussed, seeing that Vansh had a smile painted on his face unknowingly maybe seeing the determination the girls had in them or just for the captain.

“You’ve seen how they play right? Now that’s how were are supposed to block and take shots. They’re extremely good players but we aren’t less!” Riddhima said instructing the rest of the girls and encouraging them.

She turned back and saw Vansh who had averted his gaze towards his team. She smiled seeing him, her eyes conveyed how much she adored him, how much his handsome face and body attracted her. She had some feelings boiling up within her but she was unsure, what if it spoiled everything?

Getting back to the game, the girls took a lead in the scores after following Riddhima’s instructions which had surprised the spectators as well Vansh and his team. Soon the boys had caught up with them, facing themselves a draw. The spectators cheered for both the teams and the mind blowing game they got to watch. It was a neck to neck play, a tough one indeed that had caught everyone’s breathes hitched at the final score.

Riddhima came forward to Vansh and let out her hand to him for a friendly handshake on which he responded with the same.

“This was a tough one indeed! Good play”.  Vansh commented while panting and sweating.

“It truly was, I’ve never come across any such player or team like this today….you all were trained really well I must say!” Riddhima responded.

They passed a smile to each other and turned away from each other. Their hearts were pacing fast, as if it would be in their hands in no moment. Riddhima turned towards him and stopped him.

“Mr Captain…wait!” Riddhima called out to him, causing him to turn.

Vansh, as soon as he heard her voice, fluttered in happiness and turned around.

“You can call me Vansh!” Vansh answered.

“Okay so Vansh, I’m Riddhima”. Riddhima smiled.

“I know that…I mean I had heard one of your teammates calling you that. Friends?” Vansh asked raising his eyebrows.

“Weren’t we already friends? I mean that’s what I consider when I play with others, I consider all of them my friends but yea sure why not.” She replied.

Their teammates called them and they left each other however they were only physically away but mentally they were with each other. Both had their thoughts occupied by each other, and half the time were lost in their dreamy thoughts. Riddhima and her team were in a café while Vansh and his team were in his college’s canteen.

“Riddhima! Where are you lost?” One of the teammates; Ahaana questioned.

“Vansh”. Riddhima replied dreamily.

“Looks like someone’s in love here!” Another; Ishani spoke in excitement in order to tease Riddhima.

“What nonsense yaar…instead of that we should focus on our next game!” Riddhima brushed the topic off.

“Love at first sight Riddhu…..not bad, that too with Vansh!” Sejal, one of Riddhima’s close friends winked, teasing her.

“Love at first sight? Really? But what if Vansh doesn’t have anything for me?” She wondered sharing it with Sejal.

“Love is all about taking chances….for your love even you should.” Sejal explained.

“But we’ve just become friends, I don’t want to spoil that at least. But you know Seju what I feel. I feel so special whenever he’s mentioned, my heart beats faster, as if I have a past relation with him. It feels like to always stay with him and keep adoring him, he’s such a gentleman. But I don’t want to keep my feelings in between our friendship.” Riddhima let out her feelings flow in the river of words in front of Sejal who kept smiling at her friend’s silliness.

On the other hand, Vansh in the canteen wrote down his feelings and the day’s happenings in his notebook unknown to him that his teammates were peering over his shoulders and secretly laughing at his writings.

“I see someone’s in love, that too first sight! Not bad Vansh, you’re indeed the captain of all of us.” Kabir said laughing and teasing.

“It’s bad manners to peek over something that’s not yours!” Vansh warned them all.

“Really then what if Riddhima is someone else’s?” Angre randomly questioned.

“Shit! I didn’t think about that… feelings, I don’t know what I should do.” Vansh mumbled away in confusion while Vyom, his other friend backed up, trying to show him the positive side.

“What if she doesn’t belong to someone? What if she’s not hitched with someone else?” Vyom positively said.

“I don’t care…it’s going to stay with me and you all, it’s not going to reach her! Get it! I don’t want to spoil our friendship at least.” Vansh said with a heavy voice.

“It’s a one sided love!” Riansh both said with a heavy and hurt voice.

Both of them were in love with each other but they couldn’t express it due to their insecurities that hindered their thoughts. Thinking it was a one sided love, both suppressed their feelings inside them unknown to them that it was a love story that had both their feelings mutually included.


Vansh’s POV

Riddhima and I haven’t met for 2 weeks at least now, it feels so weird. Even though I’m busy with term exams and all I still miss seeing her, I want her in front of my eyes, my eyes are yearning to see her, my ears are yearning to hear her voice. We have a friendly match with the boys of her college today, I wonder if I’ll see her. I wonder how she is….she would be busy too with her studies but does she even remember me?

I entered her college with my team, wandering around every corridor to extract information about the match. I walked up to the second corridor where my eyes widened and my heart fluttered for a second but then I frown seeing the scene in front of me. My Riddhima was there….I should be happy but not, she’s with a boy. Does that mean she’s really hitched up with someone? I wanted to go to her and punch the boy for touching her but I keep forgetting, it’s her life and her choice. I saw the boy getting closer to her, cupping her face and blowing gently in her eye. Is my Riddhima hurt? I wanted to rush when Vyom shouted my name and I turned to look at him directing me to the basketball court. Seems like the match was about to start.

I sighed and left from my place, still wondering at the thoughts that hovered upon me after I watched the scene before me.

Vansh’s POV Ends

Riddhima’s POV

I heard Vansh’s name…is here? Oh my god, I saw his figure but turning his back on me. My eyes finally found the peace they required. He’s here for a match, I have to meet him as friend. But if he came here, he must have seen me then why didn’t he come. Did he, no way! Did he see me and Aryan Bhai together?

He must have misinterpreted the situation! Aryan Bhai was helping me get off the dust that had entered my eyes after those ruthless and useless boys had a fight with Aryan Bhai. Gosh I need to talk to him, and maybe tell him that I’ve got no one in my life that would replace him. He’s my everything. I got up from my place, dragging Aryan Bhai along with me to the basketball court.

And there I saw him….I’m going to faint, someone save me!

Riddhima’s POV Ends

Riddhima got Aryan; her elder brother along with her friends to witness the match that was between Vansh’s team and their college’s team. During the play, Vansh noticed Riddhima there with Aryan, again misunderstanding the situation he ignored her. Her presence was attracting him however it was also distracting him from the game.

Riddhima realized that he had ignored her on which she was hurt. She waited till they had got a break on which she ran to him. She tapped him on his shoulder on which he didn’t respond. He knew who it was, after all he recognized her touch and fragrance. She tapped one again in anger and pain.

Not being able to bear his ignorance, he roughly pulled him around, forcing him to face her and slapped him. Tears brimmed in her eyes that were red of anger and pain while Vansh had his hand glued over to his cheek. Little did he know that his cute, little sweetheart had a strong hand? He pouted while the slap had drawn everyone’s attention towards them.

“What’s wrong with you? Why did you slap me?” Vansh said rubbing his cheek gently.

“And what do you thing you were doing….you ignore me so many times, pretending as if you can’t see or hear me. Is that what you call friendship?” Riddhima snapped being hurt.

“That doesn’t give you the right to slap me! You can do it on that boyfriend of yours but not on me!” Vansh yelled, hurt and pointing towards Aryan.

“Oh hello…in what way are you talking to her?” Aryan stepped in.

“Mr Boyfriend, I know you’re…protective of her but two friends are talking with each other, so better you not interfere! You’re making a huge scene here!” Vansh replied choking on his own words.

Are you mad? Shall I slap you another! He’s not my boyfriend, but he’s my brother Vansh!” Riddhima shouted.

“What!” Vansh shockingly let out shriek.

Riddhima looked at him hurt, not believing that a guy like Vansh would just consider what he saw as the truth but she deep inside knew that he cared and was jealous of seeing her with someone else. Vansh stepped in front towards her while she moved back. He looked guiltily at her and he as if understanding his eyes, slapped him again, making him pout once again with his hand on his other cheek.

“What was that for?” Vansh said cutely, pouting.

“Because you’re a duffer! You couldn’t have confessed your feelings but your eyes did.” Riddhima reasoned out and hugged him tightly.

They both were in tears and they both hugged each other tight. The rest who were spectating, cheered for them while they both confessed their love. Vansh kissed Riddhima’s forehead and went back to the game.

Soon after, the game finished and Vansh and Riddhima spent time together. They studied, played basketball as well as took out time to be together. It was college love story.

The End

I hope you all enjoyed reading this OS, I tried writing in a different way so I’m not sure how it came out. Do comment on how you found it.



Love art, love dance, love music and love my friends and fam❤❤ Huge fan of Dhvani Bhanushali (singer) and IMMJ2

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