Categories: Nima Denzongpa

Nima Denzongpa 3rd March 2022 Written Episode Update: Suresh and Tulika patch up

Nima Denzongpa 3rd March 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Nima says Krish missed his therapy appointment for today. He says anything else? Nima says no. Mona wonders why didn’t she tell Virat?

Tulika says I’ve never done anything good in life so I got one chance. I did it. I sent my house and paid Suresh’s property’s loan. She says I’ve taken a lot of things from you all. I’ve been very selfish. I took your house, your love, your peace. I can’t return your dad’s house but I can get you your aunt’s land. I have no right to love you. I will accept whatever Suresh decides for this marriage.

Virat says we can get married in a week. Krish will also get around it. We can do a big event later. Mona says Virat is right. Our parents aren’t alive. We will do a function later.

She says to Priyal get married. Chacha says who knows otherwise Krish might get married before Virat. Dadi says do what you want.

Scene 2
Nima says what? Tulika sold her house? Suresh says that’s what I can’t believe. She says people change with time. Aai did too. You should trust her. He says did you tell Virat about Mona? She says he would trust them. I need proof that can show what they did to Krish. Suresh says why does God bring problems in your life only.

Mona calls Nima. She says sweets for you. You have the first right on it. We share our happiness with poor people. Priyal and Virat are getting married that fast because of you only. Stay quiet in front of him. Priyal says take it and leave. Nima says I am happy for you. Thanks for the sweets, I will open my mouth on right time. Don’t take stress. Priyal says what did she mean? Mona says tonight will be her last night in this house.

Scene 3
Tulika says Suresh I have signed divorce papers, you can sign them too. I’ve loved you all my life but I could never keep you happy. I ruined many years of your life. She says aai… you’re my bestfriend. You’ve given me the best time of my life. You drank, played cards, joked around with me. we will keep meeting even after divorce. She says sign Suresh. Suresh takes the pen. He says ouch. Tulika says what happened? He says my hand is sprained. I couldn’t sign. Sunita says it’s court’s order. You have to sign. Suresh says let me try. He spills water on the papers and says sorry.. Tulika says what did you do? how will you sign now? Sunita says you are an idiot. Suresh says we didn’t come this far to give up. We fought all our lives, can we live rest of our lives happily? He extends his hand and says will you support me? Tulika says Suresh really? he says yes. We will start a new life based on happiness and truth. Tulika hugs him and cries.

Scene 4
Mona shows her jewelry to Priyal. Dadi says do you like it? Priyal says I only want your prayers and Virat’s love. and Krish accepts me. Dadi says don’t take his name. Nima comes in. She says aunty I got oil for you, I can massage your feet. Mona say don’t do this drama. Priyal says it smells so bad. Dadi says I am fine. Don’t do this drama. i know poor people. She wants to know how much money we have. Mona says you’re right. They steal all the time. Nima leaves. Virat hears it. He says I heard everything, I am very sorry. They shouldn’t have said that. They will apologize. Come with me. Nima says please.. it’s my problem. I will handle it. I am glad you trust me. I’m leaving this house in a few days. He says you’re too nice. thank you. Nima says congratulations. Finally you will grow up after wedding. He says I am not a kid. They laugh. She leaves.

At night, Nima is sleeping with Krish. Nima looks for the medicine. She checks cabnit. Chinkey is eating there. She says don’t tell anyone. Virat says what are you doing? nima falls. Virat holds her. She says this late? He says you? They both say was checking door. They laugh. Virat says you should sleep. Good night. Nima looks for the medicine. Someone comes to dadi’s room and steals a locket. Dadi wakes up. She says who is it? Krish’s nanny? What are you doing in my room? She faints her. Dadi can’t see clearly.


Update Credit to: Atiba

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